Формування педагогічної компетентності вчителя математики та економіки
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У статті проаналізовано основні підходи до трактування понять компетентність, професійна компетентність, педагогічна компетентність та розглянуто визначені у психолого-педагогічній літературі рівні їх сформованості; досліджено педагогічну компетентність як основний фактор формування інтелектуального і духовного потенціалу країни відповідно до державної політики в галузі освіти та подано основні моделі побудови педагогічного процесу в системі освіти; розглянуто систему компетентностей на різних рівнях змісту освіти. Авторами запропоновано систему компетентностей в галузі педагогічної освіти з урахуванням особливостей підготовки вчителя математики та економіки.
The effective teacher training at pedagogical university is one of the pressing demands of the present time; the teachers’ professional development is based on the competency approach as one of the fundamental principles which defines modern methodology of the content of educational renewal. The teacher’s professional and pedagogical competence is a compound stable multilevel structure which is determined by a complex of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience and personal qualities. The contents of professional competence is determined by various factors: namely the level of science, technology, economy, education; the processes which are in progress in society; the social demands. The experience of countries which use competence approach to curriculum in recent years testifies to existence of common tendencies in regards to the attempts of developing a certain system of competences at different levels of curriculum. Such a system includes general or basic competences, general subject and special subject competences. The realization of the given system of competences in the area of pedagogical education has its peculiarities which are determined by the aim, the objectives and the content of education. While training a mathematics teacher with qualification in economics at pedagogical university general competences may be defined as the creative thinking ability, the realization of one’s place and role in the social environment; acquiring research skills and gaining experience; the ability to conduct a scientific discussion, reasonably prove one’s point of view; knowledge of modern information technologies. General-subject competences can be defined as a future professional’s ability to identify and distinguish mathematical ideas and notions; to analyze mathematical and economic processes, to assess them adequately; to know the fundamentals of economic development, the rules of becoming and functioning of economic system, dialectics of its structural elements relations. The following competences can be referred to as special subject competences: the ability to understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of educational process; mathematical, economic, informational competences. All of the competences mentioned above are interdependent and interconnected. The level of development of future economics and mathematics teacher is determined by the level of the competences formation.
The effective teacher training at pedagogical university is one of the pressing demands of the present time; the teachers’ professional development is based on the competency approach as one of the fundamental principles which defines modern methodology of the content of educational renewal. The teacher’s professional and pedagogical competence is a compound stable multilevel structure which is determined by a complex of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience and personal qualities. The contents of professional competence is determined by various factors: namely the level of science, technology, economy, education; the processes which are in progress in society; the social demands. The experience of countries which use competence approach to curriculum in recent years testifies to existence of common tendencies in regards to the attempts of developing a certain system of competences at different levels of curriculum. Such a system includes general or basic competences, general subject and special subject competences. The realization of the given system of competences in the area of pedagogical education has its peculiarities which are determined by the aim, the objectives and the content of education. While training a mathematics teacher with qualification in economics at pedagogical university general competences may be defined as the creative thinking ability, the realization of one’s place and role in the social environment; acquiring research skills and gaining experience; the ability to conduct a scientific discussion, reasonably prove one’s point of view; knowledge of modern information technologies. General-subject competences can be defined as a future professional’s ability to identify and distinguish mathematical ideas and notions; to analyze mathematical and economic processes, to assess them adequately; to know the fundamentals of economic development, the rules of becoming and functioning of economic system, dialectics of its structural elements relations. The following competences can be referred to as special subject competences: the ability to understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of educational process; mathematical, economic, informational competences. All of the competences mentioned above are interdependent and interconnected. The level of development of future economics and mathematics teacher is determined by the level of the competences formation.
Ключові слова
освіта, компетентнісний підхід, професійна компетентність, педагогічна компетентність, зміст освіти, рівні освіти, competence, education, competence approach, professional competence, pedagogical competence, content of education, level of education
Бібліографічний опис
Мартиненко, О. В. Формування педагогічної компетентності вчителя математики та економіки [Текст] / О. В. Мартиненко, Г. І. Ковтун // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 334–343.