Змістові та структурні характеристики музичних компетенцій бакалаврів початкової освіти
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У статті обґрунтовано необхідність підготовки кваліфікованого педагога початкової школи, компетентного, який здатний до інноваційної діяльності, професійної та соціальної мобільності. Аргументовано необхідність формування музичних компетенцій студентів напряму підготовки «Початкова освіта» на основі аналізу складових галузевого компонента державних стандартів вищої освіти; перелічено найважливіші музичні компетенції бакалаврів початкової освіти; висвітлено окремі педагогічні ідеї, принципи та прийоми певних концепцій і методик музичного виховання.
In the article the necessity of training of a qualified elementary school teacher, competitive at labour market, competent, fluent in the profession and related areas, ready for change, able to innovative activity, professional and social mobility is grounded. The formation of definite competencies will determine the ability of a future elementary school teacher to perform various activities, in particular musical. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main positions of musical competencies formation of bachelors of elementary education in the context of their structural and content characteristics. The necessity of forming musical competences of the students of the specialty «Elementary education» on the basis of analysis of the constituents of branch component of the state standards of higher education is proved. The process of formation takes into account methodological foundations, among them the following: integrated use of modern technologies of music education; systemic implementation and application of the complex of methods; the specificity of the students’ professional training. The main kinds of musical activity in branch standards are offered. They are the following: singing, movement to music, plastic intonation, playing elementary musical instruments, listening to music. This article considers the most important musical competencies of bachelors of elementary education: cognitive-perceptive (historical and theoretical (elementary), auditive, evaluative and analytical); musical-performing (vocal-speech, elementary-instrumental, rhythmic-moving); creative-integrative (improvisational, compositional, projecting). Some pedagogical ideas, principles and techniques of the most famous theories of music education are revealed. The author describes such existing methods as: the rhythmic of Emile Jacques-Dalcroze, elementary music playing according to the system of Carl Orff, relative singing after Zoltán Kodály, listening to music according to the technology of Batia Strauss. It is suggested in the article that these musical competencies most naturally complement the training of future teachers of elementary education. It is concluded that musical training can harmonize spiritual, emotional, moral, physical and intellectual parts of the personality. It is therefore important to intensify the problem of formation of musical competencies of graduates of various pedagogical specialties.
In the article the necessity of training of a qualified elementary school teacher, competitive at labour market, competent, fluent in the profession and related areas, ready for change, able to innovative activity, professional and social mobility is grounded. The formation of definite competencies will determine the ability of a future elementary school teacher to perform various activities, in particular musical. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main positions of musical competencies formation of bachelors of elementary education in the context of their structural and content characteristics. The necessity of forming musical competences of the students of the specialty «Elementary education» on the basis of analysis of the constituents of branch component of the state standards of higher education is proved. The process of formation takes into account methodological foundations, among them the following: integrated use of modern technologies of music education; systemic implementation and application of the complex of methods; the specificity of the students’ professional training. The main kinds of musical activity in branch standards are offered. They are the following: singing, movement to music, plastic intonation, playing elementary musical instruments, listening to music. This article considers the most important musical competencies of bachelors of elementary education: cognitive-perceptive (historical and theoretical (elementary), auditive, evaluative and analytical); musical-performing (vocal-speech, elementary-instrumental, rhythmic-moving); creative-integrative (improvisational, compositional, projecting). Some pedagogical ideas, principles and techniques of the most famous theories of music education are revealed. The author describes such existing methods as: the rhythmic of Emile Jacques-Dalcroze, elementary music playing according to the system of Carl Orff, relative singing after Zoltán Kodály, listening to music according to the technology of Batia Strauss. It is suggested in the article that these musical competencies most naturally complement the training of future teachers of elementary education. It is concluded that musical training can harmonize spiritual, emotional, moral, physical and intellectual parts of the personality. It is therefore important to intensify the problem of formation of musical competencies of graduates of various pedagogical specialties.
Ключові слова
музичні компетенції, бакалаври початкової освіти, державний стандарт, вища освіта, musical competencies, bachelors of elementary school, state standard, higher education
Бібліографічний опис
Пушкар, Л. В. Змістові та структурні характеристики музичних компетенцій бакалаврів початкової освіти [Текст] / Л. В. Пушкар // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 1 (45). – С. 354–362.