Евристичне навчання як важлива умова розвитку обдарованості учнів сільської школи
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається організація навчання обдарованих учнів сільської школи з використанням дидактичних можливостей евристичних методів. Зокрема, представлено широкий інструментарій евристичних методів навчання як: вживання; вигадування; якби; гіперболізації, аглютинації, мозкового штурму; інверсії; фокальних об’єктів; розв’язання евристичних задач. Проаналізовано основні підходи вирішення проблеми навчання й виховання обдарованих дітей. Розглянуто основні закономірності та принципи евристичного навчання, які сприяють розвитку обдарованих учнів, зокрема, сільської школи.
In the article the organization of teaching gifted students in rural schools using didactic opportunities of heuristic methods is revealed. In particular, a variety of heuristic teaching methods are characterized, among them: involvement; pretending; if; hyperbole, agglutination, brainstorming; inversion; focal objects; heuristic tasks decision. The main approaches to training and education of gifted children are analyzed, namely: accelerated learning (this approach takes into account the innate abilities of children who during one year study the program of several years, graduating from educational institutions before their peers); modification and enrichment of the content of education (as the result of in-depth study of certain subjects takes place the acquisition of a range of knowledge from one or more branches of science); review and redesign of learning objectives (the basis of this approach makes the direction of the educational process on the development of a creative personality). The basic laws of heuristic learning are described. The principles of heuristic learning, which contribute to the development of gifted students, in particular, in rural schools are highlighted. To them belong: the principle of personal goal setting of a student: the education of each student is based on his/her personal goals in each branch of education; the principle of productivity of training: the main landmark of learning is personal educational increment of the student, which makes the sum of his/her internal and external educational products of learning; the principle of contextuality of accompanying training: the educational process is based on situations involving determination and heuristic search for their solution by the student, the teacher guides the student in his educational movement; the principle of educational reflection: the educational process is accompanied by its reflexive awareness by the subjects of education. The implementation of these laws by teachers in rural schools will contribute to the education of gifted students. The author concludes that in heuristic learning is implemented stability and deep trust in creative potential of every student, i.e. his cognitive-creative (search, research, design) activity takes the first place in the education system. Perspective can become a research of other ways of development of gifted students in rural schools in modern conditions.
In the article the organization of teaching gifted students in rural schools using didactic opportunities of heuristic methods is revealed. In particular, a variety of heuristic teaching methods are characterized, among them: involvement; pretending; if; hyperbole, agglutination, brainstorming; inversion; focal objects; heuristic tasks decision. The main approaches to training and education of gifted children are analyzed, namely: accelerated learning (this approach takes into account the innate abilities of children who during one year study the program of several years, graduating from educational institutions before their peers); modification and enrichment of the content of education (as the result of in-depth study of certain subjects takes place the acquisition of a range of knowledge from one or more branches of science); review and redesign of learning objectives (the basis of this approach makes the direction of the educational process on the development of a creative personality). The basic laws of heuristic learning are described. The principles of heuristic learning, which contribute to the development of gifted students, in particular, in rural schools are highlighted. To them belong: the principle of personal goal setting of a student: the education of each student is based on his/her personal goals in each branch of education; the principle of productivity of training: the main landmark of learning is personal educational increment of the student, which makes the sum of his/her internal and external educational products of learning; the principle of contextuality of accompanying training: the educational process is based on situations involving determination and heuristic search for their solution by the student, the teacher guides the student in his educational movement; the principle of educational reflection: the educational process is accompanied by its reflexive awareness by the subjects of education. The implementation of these laws by teachers in rural schools will contribute to the education of gifted students. The author concludes that in heuristic learning is implemented stability and deep trust in creative potential of every student, i.e. his cognitive-creative (search, research, design) activity takes the first place in the education system. Perspective can become a research of other ways of development of gifted students in rural schools in modern conditions.
Ключові слова
обдарованість, навчання обдарованих учнів, напрями навчання обдарованих учнів, евристичне навчання, закономірності евристичного навчання, принципи евристичного навчання, евристичні методи навчання, giftedness, gifted students training, directions of gifted students training, heuristic learning, laws of heuristic learning, principles of heuristic learning, methods of heuristic teaching
Бібліографічний опис
Кривонос, О. Б. Евристичне навчання як важлива умова розвитку обдарованості учнів сільської школи [Текст] / О. Б. Кривонос // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 7 (41). – С. 253–261.