Оволодіння механізмами евристичного освоєння теоретичних знань
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкриваються особливості оволодіння евристичними механізмами освоєння теоретичних знань із гуманітарних дисциплін студентами аграрних ВНЗ. Узагальнено основні види описаних у різних джерелах евристичних механізмів, подано їх характеристику та варіанти застосування під час виконання пізнавально-творчих завдань. Показано, як впровадження евристичних механізмів на заняттях із гуманітарних дисциплін перетворює звичний процес на творчість. Сформульовано концептуальні положення організації евристичного навчання для формування нових теоретичних знань за допомогою означених механізмів.
Ukraine joining the single European educational and scientific space needs changes in higher education. The realities of our time require constant creative development, movement to the unknown. Heuristic teaching is based on the use of certain specific interrelated operations, i.e. the mechanisms of heuristic activity. Our study has revealed that the issue of heuristic exploration of theoretical knowledge of the humanities is not well resolved, as well as the issue of heuristic mechanisms for their implementation in the system of higher agricultural education. The mechanisms designed for heuristic methods development of new theoretical knowledge should be aimed at developing productive thinking of the students. The effectiveness of all heuristic methods appears to establish links between the conscious and subconscious, intuition that «draws» the right information. We have attempted to summarize described in various scientific sources heuristic techniques. So, we may distinguish six common heuristic methods (analysis, transformation, transmission, reversion, induction, synthesis), which are divided into thematic techniques used to solve a certain number of tasks. The curriculum for a foreign language teacher sets the task to form the students’ theoretical basis of the language aspects: phonetics, grammar, lexicology, stylistics. During the process of learning the new theoretical knowledge the instructor provides attentive and systematic perception of new material in the form of heuristic conversation, the students record the basic principles and use different variants of definitions, assessments, interpretations. Then the students are given the opportunity using various mechanisms of heuristic creativity transform the basic theoretical knowledge according to their own understanding and degree of readiness to learn basic concepts, facts, patterns, synthesis, evaluation. Thus, we can single out the conceptual principles of educational process: 1) the formation of new theoretical knowledge is based on heuristic conversation and should be combined with independent work of the students, 2) a teacher deliberately creates problematic situations, the students have to analyze them and settle the problem, 3) evaluation is given mainly according to the ability to apply earlier theoretical knowledge in the new environment. The process of mastering theoretical knowledge is transformed into various forms of constructive mental retrieval in a foreign language, so there is a shift to an active creative interaction.
Ukraine joining the single European educational and scientific space needs changes in higher education. The realities of our time require constant creative development, movement to the unknown. Heuristic teaching is based on the use of certain specific interrelated operations, i.e. the mechanisms of heuristic activity. Our study has revealed that the issue of heuristic exploration of theoretical knowledge of the humanities is not well resolved, as well as the issue of heuristic mechanisms for their implementation in the system of higher agricultural education. The mechanisms designed for heuristic methods development of new theoretical knowledge should be aimed at developing productive thinking of the students. The effectiveness of all heuristic methods appears to establish links between the conscious and subconscious, intuition that «draws» the right information. We have attempted to summarize described in various scientific sources heuristic techniques. So, we may distinguish six common heuristic methods (analysis, transformation, transmission, reversion, induction, synthesis), which are divided into thematic techniques used to solve a certain number of tasks. The curriculum for a foreign language teacher sets the task to form the students’ theoretical basis of the language aspects: phonetics, grammar, lexicology, stylistics. During the process of learning the new theoretical knowledge the instructor provides attentive and systematic perception of new material in the form of heuristic conversation, the students record the basic principles and use different variants of definitions, assessments, interpretations. Then the students are given the opportunity using various mechanisms of heuristic creativity transform the basic theoretical knowledge according to their own understanding and degree of readiness to learn basic concepts, facts, patterns, synthesis, evaluation. Thus, we can single out the conceptual principles of educational process: 1) the formation of new theoretical knowledge is based on heuristic conversation and should be combined with independent work of the students, 2) a teacher deliberately creates problematic situations, the students have to analyze them and settle the problem, 3) evaluation is given mainly according to the ability to apply earlier theoretical knowledge in the new environment. The process of mastering theoretical knowledge is transformed into various forms of constructive mental retrieval in a foreign language, so there is a shift to an active creative interaction.
Ключові слова
евристичні механізми, студенти, евристичне навчання, теоретичні знання, організація навчання, гуманітарні дисципліни, пізнавально-творчі завдання, heuristic mechanisms, students, heuristic teaching, theoretical knowledge, training, humanities, cognitive and creative tasks
Бібліографічний опис
Білоцерковець, М. А. Оволодіння механізмами евристичного освоєння теоретичних знань [Текст] / М. А. Білоцерковець // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 316–322.