Економічна безпека агробізнесу в умовах зеленого курсу та цифрової трансформації
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті викладено концептуальні основи економічної безпеки агробізнесу в умовах зеленого курсу та цифрової трансформації. Досліджено напрями, вимоги та умови реалізації Європейського зеленого курсу та подвійного переходу. Обґрунтовано, що з метою оцінки стану, динаміки та ступеня адаптації і відповідності стану суб’єкта агробізнесу Європейському зеленому курсу необхідно впровадити в систему менеджменту таких суб’єктів концепцію економічної безпеки в умовах зеленого курсу та цифрової трансформації. Проаналізовано сучасну теорію економічної безпекології на предмет розуміння категорії «економічна безпека бізнесу». Розроблено принциповий механізм декомпозиції економічної безпеки бізнесу. Зауважено, що умови зеленого курсу та цифрової трансформації впливають на економічну безпеку агробізнесу через системи її забезпечення та принципи функціонування.
The article outlines the conceptual foundations of economic security of agribusiness in the conditions of the green course and digital transformation. The directions, requirements and conditions for the implementation of the European Green Course and the double transition were studied. It is substantiated that in order to assess the state, dynamics and degree of adaptation and compliance of the state of the agribusiness subject to the European Green Course, it is necessary to introduce the concept of economic security in the conditions of the green course and digital transformation into the management system of such subjects. The modern theory of economic security was analyzed for the purpose of understanding the category "economic security of business". It was determined that one of the directions of deepening research in the field of economic security of business (enterprise, business entity) is taking into account industry affiliation, which specifies the concept of economic security of business with the help of factor characteristics. A principled mechanism for the decomposition of economic security of business has been developed based on the identification of a list of risks and threats capable of having a destructive effect on the subject of agribusiness, which, in general, became the basis for the development of the concept of economic security of agribusiness in the conditions of the green course and digital transformation, under which it is proposed to understand the state of the agribusiness entity, which characterizes its level of stability and adaptability to various threats and risks of exogenous and endogenous origin, which is ensured by effective and balanced implementation of resource, intellectual and strategic potentials. It is noted that the conditions of the green course and digital transformation affect the economic security of agribusiness through the systems of its support (organizational, informational, accounting, analytical, digital, control) and principles of functioning (emergency, analytical, synergism, scaling, innovativeness, sustainable development, circularity and regeneration, superadditivity and partnership).
The article outlines the conceptual foundations of economic security of agribusiness in the conditions of the green course and digital transformation. The directions, requirements and conditions for the implementation of the European Green Course and the double transition were studied. It is substantiated that in order to assess the state, dynamics and degree of adaptation and compliance of the state of the agribusiness subject to the European Green Course, it is necessary to introduce the concept of economic security in the conditions of the green course and digital transformation into the management system of such subjects. The modern theory of economic security was analyzed for the purpose of understanding the category "economic security of business". It was determined that one of the directions of deepening research in the field of economic security of business (enterprise, business entity) is taking into account industry affiliation, which specifies the concept of economic security of business with the help of factor characteristics. A principled mechanism for the decomposition of economic security of business has been developed based on the identification of a list of risks and threats capable of having a destructive effect on the subject of agribusiness, which, in general, became the basis for the development of the concept of economic security of agribusiness in the conditions of the green course and digital transformation, under which it is proposed to understand the state of the agribusiness entity, which characterizes its level of stability and adaptability to various threats and risks of exogenous and endogenous origin, which is ensured by effective and balanced implementation of resource, intellectual and strategic potentials. It is noted that the conditions of the green course and digital transformation affect the economic security of agribusiness through the systems of its support (organizational, informational, accounting, analytical, digital, control) and principles of functioning (emergency, analytical, synergism, scaling, innovativeness, sustainable development, circularity and regeneration, superadditivity and partnership).
Ключові слова
економічна безпека, агробізнес, зелений курс, цифрова трансформація, сталий розвиток, economic security, agribusiness, green deal, digital transformation, sustainable development
Бібліографічний опис
Богдан, С. Економічна безпека агробізнесу в умовах зеленого курсу та цифрової трансформації [Текст] / С. Богдан // Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека : науково-практичний журнал / Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [гол. ред. О. Ю. Кудріна, редкол.: В. В. Божкова, В. І. Борщ, Н. М. Вдовенко та ін.]. – 2024. – №1 (10). – С. 129–136. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.10-23