Професійні ситуації в евристичному навчанні гуманітарних дисциплін
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається використання навчальних ситуацій для засвоєння теоретичних знань з гуманітарних дисциплін у руслі евристичних технологій. Розкрито сутність евристичної професійної ситуації як активної форми інноваційного навчання, необхідної для створення особистісно значимого знання та професійного росту студентів аграрних спеціальностей. Підтверджено ефективність евристичних професійних ситуацій для використання й удосконалення засвоєних теоретичних знань з гуманітарних дисциплін на прикладі авторської розробки, що ілюструє пошуково-творчий підхід до організації навчального процесу.
The article under review revises the use of professional situations in the development of theoretical knowledge in humanities in the field of heuristic education. In general, learning situations have long been widely used in professional education for professional subjects' mastering, but it was considered to regard the efficiency of heuristics in learning humanities by students of non-linguistic specialties. The essence of the heuristic professional situation is shown as an innovative active form of training needed to create personally meaningful knowledge and professional growth of students. Heuristic professional situation within the study was defined as a means of theoretical knowledge mastering of humanities that form the basis of social¬professional and general-scientific competences of a specialist in agriculture. Situational tasks had the following structure: the content of educational activity - theoretical knowledge; purpose and the main result in learning, depth and verification of theoretical knowledge; requirements; motives; educational problem; heuristic mechanisms of processing learning content, diagnostics, monitoring and mastered theoretical knowledge levels evaluation. The use of heuristic professional situations results in students' adaptation to their future professional activity, promotion of creativity, ability to solve problems, analyze the information and diagnose issues. The article confirmed the effectiveness of heuristic professional situations for the use and improvement of the mastered theoretical knowledge of humanities on the example of the author's model which illustrated creative approach to the learning process organization, designed to get students ready for the interview to take practical training abroad. Heuristic professional situations' introduction in the practice of higher agricultural school is currently up- to-date due to the following: general education focuses to form professional competences of students; readiness of a student to optimally productive, sometimes unconventional behavior in various professional situations; need to improve monitoring, adjustment and evaluation results for identifying the causes of success or failure of students in the learning process.
The article under review revises the use of professional situations in the development of theoretical knowledge in humanities in the field of heuristic education. In general, learning situations have long been widely used in professional education for professional subjects' mastering, but it was considered to regard the efficiency of heuristics in learning humanities by students of non-linguistic specialties. The essence of the heuristic professional situation is shown as an innovative active form of training needed to create personally meaningful knowledge and professional growth of students. Heuristic professional situation within the study was defined as a means of theoretical knowledge mastering of humanities that form the basis of social¬professional and general-scientific competences of a specialist in agriculture. Situational tasks had the following structure: the content of educational activity - theoretical knowledge; purpose and the main result in learning, depth and verification of theoretical knowledge; requirements; motives; educational problem; heuristic mechanisms of processing learning content, diagnostics, monitoring and mastered theoretical knowledge levels evaluation. The use of heuristic professional situations results in students' adaptation to their future professional activity, promotion of creativity, ability to solve problems, analyze the information and diagnose issues. The article confirmed the effectiveness of heuristic professional situations for the use and improvement of the mastered theoretical knowledge of humanities on the example of the author's model which illustrated creative approach to the learning process organization, designed to get students ready for the interview to take practical training abroad. Heuristic professional situations' introduction in the practice of higher agricultural school is currently up- to-date due to the following: general education focuses to form professional competences of students; readiness of a student to optimally productive, sometimes unconventional behavior in various professional situations; need to improve monitoring, adjustment and evaluation results for identifying the causes of success or failure of students in the learning process.
Ключові слова
евристичні технології, професійна ситуація, теоретичні знання, гуманітарні дисципліни, студенти аграрних спеціальностей, навчальний процес, інноваційне навчання, засвоєння, heuristic technologies, professional situation, theoretical knowledge, humanities, students of agricultural professions, learning process, innovative teaching, mastering
Бібліографічний опис
Білоцерковець, М. Професійні ситуації в евристичному навчанні гуманітарних дисциплін [Текст] / М. Білоцерковець // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 10 (64). – С. 187–196.