Властивості методичного потенціалу автентичних відеоматеріалів для формування англомовної компетентності в діалогічному мовленні
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті аналізуються теоретичні передумови використання автентичних відеоматеріалів у процесі навчання іноземних мов, зокрема під час формування компетентності в діалогічному мовленні. Систематизовано підходи до визначення поняття «відеоматеріал». Узагальнено критерії класифікації автентичних відеоматеріалів, розглянуто види відеоматеріалів відповідно до їх жанру, призначення, способу презентації, тематики, структурних особливостей, умов використання. Доведено переваги використання автентичних відеоматеріалів під час формування компетентності в діалогічному мовленні та специфіковано основні властивості їх методичного потенціалу.
The article overviews the theoretical prerequisites of using authentic video materials in the process of teaching English as a foreign language in general and in the development of dialogical competence in particular. The authors aim at proving that authentic video materials, which acquire specific characteristics and qualities, enable English language learners to enhance their skills in communicating in a form of a dialogue. The scientific approaches to defining the notion “video material” are systematized. The term “teaching video material” is defined in the article as a polycoding and dialogical by its very nature phenomenon which stands for a means of teaching, the main function of which is to model in the screen the imaginary world which in this or another way influences the recipients (pupils) who are watching. The criteria of classifying video materials are singled out. The types of video materials are analyzed comprising those grouped according to their genre, aim of presentation, way of presentation, subject, structural particularities and the circumstances they are used within. Given the classification developed by T. S. Malysheva all video materials are split into such types/genres as: fictional films, documentaries, talk-shows, animated cartoons and advertisements. The authors dwell upon the qualities of the methodological potential of authentic video materials in the process of the development of dialogical competence. The article develops the idea that video materials have a great emotional impact on pupils due to the fact that they comprise five general types of imagery: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, imaginative and extralinguistic. Among the other advantages which video materials give, the article also covers its motivational quality (including both self-motivation and motivation from outside); informational and sociolinguistic potential (as video films are a part of the culture they are created within and they demonstrate to pupils the behaviour of the characters in the context of providing pupils with the behavioral patterns to be followed and even exhibiting the non-verbal signs which accompany the speech); availability; differential and illustrative character; integrity; modelling, developing and upbringing potential. The necessity to single out the principles and criteria of selecting authentic video materials suitable for using them in the process of teaching in general and the development of 10–11 year pupils’ dialogical competence in particular is grounded to become the aim of the further studies.
The article overviews the theoretical prerequisites of using authentic video materials in the process of teaching English as a foreign language in general and in the development of dialogical competence in particular. The authors aim at proving that authentic video materials, which acquire specific characteristics and qualities, enable English language learners to enhance their skills in communicating in a form of a dialogue. The scientific approaches to defining the notion “video material” are systematized. The term “teaching video material” is defined in the article as a polycoding and dialogical by its very nature phenomenon which stands for a means of teaching, the main function of which is to model in the screen the imaginary world which in this or another way influences the recipients (pupils) who are watching. The criteria of classifying video materials are singled out. The types of video materials are analyzed comprising those grouped according to their genre, aim of presentation, way of presentation, subject, structural particularities and the circumstances they are used within. Given the classification developed by T. S. Malysheva all video materials are split into such types/genres as: fictional films, documentaries, talk-shows, animated cartoons and advertisements. The authors dwell upon the qualities of the methodological potential of authentic video materials in the process of the development of dialogical competence. The article develops the idea that video materials have a great emotional impact on pupils due to the fact that they comprise five general types of imagery: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, imaginative and extralinguistic. Among the other advantages which video materials give, the article also covers its motivational quality (including both self-motivation and motivation from outside); informational and sociolinguistic potential (as video films are a part of the culture they are created within and they demonstrate to pupils the behaviour of the characters in the context of providing pupils with the behavioral patterns to be followed and even exhibiting the non-verbal signs which accompany the speech); availability; differential and illustrative character; integrity; modelling, developing and upbringing potential. The necessity to single out the principles and criteria of selecting authentic video materials suitable for using them in the process of teaching in general and the development of 10–11 year pupils’ dialogical competence in particular is grounded to become the aim of the further studies.
Ключові слова
діалогічне мовлення, компетентність, відеоматеріал, методичний потенціал, властивості методичного потенціалу, dialogical speech, competence, video material, methodological potential, particularities of methodological potential
Бібліографічний опис
Дука, М. Властивості методичного потенціалу автентичних відеоматеріалів для формування англомовної компетентності в діалогічному мовленні [Текст] / М. Дука, М. Пероганич // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 8 (72). – С. 259–270.