Засвоєння понять як завдання музичної освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена педагогічній проблемі оволодіння поняттями в процесі мистецької освіти. Автор уточнює категорії «уявлення», «поняття» і «знання», виявляє їх психологічну природу, їх спорідненість та відмінні властивості, їх специфіку в музичній сфері. Установлюються відправні положення, що мають бути покладені в основу методики засвоєння понять про музику в освітньому процесі.
The article is devoted to the concepts mastering in the process of art education. The author clarifies the categories "image", "concept" and "knowledge", reveals their psychological nature, their kinship and distinctive properties, their specificity in the musical sphere. Starting points are established, which should be the basis of the methodology of musical concepts mastering in the educational process. On the basis of a categorical analysis of the problem of forming concepts about music in the process of art education, the following starting points were established, which should be the basis of the training methodology of future musical art teachers. 1. Development of the methodology for learning concepts about music should be based on a solid foundation of philosophical and psychological knowledge about the nature, specificity, properties, and varieties of the concept as a form of human cognitive activity. 2. It is not necessary to identify "concept" and "representation", and it is not necessary to use these words in pedagogical discourse as mutually equivalent, synonymous expressions. 3. At the same time, the single mental nature of these phenomena and their inextricable connection in thinking, particularly in musical thinking, should be understood and taken into account in pedagogical activity. Even the most abstract concepts are associated with certain representations. This provision is of particular importance for concepts of music. 4. A big mistake is to equate concepts and terms. Terms are only verbal signs-carriers that reflect concepts, fix in words the content and volume of a certain class of phenomena. Therefore, knowledge of actual terms is not a sign of mastery of concepts. 5. It follows from the above provisions that the main task of music pedagogy is formation of representations and concepts about music, the secondary task is assimilation of terms or verbal formulations of this or that concept.
The article is devoted to the concepts mastering in the process of art education. The author clarifies the categories "image", "concept" and "knowledge", reveals their psychological nature, their kinship and distinctive properties, their specificity in the musical sphere. Starting points are established, which should be the basis of the methodology of musical concepts mastering in the educational process. On the basis of a categorical analysis of the problem of forming concepts about music in the process of art education, the following starting points were established, which should be the basis of the training methodology of future musical art teachers. 1. Development of the methodology for learning concepts about music should be based on a solid foundation of philosophical and psychological knowledge about the nature, specificity, properties, and varieties of the concept as a form of human cognitive activity. 2. It is not necessary to identify "concept" and "representation", and it is not necessary to use these words in pedagogical discourse as mutually equivalent, synonymous expressions. 3. At the same time, the single mental nature of these phenomena and their inextricable connection in thinking, particularly in musical thinking, should be understood and taken into account in pedagogical activity. Even the most abstract concepts are associated with certain representations. This provision is of particular importance for concepts of music. 4. A big mistake is to equate concepts and terms. Terms are only verbal signs-carriers that reflect concepts, fix in words the content and volume of a certain class of phenomena. Therefore, knowledge of actual terms is not a sign of mastery of concepts. 5. It follows from the above provisions that the main task of music pedagogy is formation of representations and concepts about music, the secondary task is assimilation of terms or verbal formulations of this or that concept.
Ключові слова
поняття, уявлення, емпіричні та теоретичні знання, музична освіта, concept, image, empirical and theoretical knowledge, musical education
Бібліографічний опис
Ма Ши Засвоєння понять як завдання музичної освіти [Текст] / Ма Ши // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 2 (116). – С. 219–232. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2022.02/219-232