Мультилингвизм в системе профессионального образования будущего учителя иностранных языков
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В статье рассматривается суть плюрилингвального межкультурного образования и исследуются возможности его применения в системе вузовского образования Украины в процессе профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей иностранных языков. Плюрилингвальное межкультурное образование предполагает использование в системе обучения всех языков, которыми владеет учащийся: региональные языки, язики национальных меньшинств и мигрантов, языки образования, иностранные языки. Мультилингвизм в Украине является качественной предпосылкой для создания плюрилингвального межкультурного образования в системе профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей иностранных языков.
The aim of the article is consideration of the essence of the plurilingual and intercultural еducation and investigates the facilities of its application in the system of higher school formation in Ukraine, namely, in vocational training of future teachers of foreign languages. Plurilingual and intercultural еducation assumes using in system of training all languages which a learner knows: regional, minority and migration languages, languages of schooling, foreign languages. It must result in forming of plurilingual and multicultural personality. Priority is given to the cultural approach to the study of foreign languages, because it gives the opportunity not only to learn the verbal aspect of language, but also understand the view of the world media of this language. The method of theoretical analysis allowed us to gain insight into the issue and draw conclusions, that the multilingual Ukrainian society, including foreign languages are taught in schools, has good prerequisites for the use of ideas the plurilingual and intercultural еducation in the vocational training system of future teachers of foreign languages. During the formation of future teachers’plurilingual multicultural personality are at least four linguistic systems involved: first language (mother tongue) – language/languages, mastery of which takes place in early childhood; second everyday language – a language that is not native, but is used in everyday communicative person practice as the official language, the language of the media, language of education; first foreign language; second foreign language. The special value of this combination of special ties that while learning two foreign languages, students appear in a wider perspective for the development of meta-linguistic awareness, as a special form of the language of human consciousness, which has the ability to abstract and logical operations with multiple language systems. The formation of meta-linguistic competence is a new qualitative leap in the development of the language personality of the student. Modern educational institution must provide the necessary conditions for the formation of a plurilingual multicultural competence of future teachers of foreign languages in the unity of all its components. In addition, the development of multicultural language personalityof future teachers of foreign languages should beat the forefront of higher education, as this is a significant factor in the professional activity of the teacher of a foreign language in a multilingual education.
The aim of the article is consideration of the essence of the plurilingual and intercultural еducation and investigates the facilities of its application in the system of higher school formation in Ukraine, namely, in vocational training of future teachers of foreign languages. Plurilingual and intercultural еducation assumes using in system of training all languages which a learner knows: regional, minority and migration languages, languages of schooling, foreign languages. It must result in forming of plurilingual and multicultural personality. Priority is given to the cultural approach to the study of foreign languages, because it gives the opportunity not only to learn the verbal aspect of language, but also understand the view of the world media of this language. The method of theoretical analysis allowed us to gain insight into the issue and draw conclusions, that the multilingual Ukrainian society, including foreign languages are taught in schools, has good prerequisites for the use of ideas the plurilingual and intercultural еducation in the vocational training system of future teachers of foreign languages. During the formation of future teachers’plurilingual multicultural personality are at least four linguistic systems involved: first language (mother tongue) – language/languages, mastery of which takes place in early childhood; second everyday language – a language that is not native, but is used in everyday communicative person practice as the official language, the language of the media, language of education; first foreign language; second foreign language. The special value of this combination of special ties that while learning two foreign languages, students appear in a wider perspective for the development of meta-linguistic awareness, as a special form of the language of human consciousness, which has the ability to abstract and logical operations with multiple language systems. The formation of meta-linguistic competence is a new qualitative leap in the development of the language personality of the student. Modern educational institution must provide the necessary conditions for the formation of a plurilingual multicultural competence of future teachers of foreign languages in the unity of all its components. In addition, the development of multicultural language personalityof future teachers of foreign languages should beat the forefront of higher education, as this is a significant factor in the professional activity of the teacher of a foreign language in a multilingual education.
Ключові слова
мультилингвизм, плюрилингвизм, плюрилингвальное межкультурное образование, будущий учитель иностранных языков, языки образования, языковая личность учащегося, родной язык, иностранный язык, multilingualism, plurilingualismus, plurilingual and intercultural еducation, future teachers of foreign languages, languages of schooling, language personality of the student, mother tongue, foreign language
Бібліографічний опис
Стеченко, Т. А. Мультилингвизм в системе профессионального образования будущего учителя иностранных языков [Текст] / Т. А. Стеченко, Л. І. Ушакова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 2 (46). – С. 403–411.