«Екологія і діалектика»: до 30-річчя педагогічної технології
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета статті полягає в аналізі інноваційної педагогічної технології «Екологія і діалектика» (в Україні - «Екологія і розвиток»). Методами дослідження є аналіз робіт авторської групи технології та діагностичні дослідження психічного розвитку учнів. Результати дослідження свідчать, що психолого-педагогічна ідея технології полягає в організації навчання як спільної продуктивної діяльності вчителя і учнів у зонах їх найближчого розвитку завдяки використанню навчальної літератури нового типу, що сприяє прогресивному психічному розвиткові учнів і професійному зростанню вчителів. Практичне значення дослідження полягає у виділенні актуальних психолого-педагогічних ідей технології, а перспективи подальших наукових розвідок передбачають їх адаптацію до завдань удосконалення освітнього процесу в Україні.
A purpose of this publication is analysis of beginnings reasons, history of creation of historical-pedagogical principles, content, realization technique and results of experimental approbation of innovative technique "Ecology and dialectic" and its variant "Ecology and development", oriented at national and regional peculiarities in Ukraine. This technique was proposed in 1988 by a professor Lev Tarasov and within 20 years it was being developed by group of teachers, and it was approbated in Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakhstan schools. The methods of research are analysis of basic psychological-pedagogical works and sets of experimental studying literature, developed by group of authors in charge of Lev Tarasov. Moreover, the results of implemented psychological research carried out by group of psychological maintenance of regional experiment by approbation of innovative pedagogical technique "Ecology and development" that was being carried out during 2002¬2011 in Sumy region. The results of research. They prove, that innovative pedagogical technique "Ecology and development" has appeared as response to raised necessity of radical change in secondary education system in last century. The main psychological-pedagogical idea of innovative technique "Ecology and development" is to study organization as effective collaborative activity of the teacher and students in the closest zones of their development, the decisive condition of beginnings and self-development is using studying literature of new generation, oriented at student personality. The results of psychological-diagnostic studies in terms of regional experiments prove, that studying-educational process, that is formed according to educational technique "Ecology and development", and first of all usage of studying literature of new generation, facilitate progressive psychological development of students, professional growth of teachers, improve family communication. Practical value of research is specifying actual and perspective ideas of "Ecology and dialectic" technique, which realization can be successful in modern stage of education development in Ukraine. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The analyzed technique "Ecology and dialectic" has significant potential of rising of development effect in studying. The further problem research has to consist in adaptation of psychological-pedagogical ideas of technique to the tasks of improving the education process in Ukraine.
A purpose of this publication is analysis of beginnings reasons, history of creation of historical-pedagogical principles, content, realization technique and results of experimental approbation of innovative technique "Ecology and dialectic" and its variant "Ecology and development", oriented at national and regional peculiarities in Ukraine. This technique was proposed in 1988 by a professor Lev Tarasov and within 20 years it was being developed by group of teachers, and it was approbated in Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakhstan schools. The methods of research are analysis of basic psychological-pedagogical works and sets of experimental studying literature, developed by group of authors in charge of Lev Tarasov. Moreover, the results of implemented psychological research carried out by group of psychological maintenance of regional experiment by approbation of innovative pedagogical technique "Ecology and development" that was being carried out during 2002¬2011 in Sumy region. The results of research. They prove, that innovative pedagogical technique "Ecology and development" has appeared as response to raised necessity of radical change in secondary education system in last century. The main psychological-pedagogical idea of innovative technique "Ecology and development" is to study organization as effective collaborative activity of the teacher and students in the closest zones of their development, the decisive condition of beginnings and self-development is using studying literature of new generation, oriented at student personality. The results of psychological-diagnostic studies in terms of regional experiments prove, that studying-educational process, that is formed according to educational technique "Ecology and development", and first of all usage of studying literature of new generation, facilitate progressive psychological development of students, professional growth of teachers, improve family communication. Practical value of research is specifying actual and perspective ideas of "Ecology and dialectic" technique, which realization can be successful in modern stage of education development in Ukraine. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The analyzed technique "Ecology and dialectic" has significant potential of rising of development effect in studying. The further problem research has to consist in adaptation of psychological-pedagogical ideas of technique to the tasks of improving the education process in Ukraine.
Ключові слова
педагогічна технологія, «Екологія і діалектика», педагогічна інновація, навчально-виховний процес, загальноосвітня школа, принципи навчання, учителі, учні, психічний розвиток учнів, професійне зростання вчителів, pedagogical technology, "Ecology and dialectics", pedagogical innovation, teaching and educational process, general education school, principles of teaching, teachers, pupils, mental development of pupils, professional growth of teachers
Бібліографічний опис
Тарасова, Т. «Екологія і діалектика»: до 30-річчя педагогічної технології [Текст] / Т. Тарасова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 4 (78). – С. 378–396.