Процес викладання і навчання гри на скрипці та вплив радянської скрипкової музичної школи на освіту скрипалів в Еквадорі
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті окреслено тип скрипкової школи, що мала місце в Радянському Союзі, і проаналізовано її вплив на розвиток скрипкової школи в Еквадорі, зокрема міста Лоха, що була створена зусиллями еквадорських студентів та викладачів. Висвітлено особливості навчання гри на скрипці в різних школах і музичних консерваторіях країни. Проаналізовано такі методи навчання, як метод Орфа або метод Судзукі, що найчастіше використовуються у процесі навчання музики в цілому та грі на скрипці зокрема в художніх коледжах і консерваторіях Еквадору.
The article shows the type of teaching offered in different Ecuadorian institutions as well as a little explained the Odessa violin school, where the different teachers who formed the basis of violin study in Loja, Ecuador, came from. The formative processes of the violinist are centralized in the development of technical and expressive skills, which have generally been developed through individual classes, which are favors formation of a performer who is linked as a solo musician, member of a symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, among other functions. Ecuadorian violinists, who had studied in the former Soviet Union, came to the country to impart their knowledge acquired over the years. In the different schools and conservatories of Ecuador, apart from many methods that are used as the Suzuki method, the basic principles of English violinist pedagogy, as it is commonly known, were included in the curriculum, where the emotional interpretation of a work is considered from a young age. The basic principles of violin pedagogy were meticulous work in the technical development of violinists, the emotional warmth of performance, the broad touch of the violin, the purity of the high-tone intonation, rhythmic precision and others. The classical English school in general advocates holding the arch to the bottom of the index, on the third phalanx, to obtain a greater sound performance at the price of a low effort. In Ecuador, music education generally consists of conservatories and music colleges, in which three levels of learning were divided into initial, technical for schools and technological for conservatories.
The article shows the type of teaching offered in different Ecuadorian institutions as well as a little explained the Odessa violin school, where the different teachers who formed the basis of violin study in Loja, Ecuador, came from. The formative processes of the violinist are centralized in the development of technical and expressive skills, which have generally been developed through individual classes, which are favors formation of a performer who is linked as a solo musician, member of a symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, among other functions. Ecuadorian violinists, who had studied in the former Soviet Union, came to the country to impart their knowledge acquired over the years. In the different schools and conservatories of Ecuador, apart from many methods that are used as the Suzuki method, the basic principles of English violinist pedagogy, as it is commonly known, were included in the curriculum, where the emotional interpretation of a work is considered from a young age. The basic principles of violin pedagogy were meticulous work in the technical development of violinists, the emotional warmth of performance, the broad touch of the violin, the purity of the high-tone intonation, rhythmic precision and others. The classical English school in general advocates holding the arch to the bottom of the index, on the third phalanx, to obtain a greater sound performance at the price of a low effort. In Ecuador, music education generally consists of conservatories and music colleges, in which three levels of learning were divided into initial, technical for schools and technological for conservatories.
Ключові слова
скрипка, освіта, навчання, рівень, violin, education, learning, level
Бібліографічний опис
Рохас Галік, М. А. Процес викладання і навчання гри на скрипці та вплив радянської скрипкової музичної школи на освіту скрипалів в Еквадорі [Текст] / М. А. Рохас Галік, М. Х. Рохас Луденья // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 9 (103). – С. 479–487. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.09/479-487.