Формування навичок музично-композиторської творчості у майбутніх учителів музики
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У статті схарактеризовано основні підходи до організації роботи з формування навичок композиторської творчості студентів музичних спеціальностей. Обґрунтовується модель процесу навчання композиції майбутніх учителів музики.
The article describes the main approaches to organization of work on formation of skills of composition creativity of students of musical specialties. It explains the model of the process of learning the composition by the future music teachers. It is stressed that one of the most effective means of developing musical and creative abilities of the future teachers of music is composition. Involving into the experience of composing activity facilitates understaning of the logic of constructing musical works, their the most complete perception, successful professional self-realization, enhancing the development of musical hearing. The historical experience of the development of native music education shows that professional training of musicians using musical and creative approach most effectively started in the late XIX – early XX century. Among the leading education institutions, which provided the theoretical knowledge in basic musical subjects and practical skills of mass musical-creative work in school is to be called the Moscow Synodal College of Church singing. On the example of the Synodal school, it should be noted that in pre-revolutionary music pedagogy, providing training of choirmasters, in the framework of the Synodal school had developed versatile multi-level system of training of a choral specialist. The graduates of this College became professional singers, choirmasters, choir directors, choral composers, teachers of church and secular choral singing, teachers of music theory, specialists in choral arrangements, methodologists of school choral singing. Determining of the scope and nature of knowledge of the future teachers of music composition theory should be based on: • the system of sequential development of basic knowledge; • the practical need in the embodiment of a particular idea within the passage with the students of a particular academic theme. The study of means of musical expression should always be directed at the embodiment of the artistic image and not become an end in itself.
The article describes the main approaches to organization of work on formation of skills of composition creativity of students of musical specialties. It explains the model of the process of learning the composition by the future music teachers. It is stressed that one of the most effective means of developing musical and creative abilities of the future teachers of music is composition. Involving into the experience of composing activity facilitates understaning of the logic of constructing musical works, their the most complete perception, successful professional self-realization, enhancing the development of musical hearing. The historical experience of the development of native music education shows that professional training of musicians using musical and creative approach most effectively started in the late XIX – early XX century. Among the leading education institutions, which provided the theoretical knowledge in basic musical subjects and practical skills of mass musical-creative work in school is to be called the Moscow Synodal College of Church singing. On the example of the Synodal school, it should be noted that in pre-revolutionary music pedagogy, providing training of choirmasters, in the framework of the Synodal school had developed versatile multi-level system of training of a choral specialist. The graduates of this College became professional singers, choirmasters, choir directors, choral composers, teachers of church and secular choral singing, teachers of music theory, specialists in choral arrangements, methodologists of school choral singing. Determining of the scope and nature of knowledge of the future teachers of music composition theory should be based on: • the system of sequential development of basic knowledge; • the practical need in the embodiment of a particular idea within the passage with the students of a particular academic theme. The study of means of musical expression should always be directed at the embodiment of the artistic image and not become an end in itself.
Ключові слова
музично-композиторська діяльність, учитель музики, musical-composing, music teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Альгейс, А. Формування навичок музично-композиторської творчості у майбутніх учителів музики [Текст] / А. Альгейс // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова, та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 2 (66). – С. 11–20.