Феномен іміджу менеджера-адміністратора та проблема лідерства у колективі
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена соціально-філософському аналізу феномена іміджу менеджера-адміністратора та проблемі лідерства у колективі. Імідж можна розглядати не тільки як явище, але і як процес адаптації і соціалізації, в ході якого відбувається засвоєння соціально значущої інформації і відповідної соціальної ролі через набуття адекватного іміджу. Імідж є способом комунікації і способом задоволення таких засадничих людських потреб, як потреба в приналежності і любові, у визнанні та схваленні, в самореалізації і самоактуалізації. Він же в закодованому вигляді транслює соціально значиму інформацію від одного покоління до іншого, чим забезпечує стабільне існування соціуму у часі.
The article is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of the image of the manager-administrator and the problem of leadership in the team. The image can be viewed not only as a phenomenon, but also as a process of adaptation and socialization, during which the assimilation of socially meaningful information and the corresponding social role occurs through the acquisition of an adequate image. Image is a way of communication and a way to meet such basic human needs as the need for belonging and love, recognition and approval, self-actualization and self-actualization. He in the encoded form translates socially important information from generation to generation, rather than ensuring the stable existence of society in time. Social and philosophical analysis made in this paper show that today there are Humanities variety of approaches to the study of the phenomenon of image manager administration. This is how the growing interest of researchers in this problem, due to the general logic of the study of man and the nature of modern social processes. Review image manager administrative activities as diverse and complex phenomenon can be attributed to its value and significant features of social life. In typical images of change reflects changing paradigms of civilization, reflects an era. The phenomenon of the image of the manager of administrative activity allows us to trace the connection of economic, social and cultural parameters through the essential characteristics of the individual. The manager’s image is part of the spiritual and material culture, which collectively reflects the achievements of a person at a certain stage of development. The image can be represented as an axiological and semiotic system that reflects the norms that are characteristic of individual groups and society as a whole.
The article is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of the image of the manager-administrator and the problem of leadership in the team. The image can be viewed not only as a phenomenon, but also as a process of adaptation and socialization, during which the assimilation of socially meaningful information and the corresponding social role occurs through the acquisition of an adequate image. Image is a way of communication and a way to meet such basic human needs as the need for belonging and love, recognition and approval, self-actualization and self-actualization. He in the encoded form translates socially important information from generation to generation, rather than ensuring the stable existence of society in time. Social and philosophical analysis made in this paper show that today there are Humanities variety of approaches to the study of the phenomenon of image manager administration. This is how the growing interest of researchers in this problem, due to the general logic of the study of man and the nature of modern social processes. Review image manager administrative activities as diverse and complex phenomenon can be attributed to its value and significant features of social life. In typical images of change reflects changing paradigms of civilization, reflects an era. The phenomenon of the image of the manager of administrative activity allows us to trace the connection of economic, social and cultural parameters through the essential characteristics of the individual. The manager’s image is part of the spiritual and material culture, which collectively reflects the achievements of a person at a certain stage of development. The image can be represented as an axiological and semiotic system that reflects the norms that are characteristic of individual groups and society as a whole.
Ключові слова
імідж, імідж менеджера, менеджер адміністративної діяльності, лідер, лідерство, колектив, образ, моделювання іміджу, image, image of the manager, manager of administrative activity, leader, leadership, collective, image, image modeling
Бібліографічний опис
Дєнєжніков, С. С. Феномен іміджу менеджера-адміністратора та проблема лідерства у колективі [Текст] / С. С. Дєнєжніков // Теорія та методика навчання суспільних дисциплін : науково-педагогічний журнал / Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: М. Б. Євтух, В. С. Бугрій, Г. Ю. Ніколаї та ін.]. – [Суми] : СумДПУ [ім. А. С. Макаренка], 2018. – № 1 (6). – С. 30–35.