Педагогічні умови організації компʼютерного тестування майбутніх пілотів
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Метою статті є виявлення найбільш оптимальних педагогічних умов організації комп’ютерного тестування майбутніх пілотів. У статті розглянуто зміст зазначених педагогічних умов і можливості їх реалізації у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх пілотів. Доведено, що впровадження визначених педагогічних умов дає можливість об’єктивно, швидко і з мінімальними витратами часу оцінити обсяг та рівень знань курсантів; сприяє оптимізації й технологізації контролю знань майбутніх пілотів; позитивно позначається на професійній підготовці курсантів. Перспективою подальших наукових розвідок є створення комп’ютерної програми для дистанційного навчання майбутніх авіаційних фахівців.
The aim of the article is the detection of the most appropriate pedagogical conditions of the future pilots’ computer-based testing organization. As a result of our investigations the following pedagogical conditions were detected: implementation of efficient computer test program with the ability to use different types of tests; using of criterion-oriented tests when assessing knowledge of the future pilots; formation of professional readiness of the lecturers and cadets to the use of computer testing in the educational process. In the article the content of the mentioned pedagogical conditions and the possibility of their implementation in the process of professional training of future pilots are reviewed. The algorithm of creating test tasks for measuring different levels of cadets’ knowledge is reviewed in detail. The examples and illustrations of test tasks compiled for the discipline «Aviation Meteorology» are shown. The article gives more precisely the definition of the validity of criterion-based tests by method of analyzing the content of the test approved by experienced experts. More precisely the definition of the reliability of the test using the method of two parallel forms of the test is given. The definition of professional readiness of the lectors for the computer-based testing is defined as motivated ability to assimilate new knowledge in the field of computer-based testing, to understand the importance and value of the test control, to efficient interaction with cadets before and after a session of computer-based testing. To form the professional readiness of lectors for the use of computer testing in educational process it recommended acquainting them with the fundamentals of the development and implementation of computer-based tests. It is proved that the implementation of the detection of pedagogical conditions makes it possible to assess the volume and level of cadets’ knowledge objectively, quickly and with the minimum amount of time; it contributes to the optimization and technologization of control of the future pilots’ knowledge; positive effect on the professional training of cadets. Creation of the computer program for the remote training of the future aviation specialists is the prospect for further research.
The aim of the article is the detection of the most appropriate pedagogical conditions of the future pilots’ computer-based testing organization. As a result of our investigations the following pedagogical conditions were detected: implementation of efficient computer test program with the ability to use different types of tests; using of criterion-oriented tests when assessing knowledge of the future pilots; formation of professional readiness of the lecturers and cadets to the use of computer testing in the educational process. In the article the content of the mentioned pedagogical conditions and the possibility of their implementation in the process of professional training of future pilots are reviewed. The algorithm of creating test tasks for measuring different levels of cadets’ knowledge is reviewed in detail. The examples and illustrations of test tasks compiled for the discipline «Aviation Meteorology» are shown. The article gives more precisely the definition of the validity of criterion-based tests by method of analyzing the content of the test approved by experienced experts. More precisely the definition of the reliability of the test using the method of two parallel forms of the test is given. The definition of professional readiness of the lectors for the computer-based testing is defined as motivated ability to assimilate new knowledge in the field of computer-based testing, to understand the importance and value of the test control, to efficient interaction with cadets before and after a session of computer-based testing. To form the professional readiness of lectors for the use of computer testing in educational process it recommended acquainting them with the fundamentals of the development and implementation of computer-based tests. It is proved that the implementation of the detection of pedagogical conditions makes it possible to assess the volume and level of cadets’ knowledge objectively, quickly and with the minimum amount of time; it contributes to the optimization and technologization of control of the future pilots’ knowledge; positive effect on the professional training of cadets. Creation of the computer program for the remote training of the future aviation specialists is the prospect for further research.
Ключові слова
педагогічні умови, комп’ютерне тестування, тестові завдання, контроль знань, критеріально-орієнтований тест, професійна готовність, оптимізація, технологізація, навчальний процес, pedagogical conditions, computer-based testing, test tasks, control of the knowledge, criterion-based tests, professional readiness, optimization, technologization, educational process
Бібліографічний опис
Корінна, О. Педагогічні умови організації компʼютерного тестування майбутніх пілотів [Текст] / О. Корінна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 120–129.