Розвиток позитивної мотивації учбової діяльності в майбутніх економістів засобами математики
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Метою статті є вивчення питання розвитку позитивної мотивації учбової діяльності в майбутніх економістів засобами математики. У ході дослідження використовувалися порівняння, узагальнення та діагностичні методи, зокрема анкетування. У результаті ми дійшли висновку, що математика, будучи невід’ємною частиною цивілізації та навчального процесу, стала не лише універсальною мовою науки, а й потужним засобом розвитку позитивної мотивації учбової діяльності. Проведений аналіз дає можливість більш ефективно розвивати позитивну мотивацію майбутніх економістів.
The article reveals the development of positive motivation of educational activity in the future economists by means of mathematics. The article analyzes the development of positive motivation of educational activity of future economists by means of mathematics. A number of conditions that create a positive ground for the development of positive motivation learning are singled out: learning scientific concepts, the disclosure of the terms of their origin, formation of specific training activities, professional orientation, creating contradictions between the known and the unknown, organization of collective action, the use of incentives and condemnation, showing the importance of knowledge creation prospects. It was established that the positive internal motivation is formed in the most advanced students in the fourth year. It is indicated that mathematization of all spheres of human activity leads to a rethinking of established beliefs and educational activities. The conclusion is that mathematics, being an integral part of civilization and learning process, was not only the universal language of science, but also a powerful means of positive motivation of educational activity. The integration of disciplines is realized through the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. The basis for this should be mathematical modeling. As a result, curricula of training future economists included such subjects as “Econometrics”, “Optimization methods and models”, “Riskology”, “Methods of managerial decision-making”, etc. Along with this, there may be a variety of showed results of integration processes in education: at the level of facts, concepts, ideas, laws and so on. The study used a comparison, generalization and diagnostic methods, including questioning. As a result, we conclude that mathematics, being an integral part of civilization and learning process, not only was the universal language of science, but also a powerful means of positive motivation of educational activity. The analysis makes it possible to more effectively develop positive motivation for future economists.
The article reveals the development of positive motivation of educational activity in the future economists by means of mathematics. The article analyzes the development of positive motivation of educational activity of future economists by means of mathematics. A number of conditions that create a positive ground for the development of positive motivation learning are singled out: learning scientific concepts, the disclosure of the terms of their origin, formation of specific training activities, professional orientation, creating contradictions between the known and the unknown, organization of collective action, the use of incentives and condemnation, showing the importance of knowledge creation prospects. It was established that the positive internal motivation is formed in the most advanced students in the fourth year. It is indicated that mathematization of all spheres of human activity leads to a rethinking of established beliefs and educational activities. The conclusion is that mathematics, being an integral part of civilization and learning process, was not only the universal language of science, but also a powerful means of positive motivation of educational activity. The integration of disciplines is realized through the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. The basis for this should be mathematical modeling. As a result, curricula of training future economists included such subjects as “Econometrics”, “Optimization methods and models”, “Riskology”, “Methods of managerial decision-making”, etc. Along with this, there may be a variety of showed results of integration processes in education: at the level of facts, concepts, ideas, laws and so on. The study used a comparison, generalization and diagnostic methods, including questioning. As a result, we conclude that mathematics, being an integral part of civilization and learning process, not only was the universal language of science, but also a powerful means of positive motivation of educational activity. The analysis makes it possible to more effectively develop positive motivation for future economists.
Ключові слова
мотивація, motivation, учбова діяльність, training activities, математика, mathematics, позитивна мотивація, positive motivation, математизація, mathematization, фундаменталізація, fundamentalization
Бібліографічний опис
Ткач, Ю. М. Розвиток позитивної мотивації учбової діяльності в майбутніх економістів засобами математики [Текст] / Ю. М. Ткач // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 2 (56). – С. 426–432.