Роль запитальних умінь молодших школярів для організації діалогової взаємодії в освітньому процесі
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
Стаття присвячена розкриттю значущості запитальних умінь здобувачів початкової освіти для організації діалогової взаємодії в освітньому процесі. Констатовано, що запитальні вміння є важливою життєвою навичкою ХХІ сторіччя. Окреслено основні функції питання та учнівського запитання. Представлено класифікацію запитань молодших школярів із позицій дидактики. Розкрито взаємозв’язок запитання й відповіді, їх вплив на стимулювання різних видів мислення – системного, раціонального, об’єктивного, критичного, творчого. Конкретизовано сутність понять «запитальні вміння», «розвиток запитальних умінь», виокремлено основні елементи цих умінь. Констатовано, що запитання, надто учнівське, є відправною точкою для діалогової взаємодії між учителем та учнем, між учнями у процесі освоєння нових знань і вмінь.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance of the questioning skills of junior schoolchildren for the organization of dialogic interaction in the educational process. It is stated, that questioning skills are an important life skill of the XXI century. The main functions of the question and the pupil’s question are outlined. The classification of pupils questions from the standpoint of didactics is presented. The interrelation between the question and the answer, their influence on stimulating different types of thinking – systemic, rational, objective, critical, and creative thinking are revealed. The essence of the concepts of “questioning skills”, “development of questioning skills”, the main elements of these skills is highlighted. It is stated that a question, especially a pupil’s one, is the starting point for dialogic interaction between a teacher and a pupil, between pupils in the process of mastering new knowledge and skills. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological sources to clarify the state of development of the problem from the standpoint of science and practice; generalization and systematization of scientific provisions to define concepts and identify functions of the question and questioning activity of schoolchildren, classification of pupils’ questions. The ability to ask questions and answer them is one of the of the priority problems of the world educational practice that Ukraine is currently mastering. At the New Ukrainian School preference is given to dialogic and group forms of learning, whereby pupils interact with each other and the teacher, they do not receive knowledge in a ready‐made form, but rather acquire it on their own. Considering that the ability to ask intelligent questions and answer them accordingly is one of the key life skills of the 21st century, the questioning skills of junior schoolchildren play a significant role in organizing dialogic interaction in the educational process of primary school. Junior schoolchildren’s questioning skills are necessary in many aspects of learning activities and knowledge of the surrounding world. This concept includes many indicators, has its own classification, importance in dialogic interaction, pedagogical conditions and rules. Only by understanding them and taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the junior schoolchildren, it is possible to improve the dialogic interaction in the educational process of a primary school. The pupils’ ability to ask questions to themselves and the external educational environment is the epicenter, the basis of effective dialogic interaction, a powerful driving force for the development and self‐realization of a pupil’s cognitive abilities. A pupil’s question, formulated in essence of the topic being studied, is a significant educational product that has the right to be evaluated among other personal educational achievements of junior schoolchildren. The authors include justification and development for further research pedagogical conditions for the development of junior schoolchildren’s dialogic speech by means of questioning activity.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance of the questioning skills of junior schoolchildren for the organization of dialogic interaction in the educational process. It is stated, that questioning skills are an important life skill of the XXI century. The main functions of the question and the pupil’s question are outlined. The classification of pupils questions from the standpoint of didactics is presented. The interrelation between the question and the answer, their influence on stimulating different types of thinking – systemic, rational, objective, critical, and creative thinking are revealed. The essence of the concepts of “questioning skills”, “development of questioning skills”, the main elements of these skills is highlighted. It is stated that a question, especially a pupil’s one, is the starting point for dialogic interaction between a teacher and a pupil, between pupils in the process of mastering new knowledge and skills. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological sources to clarify the state of development of the problem from the standpoint of science and practice; generalization and systematization of scientific provisions to define concepts and identify functions of the question and questioning activity of schoolchildren, classification of pupils’ questions. The ability to ask questions and answer them is one of the of the priority problems of the world educational practice that Ukraine is currently mastering. At the New Ukrainian School preference is given to dialogic and group forms of learning, whereby pupils interact with each other and the teacher, they do not receive knowledge in a ready‐made form, but rather acquire it on their own. Considering that the ability to ask intelligent questions and answer them accordingly is one of the key life skills of the 21st century, the questioning skills of junior schoolchildren play a significant role in organizing dialogic interaction in the educational process of primary school. Junior schoolchildren’s questioning skills are necessary in many aspects of learning activities and knowledge of the surrounding world. This concept includes many indicators, has its own classification, importance in dialogic interaction, pedagogical conditions and rules. Only by understanding them and taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the junior schoolchildren, it is possible to improve the dialogic interaction in the educational process of a primary school. The pupils’ ability to ask questions to themselves and the external educational environment is the epicenter, the basis of effective dialogic interaction, a powerful driving force for the development and self‐realization of a pupil’s cognitive abilities. A pupil’s question, formulated in essence of the topic being studied, is a significant educational product that has the right to be evaluated among other personal educational achievements of junior schoolchildren. The authors include justification and development for further research pedagogical conditions for the development of junior schoolchildren’s dialogic speech by means of questioning activity.
Ключові слова
молодші школярі, запитання, учнівське запитання, запитальні вміння, функції запитання, класифікація запитань, розвиток, діалогова взаємодія, junior schoolchildren, primary school, junior schoolchildren’s questions, pupils’ questions, questioning skills, questioning functions, question classification, development, dialogic interaction
Бібліографічний опис
Крівшенко Л. Роль запитальних умінь молодших школярів для організації діалогової взаємодії в освітньому процесі [Текст] / Л. Крівшенко, Л. Боженко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 10 (134). – С. 105–117. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.10/105‐117