Роль учителів-агентів змін у формуванні готовності школи до інновацій: з досвіду зарубіжних досліджень шкільних реформ
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Метою статті є аналіз американських педагогічних досліджень щодо розвитку вчителя як агента змін; з’ясування ролі шкіл як професійних громад у вихованні готовності вчителів до інновацій у школах. Показано, що готовність учителів до змін конкретизується у професійних знаннях і вміннях, здатності до рефлексії та активного творення нового знання, які доповнюються вмінням співпрацювати на єдину мету та мати спільну відповідальність за результати діяльності. Ефективним механізмом підготовки вчителів як агентів змін слугують у США шкільні професійні громади, що навчаються. Подальші наукові розвідки можуть бути спрямовані на побудову моделей та розробку, з урахуванням зарубіжного досвіду, рекомендацій для українських освітян щодо підготовки вчителів до інноваційної діяльності в школах.
The purpose of the article is to define the conceptual characteristics of the teachers as change agents in American education studies as well as clarify the role of the professional learning communities in teachers’ readiness for innovations at schools. The teachers’ willingness for changes is seen as collective competence of the school staff which includes the individual and interpersonal components. These components are specified in teachers’ professional knowledge and skills, their capacity to reflection and new knowledge generation, supplemented with the ability to collaborate for a common goal and have a shared responsibility for the performance and success of each team member. Understanding the core of the «change agent» the concept is manifested through a set of the following elements: the teachers’ personal qualities as change agents; substantial amount of pedagogical knowledge they possess; empowerment; the problem ownership; the membership in a community of stakeholders; willingness to take risks; a sense of self-efficacy; motivation; knowledge of micropolitics of changes at school. Such basic characteristics of the teachers as change agents are formed through the mechanism of professional learning communities operation in schools. In modern American school reform studies, the effectiveness of professional learning communities at schools is highlighted as they contribute to the education of people with a new type of thinking (change agents). Such change agents can clearly understand the volume of work and difficulties of change process at schools, and are able to comprehend and evaluate the received information, and construct new knowledge. The following factors of effective professional learning communities operation are considered in the article: 1) common values and vision as a basis for the development of collective decision-making based on ethical standards; 2) shared responsibility for the students’ learning; 3) constant inquiry about the professional issues; deprivatization of practices; 4) all school staff cooperation; 5) learning in groups. The further studies may be focused on building the models and making recommendations for the Ukrainian educators for training the teachers as change agents at schools.
The purpose of the article is to define the conceptual characteristics of the teachers as change agents in American education studies as well as clarify the role of the professional learning communities in teachers’ readiness for innovations at schools. The teachers’ willingness for changes is seen as collective competence of the school staff which includes the individual and interpersonal components. These components are specified in teachers’ professional knowledge and skills, their capacity to reflection and new knowledge generation, supplemented with the ability to collaborate for a common goal and have a shared responsibility for the performance and success of each team member. Understanding the core of the «change agent» the concept is manifested through a set of the following elements: the teachers’ personal qualities as change agents; substantial amount of pedagogical knowledge they possess; empowerment; the problem ownership; the membership in a community of stakeholders; willingness to take risks; a sense of self-efficacy; motivation; knowledge of micropolitics of changes at school. Such basic characteristics of the teachers as change agents are formed through the mechanism of professional learning communities operation in schools. In modern American school reform studies, the effectiveness of professional learning communities at schools is highlighted as they contribute to the education of people with a new type of thinking (change agents). Such change agents can clearly understand the volume of work and difficulties of change process at schools, and are able to comprehend and evaluate the received information, and construct new knowledge. The following factors of effective professional learning communities operation are considered in the article: 1) common values and vision as a basis for the development of collective decision-making based on ethical standards; 2) shared responsibility for the students’ learning; 3) constant inquiry about the professional issues; deprivatization of practices; 4) all school staff cooperation; 5) learning in groups. The further studies may be focused on building the models and making recommendations for the Ukrainian educators for training the teachers as change agents at schools.
Ключові слова
агенти змін, професійна громада, що навчається, готовність школи до змін, change agents, professional learning communities, school readiness for changes
Бібліографічний опис
Шихненко, К. І. Роль учителів-агентів змін у формуванні готовності школи до інновацій: з досвіду зарубіжних досліджень шкільних реформ [Текст] / К. І. Шихненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 1 (45). – С. 42–51.