Региональные особенности геоэкологического состояния Витебской и Брестской областей Белоруссии
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
В статье проведена оценка геоэкологического состояния административных районов Брестской и Витебской областей на основе интеграции разнокачественных показателей – показателей степени экологического неблагополучия структуры землепользования (коэффициент относительной и абсолютной напряжённости эколого-хозяйственного баланса, коэффициент естественной защищённости Б. И. Кочурова, геоэкологический коэффициент И.С. Аитова) и показателей хозяйственного воздействия (выбросы от стационарных источников, изъятие воды; сброс сточных вод; образование отходов производства). По значению интегрального показателя выделено по пять групп районов с разным уровнем нарушенности природной среды, результаты представлены в виде карты-анаморфозы. Проведена сравнительная оценка особенностей трансформации территории и геоэкологического состояния Витебской и Брестской областей. В Витебской области выявлены недостатки в организации сети особо охраняемых природных территорий.
The article assesses geoecological condition of the administrative districts of Brest and Vitebsk regions based on the integration of different quality indicators - indicators of the degree of ecological trouble of the land use (B. I. Kochurov’s coefficients of relative and absolute intensity of ecological-economic balance and of natural protection, I. S. Aitov’s geoecological coefficient) and indicators of economic impact (emissions from stationary sources, extraction of water; wastewater discharge; waste production). According to the value of the integral indicator, five groups of districts with different levels of environmental disturbance were identified in each region, the results are presented in the form of anamorphosis map. A comparative assessment of the features of the transformation of the territory and the geoecological state of Vitebsk and Brest regions was carried out. In Vitebsk region sharp imbalance between the ecological statuses of districts is expressed: three most disturbed districts concentrate about 2/3 of the population, emissions, water withdrawal. In Brest region, only about 1/3 of the regional volumes of these values fall on three same districts. The level of transformation of the territory as a result of land use for the Brest region as a whole is higher – for most groups of districts the indicator of CR is more, and CG and CNP is less, than for similar groups of Vitebsk region. However, for the Vitebsk region, the value of CA is higher, which indicates a less optimal organization of protected areas in Vitebsk region, their noticeable lack in districts with medium and high disturbance.
The article assesses geoecological condition of the administrative districts of Brest and Vitebsk regions based on the integration of different quality indicators - indicators of the degree of ecological trouble of the land use (B. I. Kochurov’s coefficients of relative and absolute intensity of ecological-economic balance and of natural protection, I. S. Aitov’s geoecological coefficient) and indicators of economic impact (emissions from stationary sources, extraction of water; wastewater discharge; waste production). According to the value of the integral indicator, five groups of districts with different levels of environmental disturbance were identified in each region, the results are presented in the form of anamorphosis map. A comparative assessment of the features of the transformation of the territory and the geoecological state of Vitebsk and Brest regions was carried out. In Vitebsk region sharp imbalance between the ecological statuses of districts is expressed: three most disturbed districts concentrate about 2/3 of the population, emissions, water withdrawal. In Brest region, only about 1/3 of the regional volumes of these values fall on three same districts. The level of transformation of the territory as a result of land use for the Brest region as a whole is higher – for most groups of districts the indicator of CR is more, and CG and CNP is less, than for similar groups of Vitebsk region. However, for the Vitebsk region, the value of CA is higher, which indicates a less optimal organization of protected areas in Vitebsk region, their noticeable lack in districts with medium and high disturbance.
Ключові слова
структура землепользования, экологическое состояние, хозяйственное воздействие, интегральная оценка, Витебская область, Брестская область, land use structure, ecological condition, economic impact, integral assessment, Vitebsk region, Brest region
Бібліографічний опис
Соколов, А. С. Региональные особенности геоэкологического состояния Витебской и Брестской областей Белоруссии [Текст] / А. С. Соколов // Наукові записки Сумського державного педагогічного університету ім. А. С. Макаренка : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; Українське географічне товариство, Сумський відділ ; [редкол.: Б. М. Нешатаєв, С. І. Сюткін, М. О. Барановський та ін.]. – Суми : [СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка], 2019. – Вип. 10 : Географічні науки. – С. 11–20.