Реалізація теорії розвитку методологічної компетентності аспірантів на основі моделі діяльності
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У статті науковому суспільству запропоновано обговорити основний результат дисертаційного дослідження – теорію розвитку методологічної компетентності аспірантів на основі м’якої моделі. Представлено модель і структурну схему розвитку методологічної компетентності аспірантів. Алгоритм проблемного навчання знайшов нове втілення в теорії розвитку методологічної компетентності аспірантів.
The problem is raised in a general view, its connection with important scientific tasks is showing. By the decision of partial task of dissertation research the condition of development of the theory of graduate students methodological competence (MС) development is publicly needed. Development sure must flow on the set program of intellectual development of the personality. Not decided earlier parts of general issue are revealed. Consequently there was a necessity to complement maintenance of dissertation work the theory of MС development for graduate students during of post-graduate studies. Exposition of the next material of dissertation research is the practical phase of realization of soft conception. An analysis of the last researches and publications on the problem is given. On the necessity for the decision of system problem of overcoming of a stereotype look at methodology of scientific researches in all of works does an accent the researcher from Russian Federation A. M. Novikov, for example. Development of MС of researchers in the sphere of physical culture and sport on the stage of post-graduate studies in the thesis exposes V. A. Daniel, whose resulted model has system blanks. The purpose of the scientific article is revealing the essence of theory of graduate students MС development on the basis of model of activity. By a scientific novelty the adequate theory of development of graduate students MС is first developed, which is based on approaches of the systems and is more active. It is consequently possible to do the followings conclusions: - development of methodological competence of graduate students is a difficult process which is aimed at the high-quality changing of the intellectual program of development of the individual; - development of MС is always aimed at the area of development of fellow creature; - diagnosing jurisdiction is possible only in a dynamics at the decision of logical creative tasks and only at creation of the proper psychological-pedagogical terms. Prospects of subsequent researches in this direction are development of facilities of diagnosting of MС and criteria of estimation of MС formation.
The problem is raised in a general view, its connection with important scientific tasks is showing. By the decision of partial task of dissertation research the condition of development of the theory of graduate students methodological competence (MС) development is publicly needed. Development sure must flow on the set program of intellectual development of the personality. Not decided earlier parts of general issue are revealed. Consequently there was a necessity to complement maintenance of dissertation work the theory of MС development for graduate students during of post-graduate studies. Exposition of the next material of dissertation research is the practical phase of realization of soft conception. An analysis of the last researches and publications on the problem is given. On the necessity for the decision of system problem of overcoming of a stereotype look at methodology of scientific researches in all of works does an accent the researcher from Russian Federation A. M. Novikov, for example. Development of MС of researchers in the sphere of physical culture and sport on the stage of post-graduate studies in the thesis exposes V. A. Daniel, whose resulted model has system blanks. The purpose of the scientific article is revealing the essence of theory of graduate students MС development on the basis of model of activity. By a scientific novelty the adequate theory of development of graduate students MС is first developed, which is based on approaches of the systems and is more active. It is consequently possible to do the followings conclusions: - development of methodological competence of graduate students is a difficult process which is aimed at the high-quality changing of the intellectual program of development of the individual; - development of MС is always aimed at the area of development of fellow creature; - diagnosing jurisdiction is possible only in a dynamics at the decision of logical creative tasks and only at creation of the proper psychological-pedagogical terms. Prospects of subsequent researches in this direction are development of facilities of diagnosting of MС and criteria of estimation of MС formation.
Ключові слова
теорія, розвиток, методологічна компетентність, аспірант, ад’юнкт, модель діяльності, theory, development, methodological competence, graduate student, adjunct, model, interdisciplinary scientifically-pedagogical jurisdiction
Бібліографічний опис
Козубцов, І. М. Реалізація теорії розвитку методологічної компетентності аспірантів на основі моделі діяльності [Текст] / І. М. Козубцов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 184–194.