Погляди М. Богдановича на шляхи реалізації пропедевтики професійної орієнтації в початковій школі (60– 80-ті рр. XX ст.)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета статті – здійснити ретроспективний огляд розв'язання проблеми пропедевтики професійної орієнтації в початковій школі у творчості Михайла Богдановича в 60–80-ті рр. ХХ ст. Окреслено основні тенденції розвитку цієї проблеми в історії української освіти та педагогічної науки. Проаналізовано систему поглядів на проблему реалізації пропедевтики професійної орієнтації при вивченні математики відомого вченого-методиста в галузі початкового навчання М. Богдановича. Визначено загальнодидактичні аспекти цієї проблеми в його творчості. Зроблено висновки щодо оцінки його внеску в розробку теорії та практики пропедевтики професійної орієнтації в початковій школі. Подальші наукові розвідки передбачають аналіз еволюції поглядів М. Богдановича на цю проблему в подальші періоди його творчості.
The purpose of our research is to analyze the views of the well-known scientist methodologist in the field of elementary education – Mykhailo Bohdanovych on the purpose, content, forms, methods and means of propaedeutic vocational guidance work at the mathematics lessons in elementary school in the 60s and 80s of the twentieth century. The article presents a retrospective review of the problem of propeadetics of professional orientation in elementary school in the mentioned historical period. The main trends of development of this problem in the history of Ukrainian education and pedagogical science at the investigated historical stage are outlined. The analysis of M. Bohdanovych's views on the problem of realization of propedevtics of professional orientation in the study of mathematics has been analyzed. The general-didactic aspects of this problem in his work are determined. Evaluation of his contribution to the development of the theory and practice of propaedeutics of professional orientation in elementary school is evaluated. During the processing of materials on the subject of research, we have found out that M. Bohdanovych from a deeply scientific position considered the problem of vocational guidance propaedeutics in elementary school. In particular, he highlighted and gave an exhaustive description of the main directions of such work. He assessed the propaedeutic possibilities of the content of mathematics in elementary classes in the implementation of vocational guidance work. On specific examples, he demonstrated the use of various forms and methods for carrying out such work (in analyzing mathematical problems, carrying out an educational vocational guidance conversation on the content of tasks, updating and motivating pupils' educational activities, etc.). The scientist paid special attention to the analysis of ways of formation of labor qualities in junior pupils. M. Bohdanovych pointed out the importance of studying the inclinations and individual abilities of schoolchildren in order to increase the effectiveness of vocational guidance work. He proposed a system of personality characteristics of the pupil. In his view, such an approach will increase the effectiveness of vocational guidance work in senior grades. In our further work, we plan to trace development of M. Bohdanovych's ideas about the components of propaedeutic vocational guidance work with elementary school students at the next stages of his creative career, evaluate the evolution of their content.
The purpose of our research is to analyze the views of the well-known scientist methodologist in the field of elementary education – Mykhailo Bohdanovych on the purpose, content, forms, methods and means of propaedeutic vocational guidance work at the mathematics lessons in elementary school in the 60s and 80s of the twentieth century. The article presents a retrospective review of the problem of propeadetics of professional orientation in elementary school in the mentioned historical period. The main trends of development of this problem in the history of Ukrainian education and pedagogical science at the investigated historical stage are outlined. The analysis of M. Bohdanovych's views on the problem of realization of propedevtics of professional orientation in the study of mathematics has been analyzed. The general-didactic aspects of this problem in his work are determined. Evaluation of his contribution to the development of the theory and practice of propaedeutics of professional orientation in elementary school is evaluated. During the processing of materials on the subject of research, we have found out that M. Bohdanovych from a deeply scientific position considered the problem of vocational guidance propaedeutics in elementary school. In particular, he highlighted and gave an exhaustive description of the main directions of such work. He assessed the propaedeutic possibilities of the content of mathematics in elementary classes in the implementation of vocational guidance work. On specific examples, he demonstrated the use of various forms and methods for carrying out such work (in analyzing mathematical problems, carrying out an educational vocational guidance conversation on the content of tasks, updating and motivating pupils' educational activities, etc.). The scientist paid special attention to the analysis of ways of formation of labor qualities in junior pupils. M. Bohdanovych pointed out the importance of studying the inclinations and individual abilities of schoolchildren in order to increase the effectiveness of vocational guidance work. He proposed a system of personality characteristics of the pupil. In his view, such an approach will increase the effectiveness of vocational guidance work in senior grades. In our further work, we plan to trace development of M. Bohdanovych's ideas about the components of propaedeutic vocational guidance work with elementary school students at the next stages of his creative career, evaluate the evolution of their content.
Ключові слова
пропедевтика, професійна орієнтація, Михайло Богданович, початкова математична освіта, профорієнтаційна спрямованість, професійна просвіта, діагностика, активізація, виховання, початкова школа, propaedeutics, professional orientation, Mykhailo Bohdanovych, initial mathematical education, vocational guidance, vocational education, diagnostics, activation, education, elementary school
Бібліографічний опис
Біліченко, Т. Погляди М. Богдановича на шляхи реалізації пропедевтики професійної орієнтації в початковій школі (60– 80-ті рр. XX ст.) [Текст] / Т. Біліченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 2 (86). – С. 159–170.