Цільова програма професійно-педагогічного відбору суддів-викладачів – фактор результативності психолого-педагогічної підготовки професійних суддів у системі суддівської освіти України
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкрито значення освіти професійних суддів як одного з найбільш важливих критеріїв створення чесної, прозорої та ефективної судової влади й відображено важливу роль співпраці Національної школи суддів та канадського проекту «Освіта суддів – для економічного розвитку».
Суддя всіма своїми діяннями зобов’язаний підвищувати авторитет судової влади, зміцнювати віру громадян у чесність, незалежність, неупередженість та справедливість суду. Внутрішнє переконання cудді – це чітко обґрунтована упевненість, яка спирається на достовірно встановлені факти об’єктивної дійсності й заснована на всебічному і глибокому дослідженні всіх обставин справи. Автором висвітлені проблемні питання щодо використання інтерактивних технік при навчанні дорослих у системі суддівської освіти та доводиться важлива роль викладача у процесі формування свідомості суддів та розуміння важливої ролі судової гілки влади в побудові демократичної суспільства.
The article reveals the importance of the formation of professional judges as one of the most important criteria for the creation of an honest, transparent and efficient judiciary system, and highlights the important role of cooperation of the National School of Judges and the Canadian project “Education of Judges – for Economic Development”. The judge by all of his actions is obliged to increase the authority of the judiciary system, to strengthen the citizens’ faith in the integrity, independence, impartiality and justice of the court. Cuddy’s internal conviction is a well-founded confidence that is based on verifiably established facts of objective reality and based on a comprehensive and in-depth study of all the circumstances of the case. The author discusses the problematic issues regarding the use of interactive techniques in adult education in the judiciary system and highlights the important role of the teacher in the formation of the judges’ consciousness and understanding of the important role of the judicial branch in building a democratic society. Self-reflexion of the acquired experience convinces that the ability to take into account the psycho-physiological and emotional influences of colors on subjects of pedagogical activity in educational space is also an external pedagogical technique of the master-teacher. After all, the teacher can successfully use different colors to organize classroom/classroom interior, use appropriate shades in their clothing and surrounding objects, create multimedia presentations, etc. The language of color is universal, it is perceived equally regardless of nationality and culture. That is why it is extremely necessary for the teacher not only to have knowledge about the influence of colors on the psychoemotional and physical condition of a person, but also to use them professionally in the organization of pedagogical action, especially when developing the value experience of its subjects. Thus, summarizing the afore mentioned aspect of the psychological and pedagogical training of judges in the system of judicial education in Ukraine, we note that the novelty of the approaches is connected with the use of key ideas of psycho-pedagogy as an integrative science about the epistemological principles of professional activity of the teacher-master in relation to harmonious development of the personality, his/her pedagogical skills. Neuropsychology is the basis of the influence of the teacher – the main subject of pedagogical action. The constructivity of this approach is seen, first of all, in the holistic combination and use of the latest achievements, both of Nature Sciences and Humanities, in explaining the new pedagogical phenomena of the modern educational sphere.
The article reveals the importance of the formation of professional judges as one of the most important criteria for the creation of an honest, transparent and efficient judiciary system, and highlights the important role of cooperation of the National School of Judges and the Canadian project “Education of Judges – for Economic Development”. The judge by all of his actions is obliged to increase the authority of the judiciary system, to strengthen the citizens’ faith in the integrity, independence, impartiality and justice of the court. Cuddy’s internal conviction is a well-founded confidence that is based on verifiably established facts of objective reality and based on a comprehensive and in-depth study of all the circumstances of the case. The author discusses the problematic issues regarding the use of interactive techniques in adult education in the judiciary system and highlights the important role of the teacher in the formation of the judges’ consciousness and understanding of the important role of the judicial branch in building a democratic society. Self-reflexion of the acquired experience convinces that the ability to take into account the psycho-physiological and emotional influences of colors on subjects of pedagogical activity in educational space is also an external pedagogical technique of the master-teacher. After all, the teacher can successfully use different colors to organize classroom/classroom interior, use appropriate shades in their clothing and surrounding objects, create multimedia presentations, etc. The language of color is universal, it is perceived equally regardless of nationality and culture. That is why it is extremely necessary for the teacher not only to have knowledge about the influence of colors on the psychoemotional and physical condition of a person, but also to use them professionally in the organization of pedagogical action, especially when developing the value experience of its subjects. Thus, summarizing the afore mentioned aspect of the psychological and pedagogical training of judges in the system of judicial education in Ukraine, we note that the novelty of the approaches is connected with the use of key ideas of psycho-pedagogy as an integrative science about the epistemological principles of professional activity of the teacher-master in relation to harmonious development of the personality, his/her pedagogical skills. Neuropsychology is the basis of the influence of the teacher – the main subject of pedagogical action. The constructivity of this approach is seen, first of all, in the holistic combination and use of the latest achievements, both of Nature Sciences and Humanities, in explaining the new pedagogical phenomena of the modern educational sphere.
Ключові слова
суд, суддівська освіта, саморегуляція, педагогіна майстерність, психолого-педагогічні техніки, рефлексія, професійний суддя, інтерактивне навчання, тренінг, дистанційне навчання, цільова програма, court, judge education, self-regulation, pedagogical mastery, psychological and pedagogical techniques, reflection, professional judge, interactive training, training, distance learning, target program
Бібліографічний опис
Зуєва, Л. Цільова програма професійно-педагогічного відбору суддів-викладачів – фактор результативності психолого-педагогічної підготовки професійних суддів у системі суддівської освіти України [Текст] / Л. Зуєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 9 (73). – С. 52–67.