Когнітивно-компетентнісний критерій сформованості професійної компетентності майбутніх агентів комерційної діяльності
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкрито зміст когнітивно-компетентнісного критерію сформованості професійної компетентності майбутніх агентів комерційної діяльності. Визначено вимоги до формування професійної компетентності майбутніх агентів комерційної діяльності за когнітивно-компетентнісним критерієм: знання основ ринкової економіки, організації комерційної роботи на підприємствах, основ ринкового ціноутворення, маркетингу та менеджменту, основ прогресивної технології руху товару тощо. Доведено, що професійна компетентність включає такі компетентності: спеціальна, навчально-пізнавальна, інформатична, технологічна, комунікативна, особистісна. Розкрито показники когнітивно-компетентнісного критерію.
The content of the cognitive-competence criterion of the formation of professional competence of future commercial activity agents is disclosed in the article. It is established that today in pedagogical science there are different approaches to the definition of criteria and indicators of the formation of specialists' professional qualities and characteristics based on motives, values, needs, knowledge, skills, experience, self-esteem, ability to self-examination, self-determination. The aim of the article is to reveal the content of the cognitive-competence criterion of the formation of the professional competence of future agents of commercial activity. Theoretical (analysis of philosophical, economic, pedagogical literature) methods of research were used. The structure of professional competence of future agents of commercial activity as a unity of such criteria as motivational-value, cognitive-competence, personality-activity is considered. Requirements for the formation of professional competence of future agents of commercial activity according to the cognitive-competence criterion are: knowledge of the basics of a market economy, organization of commercial work in enterprises, the basics of market pricing, marketing and management, the bases of advanced technology of movement of goods, organization of commodity supply and advertising work, modern methods of financial-business activity of the enterprise, the basis of legislation, foreign language business communication, computer processing of accounting documentation, case management and typewriting. It is proved that professional competence involves several lines of analysis: special, educational, cognitive, informatics, technological, communicative, personal competencies, each of which has its own aspect of development. The indicators of the cognitive-competence criterion are revealed: various professional knowledge (completeness, depth, strength, systematization); independent solution of professional tasks and creative use of the experience of others; awareness of their capabilities in the professional and personal spheres, formation of components of professional competence (special, cognitive, informatics, technological, communicative, personal).
The content of the cognitive-competence criterion of the formation of professional competence of future commercial activity agents is disclosed in the article. It is established that today in pedagogical science there are different approaches to the definition of criteria and indicators of the formation of specialists' professional qualities and characteristics based on motives, values, needs, knowledge, skills, experience, self-esteem, ability to self-examination, self-determination. The aim of the article is to reveal the content of the cognitive-competence criterion of the formation of the professional competence of future agents of commercial activity. Theoretical (analysis of philosophical, economic, pedagogical literature) methods of research were used. The structure of professional competence of future agents of commercial activity as a unity of such criteria as motivational-value, cognitive-competence, personality-activity is considered. Requirements for the formation of professional competence of future agents of commercial activity according to the cognitive-competence criterion are: knowledge of the basics of a market economy, organization of commercial work in enterprises, the basics of market pricing, marketing and management, the bases of advanced technology of movement of goods, organization of commodity supply and advertising work, modern methods of financial-business activity of the enterprise, the basis of legislation, foreign language business communication, computer processing of accounting documentation, case management and typewriting. It is proved that professional competence involves several lines of analysis: special, educational, cognitive, informatics, technological, communicative, personal competencies, each of which has its own aspect of development. The indicators of the cognitive-competence criterion are revealed: various professional knowledge (completeness, depth, strength, systematization); independent solution of professional tasks and creative use of the experience of others; awareness of their capabilities in the professional and personal spheres, formation of components of professional competence (special, cognitive, informatics, technological, communicative, personal).
Ключові слова
компетентність, професійна компетентність, агенти комерційної діяльності, критерій, когнітивно-компетентнісний критерій, сформованість професійної компетентності, показники когнітивно-компетентнісного критерію, competence, professional competence, agents of commercial activity, criterion, cognitive-competence criterion, formation of professional competence
Бібліографічний опис
Саблук, О. Когнітивно-компетентнісний критерій сформованості професійної компетентності майбутніх агентів комерційної діяльності [Текст] / О. Саблук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 10 (84). – С. 156–167.