Випереджаюче навчання як засіб підготовки до школи дітей із порушеннями мовлення
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті представлено авторський погляд на використання елементів проблемного навчання в якості засобу підготовки до навчання в школі дітей-логопатів. Запропоновано аналіз поглядів на проблему пізнавальної діяльності осіб дошкільного віку з тяжкими мовленнєвими порушеннями. На основі літературного аналізу автором показано доцільність використання елементів проблемного навчання, зокрема, елементів випередження, для наповнення підготовчого передшкільного педагогічного процесу логопедичних груп спеціальних і масових загальноосвітніх дошкільних навчальних закладів.
The article presents the author’s view on the use of elements of problem-based learning as a means of preparing children with speech disorders for school. The article specifies the ambiguous role of modern information saturation that has both positive and negative impacts on the preparations for preschoolers. The readiness of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to school is especially sharp and one that requires adequate measures and means to ensure the full circumstances. The author presents an analysis of views on the interpretation of «readiness» and «training» for school from the standpoint of psychological and pedagogical trends and their individual components as well as the problem of learning of preschool-age children with severe speech disorders. So the scholars (E. Proskura) determine the psychological readiness to communicate; S. Kulachkivska, S. Ladyvir, S. Maksimenko offer the characteristic of the individual components of psychological readiness for school (morphogenetic, psychological, social) and N. Hutkina has added a generalized definition of pedagogical speech readiness. Through inter-related violations of speech and learning of school readiness of children with severe speech disorders, which is based on traditional approaches to learning reaches a low level. Indeed, by A. Vinokur, I. Demin, M. Mikhailyuk children with severe speech disabilities through speech pathology have significant deviations of individual mental functions caused by low bioelectrical activity and performance of the brain, developing various neurological and psychiatric syndromes suffer autonomic functions. These children, as Ivan Martynenko stresses, inherent a lack of motivation, accompanied by insufficient levels of self-control and self-control operations, reducing the need for verbal communication, identity formation in the central mental formations and the state of motivational and volitional components of individual children with speech disorders evidence of their motivational and volitional unwillingness to school and, accordingly, a psychological inability to school as a whole. On the basis of the views S. Lisenkov, L. Zankova, T. Kudryavtsev, A. Matyushkina, T. Napolnovoyi the feasibility of using problem-based learning (proactive elements) to fill the preparatory process of preschool teaching speech therapy groups and special general mass pre-schools is shown. In particular, the author summarizes that the use of the appointed means for teaching senior preschool-children with speech disorders will contribute to the knowledge of motivation and problematic wording provided these training problem-cognitive tasks help to optimize the processes of thinking, independent learning and use, arbitrary behavior, which in turn will guarantee full, optimal training of six-year- old children with severe speech disorders to learn in school.
The article presents the author’s view on the use of elements of problem-based learning as a means of preparing children with speech disorders for school. The article specifies the ambiguous role of modern information saturation that has both positive and negative impacts on the preparations for preschoolers. The readiness of senior preschool children with severe speech disorders to school is especially sharp and one that requires adequate measures and means to ensure the full circumstances. The author presents an analysis of views on the interpretation of «readiness» and «training» for school from the standpoint of psychological and pedagogical trends and their individual components as well as the problem of learning of preschool-age children with severe speech disorders. So the scholars (E. Proskura) determine the psychological readiness to communicate; S. Kulachkivska, S. Ladyvir, S. Maksimenko offer the characteristic of the individual components of psychological readiness for school (morphogenetic, psychological, social) and N. Hutkina has added a generalized definition of pedagogical speech readiness. Through inter-related violations of speech and learning of school readiness of children with severe speech disorders, which is based on traditional approaches to learning reaches a low level. Indeed, by A. Vinokur, I. Demin, M. Mikhailyuk children with severe speech disabilities through speech pathology have significant deviations of individual mental functions caused by low bioelectrical activity and performance of the brain, developing various neurological and psychiatric syndromes suffer autonomic functions. These children, as Ivan Martynenko stresses, inherent a lack of motivation, accompanied by insufficient levels of self-control and self-control operations, reducing the need for verbal communication, identity formation in the central mental formations and the state of motivational and volitional components of individual children with speech disorders evidence of their motivational and volitional unwillingness to school and, accordingly, a psychological inability to school as a whole. On the basis of the views S. Lisenkov, L. Zankova, T. Kudryavtsev, A. Matyushkina, T. Napolnovoyi the feasibility of using problem-based learning (proactive elements) to fill the preparatory process of preschool teaching speech therapy groups and special general mass pre-schools is shown. In particular, the author summarizes that the use of the appointed means for teaching senior preschool-children with speech disorders will contribute to the knowledge of motivation and problematic wording provided these training problem-cognitive tasks help to optimize the processes of thinking, independent learning and use, arbitrary behavior, which in turn will guarantee full, optimal training of six-year- old children with severe speech disorders to learn in school.
Ключові слова
мовленнєва підготовка, тяжкі порушення мовлення, випереджаюче навчання, проблемне навчання, speech training, severe speech, faster learning, problem teaching
Бібліографічний опис
Кравченко, А. І. Випереджаюче навчання як засіб підготовки до школи дітей із порушеннями мовлення [Текст] / А. І. Кравченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 134–142.