Пробація як форма ресоціалізації неповнолітніх правопорушників
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У статті аналізується зміст пробації як форми ресоціалізації неповнолітніх правопорушників. Характеризується соціально-педагогічна діяльність, яка є невідʼємною частиною пробаційних форм реосоціалізації неповнолітніх правопорушників, обґрунтовується дієвість пробації в ресоціалізації неповнолітніх правопорушників. Розглядаються завдання пробації неповнолітніх правопорушників, серед яких виділяють: організацію та здійснення контролю, надання соціальної та психологічної допомоги, проведення виховної та соціальної роботи з неповнолітньою особою, яка вчинила кримінальне правопорушення, організацію процесу медіації між неповнолітнім і потерпілим.
In the article the content of probation as a form of resocialization of juvenile offenders has been analyzed. Social and pedagogical activity which is an integral part of the probationary forms of resocialization of juvenile offenders has been characterized, effectiveness of probation in resocialization of juvenile offenders has been substantiated. Effectiveness of probation has been substantiated, as a matter of fact the probation toward juvenile offenders is an individual work which provides maintenance and support of persons aged from 14 till 18 years old which is carried out by taking into account age-related and psychological features of juvenile offenders and is aimed at providing their normal physical and mental development, prevention of aggressive behavior, motivation of positive changes of the personality and improvement of the social relations. In article it has been noted that probation is not simply the kind of punishment alternative to the confinement, or special agency of State administration, it is a system which gives juvenile offenders opportunity to be rehabilitated and adapt in society. Tasks of probation of juvenile offenders have been considered from which it is possible to distinguish: organization and monitoring of compliance by a juvenile offender with the responsibilities which were assigned to him by court, rendering social and psychological assistance at all stages of criminal trial, carrying out educational and social work with the juvenile personality who made a criminal offense, organization of process with the centers of social rehabilitation of juvenile offenders and the public, organization of process of mediation between the juvenile offender and the victim. It is concluded that juvenile offenders who are under probation, perform a variety of socio-pedagogical work, namely, supervision of a juvenile offender’s behavior conduct individual prevention work aimed at preventing them from committing offences and crimes, lectures, discussions and trainings on the skills of control emotions and the ability to communicate with others, the development of ethical and hygiene practices and needs to take care of their health, explain the harm caused to the victim; provide social services and assistance in solving social problems, learn to live an independent life, prepare for law-abiding behavior after the release and the like.
In the article the content of probation as a form of resocialization of juvenile offenders has been analyzed. Social and pedagogical activity which is an integral part of the probationary forms of resocialization of juvenile offenders has been characterized, effectiveness of probation in resocialization of juvenile offenders has been substantiated. Effectiveness of probation has been substantiated, as a matter of fact the probation toward juvenile offenders is an individual work which provides maintenance and support of persons aged from 14 till 18 years old which is carried out by taking into account age-related and psychological features of juvenile offenders and is aimed at providing their normal physical and mental development, prevention of aggressive behavior, motivation of positive changes of the personality and improvement of the social relations. In article it has been noted that probation is not simply the kind of punishment alternative to the confinement, or special agency of State administration, it is a system which gives juvenile offenders opportunity to be rehabilitated and adapt in society. Tasks of probation of juvenile offenders have been considered from which it is possible to distinguish: organization and monitoring of compliance by a juvenile offender with the responsibilities which were assigned to him by court, rendering social and psychological assistance at all stages of criminal trial, carrying out educational and social work with the juvenile personality who made a criminal offense, organization of process with the centers of social rehabilitation of juvenile offenders and the public, organization of process of mediation between the juvenile offender and the victim. It is concluded that juvenile offenders who are under probation, perform a variety of socio-pedagogical work, namely, supervision of a juvenile offender’s behavior conduct individual prevention work aimed at preventing them from committing offences and crimes, lectures, discussions and trainings on the skills of control emotions and the ability to communicate with others, the development of ethical and hygiene practices and needs to take care of their health, explain the harm caused to the victim; provide social services and assistance in solving social problems, learn to live an independent life, prepare for law-abiding behavior after the release and the like.
Ключові слова
соціально-педагогічна діяльність, пробація, ресоціалізація, неповнолітні правопорушники, Закон України «Про пробацію», служба пробації, social and pedagogical activity, probation, resocialization, juvenile offender, Law of Ukraine "About a probation", probation service, mediation, centers of social rehabilitation of juvenile offenders
Бібліографічний опис
Анголенко, В. В. Пробація як форма ресоціалізації неповнолітніх правопорушників [Текст] / В. В. Анголенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 8 (52). – С. 234–240.