Структурно-логічна модель технології контекстного навчання майбутнього вчителя початкових класів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У представленій статті розглянуто етимологію поняття «модель», зафіксовано певні характеристики зазначеного феномену. Репрезентовано модель технології контекстного навчання майбутнього вчителя початкових класів. В узагальненому схематичному вигляді показано її структуру й логіку. Схарактеризовано мету технології, її концептуальну, змістовну й процесуальну частини, а також результат. Відбито процес практичного впровадження технології контекстного навчання майбутнього вчителя початкових класів у рефлексивно-контекстному освітньому середовищі ВНЗ.
In the present article the etymology of the term «model» is presented, the qualities of the model (relevance, the similarity of the original system, commitment, distraction, abstraction of some parts and the system parameters of the original, representation, extrapolation are stated. There are certain characteristics of the phenomenon: its correlation with a particular object or process reality; schematic; convenience for review or manipulation; always create man; opportunity not referring directly to the original, to make that ideal action to investigate its properties and present them in a visual way. The represented model of contextual education technology of a future primary school teacher is shown in the schematic of the structure and logic. The author determines the purpose technologies associated with the formation of the aggregate reflective constructs of primary school teachers (productive purpose), with a professional context modeling within-reflexive contextual environment (procedural purpose). The analysis of the conceptual part, based on the reflective paradigm of education as poly-paradigmatic synthesis of cognitive, personal, semantic paradigms of education as well as systematic, axiological, acmeological, active, subjective, contextual, reflexive, technological and environmental approaches of a task. We consider the content of the proposed technology, containing a structural component (holistic professional experience of a primary school teacher) and a dynamic component (the transformation of motives reflex genesis, sense genesis, subject-genesis). It deals with the procedural part of the technology under adaptive-technology, simulation and technological and vocational stages of the process and its pedagogical tool and as a combination of simulation non-simulation (gaming and non-gaming), organizational learning context type and techniques of bilateral presentation of the material, which is discussion, dialogue, polylogue. The practical implementation of learning technology context of a primary school teacher in a reflexive context-university educational environment as multi-system conditions, namely, external and internal, objective and custom designed are reflected. It is proved that the qualitative characteristics of reflexive-context environment is immersive presence, interactivity. It is shown that the implementation of technology learning is a contextual formation of the reflective competence and reflexive deterministic constructs, which are the motivational sphere, meanings, professional subjectivity of a primary school teacher.
In the present article the etymology of the term «model» is presented, the qualities of the model (relevance, the similarity of the original system, commitment, distraction, abstraction of some parts and the system parameters of the original, representation, extrapolation are stated. There are certain characteristics of the phenomenon: its correlation with a particular object or process reality; schematic; convenience for review or manipulation; always create man; opportunity not referring directly to the original, to make that ideal action to investigate its properties and present them in a visual way. The represented model of contextual education technology of a future primary school teacher is shown in the schematic of the structure and logic. The author determines the purpose technologies associated with the formation of the aggregate reflective constructs of primary school teachers (productive purpose), with a professional context modeling within-reflexive contextual environment (procedural purpose). The analysis of the conceptual part, based on the reflective paradigm of education as poly-paradigmatic synthesis of cognitive, personal, semantic paradigms of education as well as systematic, axiological, acmeological, active, subjective, contextual, reflexive, technological and environmental approaches of a task. We consider the content of the proposed technology, containing a structural component (holistic professional experience of a primary school teacher) and a dynamic component (the transformation of motives reflex genesis, sense genesis, subject-genesis). It deals with the procedural part of the technology under adaptive-technology, simulation and technological and vocational stages of the process and its pedagogical tool and as a combination of simulation non-simulation (gaming and non-gaming), organizational learning context type and techniques of bilateral presentation of the material, which is discussion, dialogue, polylogue. The practical implementation of learning technology context of a primary school teacher in a reflexive context-university educational environment as multi-system conditions, namely, external and internal, objective and custom designed are reflected. It is proved that the qualitative characteristics of reflexive-context environment is immersive presence, interactivity. It is shown that the implementation of technology learning is a contextual formation of the reflective competence and reflexive deterministic constructs, which are the motivational sphere, meanings, professional subjectivity of a primary school teacher.
Ключові слова
модель технології контекстного навчання майбутнього вчителя початкових класів, рефлексивна парадигма освіти, принципи контекстного навчання, педагогічний інструментарій технології контекстного навчання, рефлексивна компетентність, мотиваційна сфера, смисли, професійна суб’єктність, рефлексивно-контекстне освітнє середовище, model of contextual learning technologies of the future primary school teachers, reflexive paradigm of education, principles of contextual learning, ptools contextual learning technologies, reflexive competence, motivational sphere, meanings, professional subjectivity, reflexive and contextual learning environment
Бібліографічний опис
Желанова, В. В. Структурно-логічна модель технології контекстного навчання майбутнього вчителя початкових класів [Текст] / В. В. Желанова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 184–193.