Модернізація вищої освіти: характеристика понятійного апарату дослідження
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У статті проаналізовано різні підходи до визначення поняття модернізація вищої освіти, окреслено ключові характеристики та складові досліджуваного явища, з’ясовано основні чинники, що зумовлюють розвиток модернізаційного процесу в галузі вищої освіти, розглянуто головні стратегії модернізаційних змін у європейській вищій освіті, а також встановлено суб’єкти даного процесу. Особливу увагу приділено дослідженню відмінностей між такими основоположними поняттями, як модернізація, трансформація, інновація, нововведення та реформування в галузі вищої освіти з метою уникнення некоректного використання основних термінів у подальшій науковій роботі.
Implementation of common European educational standards and principles in the context of current requirements of the knowledge-based society and economy, on the one hand, and establishment of the European Higher Education Area as a result of the Bologna process, on the other, cause further modernization of the European higher education national systems. According to the main Bologna documents all actors in the sphere of higher education, including students, should be involved into this process. However, in our opinion, the research in this area is rather complicated by the fact that the concept of higher education modernization is put into scientific and practical usage without sufficient theoretical studying, since neither criteria nor clear characteristics of this phenomenon, which determine its meaning, are specified in normative documents or scientific resources. In the article various approaches to defining higher education modernization as a concept are analyzed, key features and components of this phenomenon are defined, main factors contributing to the development of the higher education modernization process are studied, as well as the major actors of the European higher education modernization. Special attention is paid to the study of differences between such basic notions as modernization, transformation, innovation and reformation in the higher education area in order to avoid misuse of the main terms in further scientific research. As a result of the conducted research study, it should be emphasized that the multiplicity of approaches that exist in modern science not only provide the studied phenomenon with different meanings but also create a major obstacle in determining the effective actions for its realization. Having analyzed various interpretations of modernization in general and modernization of higher education in particular, in this article we make an attempt to give our integrative definition of this basic concept. Thus, modernization of higher education is a complex multidimensional holistic process of converting the whole system characterized by functional differentiation of the education content and the transition from vertical to horizontal connections between system components, which is caused by a set of factors and above all – emerging needs of the modern society.
Implementation of common European educational standards and principles in the context of current requirements of the knowledge-based society and economy, on the one hand, and establishment of the European Higher Education Area as a result of the Bologna process, on the other, cause further modernization of the European higher education national systems. According to the main Bologna documents all actors in the sphere of higher education, including students, should be involved into this process. However, in our opinion, the research in this area is rather complicated by the fact that the concept of higher education modernization is put into scientific and practical usage without sufficient theoretical studying, since neither criteria nor clear characteristics of this phenomenon, which determine its meaning, are specified in normative documents or scientific resources. In the article various approaches to defining higher education modernization as a concept are analyzed, key features and components of this phenomenon are defined, main factors contributing to the development of the higher education modernization process are studied, as well as the major actors of the European higher education modernization. Special attention is paid to the study of differences between such basic notions as modernization, transformation, innovation and reformation in the higher education area in order to avoid misuse of the main terms in further scientific research. As a result of the conducted research study, it should be emphasized that the multiplicity of approaches that exist in modern science not only provide the studied phenomenon with different meanings but also create a major obstacle in determining the effective actions for its realization. Having analyzed various interpretations of modernization in general and modernization of higher education in particular, in this article we make an attempt to give our integrative definition of this basic concept. Thus, modernization of higher education is a complex multidimensional holistic process of converting the whole system characterized by functional differentiation of the education content and the transition from vertical to horizontal connections between system components, which is caused by a set of factors and above all – emerging needs of the modern society.
Ключові слова
теорія модернізації, модернізація вищої освіти, Болонський процес, Лісабонська стратегія, трансформація, реформування освіти, інновація, демократизація, суб’єкти модернізації вищої освіти, modernization theory, higher education modernization, Bologna process, Lisbon strategy, transformation, education reforms, innovation, actors of higher education modernization
Бібліографічний опис
Улановська, А. С. Модернізація вищої освіти: характеристика понятійного апарату дослідження [Текст] / А. С. Улановська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 260–270.