Світоглядний аспект естетичного виховання особистості в українській педагогіці
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
Мета статті – виокремити та схарактеризувати світоглядний аспект естетичного виховання особистості у вітчизняній педагогіці. Конкретизовано світоглядні позиції педагогів‐класиків та сучасних науковців щодо естетичного виховання дітей і молоді. Констатовано, що серед багатьох шляхів естетичного виховання мистецтво залишається однією з
найбільш популярних і ефективних форм естетичного виховання. Продемонстровано, що серед найбільш суттєвих напрямків естетичного виховання сучасні вітчизняні вчені виділяють: оволодіння естетичними знаннями в процесі вивчення навчальних предметів, організацію факультативів, естетичне виховання у позакласній та позашкільній роботі, естетичне виховання під впливом сім’ї, спонукання школярів до естетичного самовиховання.
The purpose of the article is to single out and characterize the worldview aspect of aesthetic upbringing of the personality in domestic pedagogy. Much attention is paid by the authors to the evolution of Ukrainian pedagogical thought in the study of the interaction of the arts in the aesthetic, cultural and spiritual development of the individual. It is noted that the problems of aesthetic education of youth were the subject of special attention of Ukrainian pedagogy of the XX century. Interesting approaches to aesthetic upbringing in pedagogical theories and practice of the outstanding teachers A. Makarenko, S. Myropolsky, V. Sukhomlynsky, K. Ushinsky and others are characterized. The article reveals the beginning of a new direction in aesthetic science of the late twentieth century, devoted to the study of the interaction of the arts in the aesthetic, cultural and spiritual development of the individual. The worldview positions of modern domestic theorists and teachers‐ practitioners on the aesthetic upbringing of children and youth are specified. It is stated that among many ways of aesthetic education, art remains one of the most popular and effective forms of aesthetic upbringing. The essence of artistic and aesthetic upbringing is clarified: in a broad sense – it is the formation of aesthetic qualities of the individual through his involvement in the values of art, world and Ukrainian culture; in the narrow sense – it is to provide specially organized conditions for the enrichment of the spiritual world of the individual by means of art, the formation of his aesthetic culture, worldview, values of artistic orientations in the socio‐cultural space. It has been shown that among the most important areas of aesthetic upbringing modern domestic scientists distinguish: mastering aesthetic knowledge in the study of subjects, organization of electives, aesthetic upbringing in the extracurricular activities, aesthetic upbringing under the influence of family, motivating students to aesthetics.
The purpose of the article is to single out and characterize the worldview aspect of aesthetic upbringing of the personality in domestic pedagogy. Much attention is paid by the authors to the evolution of Ukrainian pedagogical thought in the study of the interaction of the arts in the aesthetic, cultural and spiritual development of the individual. It is noted that the problems of aesthetic education of youth were the subject of special attention of Ukrainian pedagogy of the XX century. Interesting approaches to aesthetic upbringing in pedagogical theories and practice of the outstanding teachers A. Makarenko, S. Myropolsky, V. Sukhomlynsky, K. Ushinsky and others are characterized. The article reveals the beginning of a new direction in aesthetic science of the late twentieth century, devoted to the study of the interaction of the arts in the aesthetic, cultural and spiritual development of the individual. The worldview positions of modern domestic theorists and teachers‐ practitioners on the aesthetic upbringing of children and youth are specified. It is stated that among many ways of aesthetic education, art remains one of the most popular and effective forms of aesthetic upbringing. The essence of artistic and aesthetic upbringing is clarified: in a broad sense – it is the formation of aesthetic qualities of the individual through his involvement in the values of art, world and Ukrainian culture; in the narrow sense – it is to provide specially organized conditions for the enrichment of the spiritual world of the individual by means of art, the formation of his aesthetic culture, worldview, values of artistic orientations in the socio‐cultural space. It has been shown that among the most important areas of aesthetic upbringing modern domestic scientists distinguish: mastering aesthetic knowledge in the study of subjects, organization of electives, aesthetic upbringing in the extracurricular activities, aesthetic upbringing under the influence of family, motivating students to aesthetics.
Ключові слова
традиції естетичного виховання українського народу, духовно‐практичне освоєння дійсності, загальнокультурний розвиток особистості, traditions of aesthetic education of the Ukrainian people, spiritual and practical development of reality, general cultural development of personality
Бібліографічний опис
Бойченко М. Світоглядний аспект естетичного виховання особистості в українській педагогіці [Текст] / М. Бойченко, А. Никифоров, О. Гулей // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 3 (117). – С. 03–12. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2022.03/003‐012