Інтеграція компонентів професійної культури майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування в умовах інформатизації суспільства
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Стаття містить результати дослідження щодо використання інтегративного підходу до формування професійної культури майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування в умовах кардинальних змін, пов'язаних із введенням великої кількості електронної техніки та автоматики у сферу обслуговування. Установлено, що інформатизація та автоматизація процесів у сфері обслуговування, на перший погляд, витісняють живу людську працю, однак ускладняються системи управління й виникає потреба у відповідному супроводі та адмініструванні. Запропоновано обґрунтовану теоретично і практично перевірену методику, яка інтегрує компоненти професійної культури, сформовані на різних видах культури. Зроблено висновок, що важлива роль відводиться духовним якостям працівника, ставленню до праці, культурі комунікації з клієнтами.
The article deals with results of a study on the use of an integrative approach to the formation of professional culture of future service professionals in the face of radical changes associated with introduction of a large number of electronic equipment and automation in the service sector. In the developed countries, there are already smart shops that do not provide sellers, vending machines replace the work of hairdressers, cooks, barmen ect. It was found that at different stages of historical development, the concept of culture of the service worker had changed. However, this concept has always included such aspects as courtesy in service and efforts for the best meet of customer requirements. In general, the level of the service worker's culture is one of the significant components of his professional competence. It has been found that informatization and automation of service processes, at first glance, displace "alive" human labour, but with the spread of automation processes, management systems have become more complicated and there is a need for appropriate support and administration. Experimental research has revealed that several teachers of professional disciplines have placed the cultural component almost in last place in the service specialist's structural model. The results of the study have shown an insufficient level of readiness of pupils and students to accept cultural knowledge as an important component of future professional activity. This necessitates appropriate work with pupils and students, as well as with teachers to increase the level of understanding the professional and cultural component of the service specialist. A well-founded theoretically and practically tested methodology is proposed, which integrates the components of professional culture formed on different types of culture (national, civil, ecological, economic, aesthetic, moral, legal, intellectual, labour, etc.). It was concluded that in addition to the professional skills of a service specialist, an important role was given to spiritual qualities of the employee, his attitude to work, the culture of communication with customers. The topicality of the problem of future specialists' professional culture formation is due to the urgent need of society for highly educated staff, and innovative requirements for the modern specialist include rethinking the organization, nature, methods and technologies of vocational education.
The article deals with results of a study on the use of an integrative approach to the formation of professional culture of future service professionals in the face of radical changes associated with introduction of a large number of electronic equipment and automation in the service sector. In the developed countries, there are already smart shops that do not provide sellers, vending machines replace the work of hairdressers, cooks, barmen ect. It was found that at different stages of historical development, the concept of culture of the service worker had changed. However, this concept has always included such aspects as courtesy in service and efforts for the best meet of customer requirements. In general, the level of the service worker's culture is one of the significant components of his professional competence. It has been found that informatization and automation of service processes, at first glance, displace "alive" human labour, but with the spread of automation processes, management systems have become more complicated and there is a need for appropriate support and administration. Experimental research has revealed that several teachers of professional disciplines have placed the cultural component almost in last place in the service specialist's structural model. The results of the study have shown an insufficient level of readiness of pupils and students to accept cultural knowledge as an important component of future professional activity. This necessitates appropriate work with pupils and students, as well as with teachers to increase the level of understanding the professional and cultural component of the service specialist. A well-founded theoretically and practically tested methodology is proposed, which integrates the components of professional culture formed on different types of culture (national, civil, ecological, economic, aesthetic, moral, legal, intellectual, labour, etc.). It was concluded that in addition to the professional skills of a service specialist, an important role was given to spiritual qualities of the employee, his attitude to work, the culture of communication with customers. The topicality of the problem of future specialists' professional culture formation is due to the urgent need of society for highly educated staff, and innovative requirements for the modern specialist include rethinking the organization, nature, methods and technologies of vocational education.
Ключові слова
культура, професійна культура, компетентність, сфера обслуговування, інформатизація, програмування, автоматизація, інтеграція видів культур, culture, professional culture, competence, service sphere, informatization, programming, automation, types of cultures integration
Бібліографічний опис
Козловський Ю. Інтеграція компонентів професійної культури майбутніх фахівців сфери обслуговування в умовах інформатизації суспільства [Текст] / Ю. Козловський, Н. Мукан, Л. Зельман // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 8 (112). – С. 150–158. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.08/150-158