Рухливі ігри як засіб підвищення фізичної підготовленості та виховання патріотизму й морально-вольових якостей підлітків у позаурочний час
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
На основі систематизації та аналізу літературних даних і передового педагогічного досвіду вивчено вплив рухливих ігор на виховання патріотизму й морально-вольових якостей дітей підліткового віку як на уроках фізичної культури, так і в позаурочний час. У результаті дослідження встановлено, що розроблена експериментальна методика, яка базується на систематичному застосуванні рухливих ігор, є ефективною та призвела до підвищення рівня фізичної підготовленості, виховання національної свідомості й удосконалення морально-вольових якостей дітей підліткового віку в позаурочний час.
On the basis of systematization and analysis of literary data and advanced pedagogical experience, the influence of outdoor games on the moral-volitional qualities of adolescents has been studied. The technique of increasing the level of physical condition of schoolchildren with the help of outdoor games with patriotic education in extracurricular activities has been developed and experimentally tested. Aim: substantiation and demonstration of the effectiveness of the experimental method of increasing the level of physical condition and improving the moral-volitional qualities of adolescents through outdoor games directed at patriotic upbringing in extracurricular activities. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the investigation were the principles of the scientific theory, conceptual principles of psychology and pedagogy, which shows the most important issues of analysis of socio-psychological and pedagogical phenomena, the basic principles of the program of physical education for institutions of secondary education, which determined that among the main tasks of schools and teachers of Physical education there is development of physical qualities. Scientific novelty. The hypothesis of the study is that the experimental method developed by us will lead to an increase of level of physical condition and improvement of the moral-volitional qualities of adolescents through outdoor games directed at patriotic upbringing in extracurricular activities. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of literary sources it has been found out that outdoor games are one of the main means not only of development and improvement of physical but also moral-volitional qualities of teenage children, both at the lessons of physical education and extracurricular activities. During the study it has been found out that the use of outdoor games directed at patriotic upbringing, which are components of the experimental methodology, will lead to an increase in the level of physical condition and improve moral-volitional qualities of adolescents.
On the basis of systematization and analysis of literary data and advanced pedagogical experience, the influence of outdoor games on the moral-volitional qualities of adolescents has been studied. The technique of increasing the level of physical condition of schoolchildren with the help of outdoor games with patriotic education in extracurricular activities has been developed and experimentally tested. Aim: substantiation and demonstration of the effectiveness of the experimental method of increasing the level of physical condition and improving the moral-volitional qualities of adolescents through outdoor games directed at patriotic upbringing in extracurricular activities. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the investigation were the principles of the scientific theory, conceptual principles of psychology and pedagogy, which shows the most important issues of analysis of socio-psychological and pedagogical phenomena, the basic principles of the program of physical education for institutions of secondary education, which determined that among the main tasks of schools and teachers of Physical education there is development of physical qualities. Scientific novelty. The hypothesis of the study is that the experimental method developed by us will lead to an increase of level of physical condition and improvement of the moral-volitional qualities of adolescents through outdoor games directed at patriotic upbringing in extracurricular activities. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of literary sources it has been found out that outdoor games are one of the main means not only of development and improvement of physical but also moral-volitional qualities of teenage children, both at the lessons of physical education and extracurricular activities. During the study it has been found out that the use of outdoor games directed at patriotic upbringing, which are components of the experimental methodology, will lead to an increase in the level of physical condition and improve moral-volitional qualities of adolescents.
Ключові слова
підлітки, рухливі ігри, рівень фізичної підготовленості, морально-вольові якості, патріотичне виховання, експериментальна методика, teenagers, outdoor games, level of physical condition, moral-volitional qualities, patriotic education, experimental technique
Бібліографічний опис
Гученко, А. Рухливі ігри як засіб підвищення фізичної підготовленості та виховання патріотизму й морально-вольових якостей підлітків у позаурочний час [Текст] / А. Гученко, Л. Прокопова, О. Міщенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 1 (95). – С. 50–62. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.01/050-062.