Особливості використання мотиваційних механізмів у вивченні іноземної мови студентами ВТНЗ
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Стаття присвячена проблемі підвищення мотивації студентів у формуванні іншомовної компетентності. Аналіз навчального процесу у системі вищої школи та вивчення іноземної мови зокрема у немовних ВНЗ свідчить про необхідність врахування чинника мотивації як одного зі складових вирішення проблеми оптимізації освіти та забезпечення якості освіти. Охарактеризовано типи навчальної мотивації та проаналізовано фактори, які формують позитивну мотивацію студентів технічних спеціальностей. Визначено основні механізми на різних рівнях мотивації, розглянуто потенціал мотиваційних механізмів, які може застосовувати педагог для підвищення ефективності навчальної діяльності студентів.
The article deals with the problem of theoretical and practical approaches to motivating students to study a foreign language and explores the significance of motivation as a contributing factor in second language acquisition. The analysis of the studying process in higher schools and learning a foreign language in non-language universities in particular demonstrates the need to consider the factor of motivation as one of the components of the solution to the problem of education optimization and quality assurance. The integrative and instrumental types of learning motivation have been characterized and the factors creating positive motivation of technical students have been analyzed. Both forms of motivation are examined in the light of research which has been undertaken to establish the correlation between the forms and factors of motivation and successful second language acquisition. It is pointed out that positive integrative motivation is the key factor driving language learning success. The basic mechanisms at different levels of motivation, the potential of motivational mechanisms that could be used by a teacher to improve training activities of the students have been examined. It is mentioned that in order to make the language learning process a more motivating experience the instructors need to put a great deal of thought into developing programs and applying methods which maintain student’s interest and create steady motivation. The aspects which make a difference in the success of learning a foreign language, i.e. language aptitude, personality, attitude and motivation can promote willingness to work hard. Thus, tapping into motivation proves to be crucial for language teachers and elaborating and adopting of motivational teaching practice helps the learners «find their passion». Different ways of teachers’ helping learners to bring their passion into the classroom are discussed as well as teachers’ enthusiasm, creativity, stimulation of the students ideas, the use of motivating activities and encouragement of the students are highly appreciated. The emphasis in the present research is on the conscious strategies that can be used to foster classroom motivation. There have been also mentioned some self-motivating strategies which are particularly important in second language learning due to the long-lasting nature of the process. It is also stressed that raising student awareness of relevant strategies and reminding them of their usefulness has a considerable empowering effect. The paper makes an attempt to incorporate direct and indirect approaches to generating student motivation which may be adopted in teaching practice and make the classroom climate more motivating. A teacher’s job is to teach the students how to cultivate motivation, find it in areas where they don’t expect it and take more satisfaction in their successes and progresses.
The article deals with the problem of theoretical and practical approaches to motivating students to study a foreign language and explores the significance of motivation as a contributing factor in second language acquisition. The analysis of the studying process in higher schools and learning a foreign language in non-language universities in particular demonstrates the need to consider the factor of motivation as one of the components of the solution to the problem of education optimization and quality assurance. The integrative and instrumental types of learning motivation have been characterized and the factors creating positive motivation of technical students have been analyzed. Both forms of motivation are examined in the light of research which has been undertaken to establish the correlation between the forms and factors of motivation and successful second language acquisition. It is pointed out that positive integrative motivation is the key factor driving language learning success. The basic mechanisms at different levels of motivation, the potential of motivational mechanisms that could be used by a teacher to improve training activities of the students have been examined. It is mentioned that in order to make the language learning process a more motivating experience the instructors need to put a great deal of thought into developing programs and applying methods which maintain student’s interest and create steady motivation. The aspects which make a difference in the success of learning a foreign language, i.e. language aptitude, personality, attitude and motivation can promote willingness to work hard. Thus, tapping into motivation proves to be crucial for language teachers and elaborating and adopting of motivational teaching practice helps the learners «find their passion». Different ways of teachers’ helping learners to bring their passion into the classroom are discussed as well as teachers’ enthusiasm, creativity, stimulation of the students ideas, the use of motivating activities and encouragement of the students are highly appreciated. The emphasis in the present research is on the conscious strategies that can be used to foster classroom motivation. There have been also mentioned some self-motivating strategies which are particularly important in second language learning due to the long-lasting nature of the process. It is also stressed that raising student awareness of relevant strategies and reminding them of their usefulness has a considerable empowering effect. The paper makes an attempt to incorporate direct and indirect approaches to generating student motivation which may be adopted in teaching practice and make the classroom climate more motivating. A teacher’s job is to teach the students how to cultivate motivation, find it in areas where they don’t expect it and take more satisfaction in their successes and progresses.
Ключові слова
інтегративна мотивація, інструментальна мотивація, оптимізація навчально-пізнавальної діяльності, іншомовні компетенції, позитивні мотиви, інтегруючі принципи, мотиваційні механізми, мотиваційний чинник, integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, optimization of teaching and learning, foreign language competence, positive motivation, integrating principles of motivational mechanisms, motivating factor
Бібліографічний опис
Літвінчук, А. Т. Особливості використання мотиваційних механізмів у вивченні іноземної мови студентами ВТНЗ [Текст] / А. Т. Літвінчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 3 (47). – С. 377–384.