Перспективно-прогностичні напрями формування та реалізації соціокультурної складової змісту шкільних курсів географії
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У статті розкриваються результати багаторічного напрацювання й дослідження в галузі методики навчання географії. В контексті досліджуваної проблеми автор спробувала спрогнозувати основні напрями подальшого розвитку шкільних курсів географії. Перспективою шкільної географічної освіти є її інтеграція з екологічною, економічною, соціологічною, культурологічною освітою школярів. Підкреслено, що задля успішного виконання наукових прогнозів щодо напрямів формування й реалізації соціокультурної складової змісту шкільних курсів географії потрібен професійно підготовлений учитель.
The article reveals the results of many years experience and studies in the field of methodology of teaching geography. In the context of the problem under investigation, the author has tried to predict the major directions of the further development of school geography courses. The perspective of school geographical education is its integration with the ecological, economic, sociological, culturological education of schoolchildren. It is stressed that for successful implementation of the scientific predictions concerning the directions of formation and implementation of the socio-cultural component of the content of school geography course it is necessary to have a professionally qualified teacher. It is proved in the article that knowledge of geography is very necessary nowadays; it will be important in future. Education of the society member, the citizen is mainly based on socio-cultural knowledge. Citizenship arises on the basis of love to the parental home, respect for elders, based on the careful attitude to nature and its resources, the ability to situate personal interests of the public, compliance with customs and traditions of the nation, responsibility for his behavior, performance of public duties and legal norms, human consciousness and self-awareness, civic duty to society. Citizenship is an important characteristic of the moral character of a person. This category is multifaceted. It includes patriotic, ecological, economic, aesthetic, multicultural education, culture, inter-ethnic relations, national identity, and tolerance. According to the materials of our investigation, at the present stage is forming a new geographical discipline – geography of culture or cultural geography. To its problem field refer a lot of questions: the study of cultural landscapes, the issues of socio-cultural geography, ethnic geography, geography of lifestyle, geography of cultural infrastructure, linguistic geography, place names, historical landscape study, study of the economic-cultural types, territorial communities, ethnic traditions of nature usage. An important task of school geography is multicultural education of the younger generation. Culture of cross-ethnic relations is a high degree of improvement and development of relations, which manifests itself in the international economic and spiritual ties between different people, in observance of moral tact and mutual respect among people of different nationalities, tolerant attitude to each other, respect for the culture, customs, traditions, religion of different people of the world and own country.
The article reveals the results of many years experience and studies in the field of methodology of teaching geography. In the context of the problem under investigation, the author has tried to predict the major directions of the further development of school geography courses. The perspective of school geographical education is its integration with the ecological, economic, sociological, culturological education of schoolchildren. It is stressed that for successful implementation of the scientific predictions concerning the directions of formation and implementation of the socio-cultural component of the content of school geography course it is necessary to have a professionally qualified teacher. It is proved in the article that knowledge of geography is very necessary nowadays; it will be important in future. Education of the society member, the citizen is mainly based on socio-cultural knowledge. Citizenship arises on the basis of love to the parental home, respect for elders, based on the careful attitude to nature and its resources, the ability to situate personal interests of the public, compliance with customs and traditions of the nation, responsibility for his behavior, performance of public duties and legal norms, human consciousness and self-awareness, civic duty to society. Citizenship is an important characteristic of the moral character of a person. This category is multifaceted. It includes patriotic, ecological, economic, aesthetic, multicultural education, culture, inter-ethnic relations, national identity, and tolerance. According to the materials of our investigation, at the present stage is forming a new geographical discipline – geography of culture or cultural geography. To its problem field refer a lot of questions: the study of cultural landscapes, the issues of socio-cultural geography, ethnic geography, geography of lifestyle, geography of cultural infrastructure, linguistic geography, place names, historical landscape study, study of the economic-cultural types, territorial communities, ethnic traditions of nature usage. An important task of school geography is multicultural education of the younger generation. Culture of cross-ethnic relations is a high degree of improvement and development of relations, which manifests itself in the international economic and spiritual ties between different people, in observance of moral tact and mutual respect among people of different nationalities, tolerant attitude to each other, respect for the culture, customs, traditions, religion of different people of the world and own country.
Ключові слова
шкільні курси географії, соціокультурна складова шкільних курсів географії, прогнозування, методика навчання географії, полікультурне виховання, інтеграція, зміст навчальних програм з географії, school geography courses, socio-cultural component of school geography course, forecasting, methodology of geography education, multicultural education, integration, content of education programmes on geography
Бібліографічний опис
Паламарчук, Л. Б. Перспективно-прогностичні напрями формування та реалізації соціокультурної складової змісту шкільних курсів географії [Текст] / Л. Б. Паламарчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №6 (32). – С. 383–394.