Організаційна структура закладу вищої освіти та виклики часу: від теорії до практики
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
На основі теоретичного аналізу у статі стверджується, що організаційна структура закладу вищої освіти тяжіє до узгодження із його стратегічними завданнями. Традиційно вона є ієрархічно-структурованою, оскільки спрямована на досягнення результатів (трансляцію знань) найкоротшим та найефективнішим шляхом. Доводиться, що демократизація суспільного устрою передбачає розширення горизонтальних структур організації закладу і його переходу на конгломератний тип із матричною структурою. Аналіз сайтів закладів вищої освіти України та Польщі вказав на зміни позиції студента. Зафіксована заміна виховного напряму роботи зі студентом у закладі вищої освіти республіки Польщі та частково України на «соціалізуючий напрям» указує на демократизацію процесів управління з посиленням суб'єктної позиції студента, ініціюючи тим самим відповідні зміни і в його структурі.
Democratization of the educational process in conditions of globalization, strengthening of the requirements for self-sufficiency of the modern student initiates review of the activities of higher education institutions from different positions, one of which is its organizational structure. The aim of the article is to reveal theoretical and practical achievements on the study of organizational structure of the institution of higher education in the context of the changed strategy for assessing position of the student in the higher education system. Methods of research - theoretical analysis of scientific and literary sources on the development of organizational structure of higher education institution; analysis of HEI sites regarding reflection of work with the student at the level of their organizational structure. The basis of the empirical parts of the study was the sites of higher education institutions of Ukraine and, in part, the Republic of Poland. On the basis of the theoretical analysis it is argued that organizational structure of higher education institution tends to be consistent with its strategic objectives. Traditionally, it is hierarchically structured, because it is aimed at achieving results (translation of knowledge) in the shortest and most effective way. It is proved that democratization of the social system involves expansion of the horizontal structures of the institution and its transition to a conglomerate type with a matrix structure. Horizontal structure of HEI organization must be constantly reviewed on the basis of local goals, which will ensure the flexibility of its response to external challenges. Any educational changes cannot be spontaneous, but they must be realized consciously, consistently, in stages, taking into account micro-level processes, that is, users of educational services, which are increasingly gaining signs of the subjects of the management process. The analysis of the sites of higher education institutions in Ukraine and Poland indicated changes in the student's position. Replacement of the educational direction of work with a student in the institution of higher education of the Republic of Poland and, in part, Ukraine into a "socializing direction" indicates democratization of management processes with strengthening of the student's subjective position, thus initiating corresponding changes its structure. Perspective direction for further research can be comparative studies on development of organizational structures of higher education institutions in the context of democratic changes in society.
Democratization of the educational process in conditions of globalization, strengthening of the requirements for self-sufficiency of the modern student initiates review of the activities of higher education institutions from different positions, one of which is its organizational structure. The aim of the article is to reveal theoretical and practical achievements on the study of organizational structure of the institution of higher education in the context of the changed strategy for assessing position of the student in the higher education system. Methods of research - theoretical analysis of scientific and literary sources on the development of organizational structure of higher education institution; analysis of HEI sites regarding reflection of work with the student at the level of their organizational structure. The basis of the empirical parts of the study was the sites of higher education institutions of Ukraine and, in part, the Republic of Poland. On the basis of the theoretical analysis it is argued that organizational structure of higher education institution tends to be consistent with its strategic objectives. Traditionally, it is hierarchically structured, because it is aimed at achieving results (translation of knowledge) in the shortest and most effective way. It is proved that democratization of the social system involves expansion of the horizontal structures of the institution and its transition to a conglomerate type with a matrix structure. Horizontal structure of HEI organization must be constantly reviewed on the basis of local goals, which will ensure the flexibility of its response to external challenges. Any educational changes cannot be spontaneous, but they must be realized consciously, consistently, in stages, taking into account micro-level processes, that is, users of educational services, which are increasingly gaining signs of the subjects of the management process. The analysis of the sites of higher education institutions in Ukraine and Poland indicated changes in the student's position. Replacement of the educational direction of work with a student in the institution of higher education of the Republic of Poland and, in part, Ukraine into a "socializing direction" indicates democratization of management processes with strengthening of the student's subjective position, thus initiating corresponding changes its structure. Perspective direction for further research can be comparative studies on development of organizational structures of higher education institutions in the context of democratic changes in society.
Ключові слова
заклад вищої освіти, організаційна структура, соціалізація, студент, демократизація, higher education institution, organizational structure, socialization, student, democratization
Бібліографічний опис
Міровська, М. Організаційна структура закладу вищої освіти та виклики часу: від теорії до практики [Текст] / М. Міровська. // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 7 (81). – С. 196–208.