Соціально-педагогічні фактори в сім’ї, які сприяють виникнення агресивної поведінки в дітей
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У даній статті розглядається вплив родини на дітей як головний фактор виховання. Підкреслюється, що саме неправильне виховання в родині є однією з причин агресивної поведінки дітей. Виділяються основні сімейні фактори, які впливають на дитину та деякі особливості сімейних стосунків, що сприяють появі агресивних якостей особистості дитини. У статті родина відокремлюється як основний інститут виховання. Підіймається питання неблагополучних сімей, які класифікується в даній роботі за типами взаємозв’язку між дітьми та батьками. Наводяться приклади деяких проблемних ситуацій і способи їх вирішення.
The family is the first and fundamental institution of parenting. This article discusses the influence of the family, such as parents in the educational process. It should be emphasized that family is one of the causes of aggressive behavior in children. The main factors influencing family education are: neglect of the child’s interests; violence, the cult of power in the family; creating a sense of insecurity; complications in normal development of moral consciousness; insufficient influence of the father; lack of meeting the needs of the individual and independence; lack of a clear understanding of the behavior etc. The family is a basic institution of child upbringing. There article gives the examples of some problem situations and the ways of their solutions: 1) unfavorable emotional atmosphere where parents are not only indifferent, but rude, disrespectful towards their children; 2) absence of emotional contact between its members, indifference to the welfare needs of children in external relations. A child in such cases tries to emotionally meaningful relationships outside the family; 3) unhealthy moral atmosphere where the child is vaccinated by undesirable social needs and interests, and is involved in immoral lifestyle. This kind of family is called “not harmonious family”. This concept includes several different variants of psychological distress: families in which one member is suffering from psychological disorders or chemical dependency; hereditary factor that makes it more probable occurrence of disorders in children, added unpredictability of the situation in the family; disharmonious family where the main problem is the relationship between family members; family, practicing the wrong type of education. Among family factors that influence children’s behavior there can be named: antisocial lifestyles of parents, presence of conflict, disharmonious relationships between family members, physical, psychological or sexual violence against a child, family structure, wrong style of education, inadequate parent manipulation with a personality and psyche of the child, inadequate punishment and others. Improper relationship with the child in the family leads to the formation of aggressive tendencies in his behavior and creates aggressive behavior.
The family is the first and fundamental institution of parenting. This article discusses the influence of the family, such as parents in the educational process. It should be emphasized that family is one of the causes of aggressive behavior in children. The main factors influencing family education are: neglect of the child’s interests; violence, the cult of power in the family; creating a sense of insecurity; complications in normal development of moral consciousness; insufficient influence of the father; lack of meeting the needs of the individual and independence; lack of a clear understanding of the behavior etc. The family is a basic institution of child upbringing. There article gives the examples of some problem situations and the ways of their solutions: 1) unfavorable emotional atmosphere where parents are not only indifferent, but rude, disrespectful towards their children; 2) absence of emotional contact between its members, indifference to the welfare needs of children in external relations. A child in such cases tries to emotionally meaningful relationships outside the family; 3) unhealthy moral atmosphere where the child is vaccinated by undesirable social needs and interests, and is involved in immoral lifestyle. This kind of family is called “not harmonious family”. This concept includes several different variants of psychological distress: families in which one member is suffering from psychological disorders or chemical dependency; hereditary factor that makes it more probable occurrence of disorders in children, added unpredictability of the situation in the family; disharmonious family where the main problem is the relationship between family members; family, practicing the wrong type of education. Among family factors that influence children’s behavior there can be named: antisocial lifestyles of parents, presence of conflict, disharmonious relationships between family members, physical, psychological or sexual violence against a child, family structure, wrong style of education, inadequate parent manipulation with a personality and psyche of the child, inadequate punishment and others. Improper relationship with the child in the family leads to the formation of aggressive tendencies in his behavior and creates aggressive behavior.
Ключові слова
родина, неблагополучна сім’я, агресія, агресивність, дитина, поведінка дитини, суспільство, характер, family, dysfunctional family, aggression, child behavior, society
Бібліографічний опис
Пліско, Є. Соціально-педагогічні фактори в сім’ї, які сприяють виникнення агресивної поведінки в дітей [Текст] / Є. Пліско, М. Жукова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 449–454.