Педагогічні аспекти діяльності вчителя-дефектолога в роботі із сім’ями, які виховують дітей з особливими потребами
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У статті визначаються сучасні форми й методи роботи вчителя-дефектолога із сім’ями, які виховують дітей з особливими потребами, ураховуючи індивідуальні особливості батьків, типи сімей, міжособистісні стосунки та стилі виховання. Визначено основні завдання корекційної педагогічної роботи в родині, принципи роботи корекційного педагога з такими родинами, методи й методичні прийоми, яким необхідно навчити батьків для застосовування у процесі виховання своєї дитини. Наголошується на тому, що батькам, педагогам та іншим фахівцям необхідно вибрати найбільш оптимальні умови й форми навчання, виховання, фізичного розвитку, що забезпечують нормальне життя таких дітей у суспільстві.
The article defines the modern forms and methods of the teachers-defectologists with the families raising children with special needs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the parents, the family types, the interpersonal relationships and parenting style. The main tasks of correctional education work in the family, the principles of a correctional educator with such families, the methods and instructional techniques that need to teach the parents for application in the upbringing of their child are presented in the article. The main methods and instructional techniques have proposed a method of modelling different household situations, a gaming method, a change of scenery, a method of creative tasks available to the child, a method of close cooperation of the specialists and a family, theatre. The necessary condition for remedial training process is the desire to nurture the child’s independence, confidence and mobility. The basis of the remedial teacher and his family where a child with special needs should be based on the principles of an integrated approach to correctional and educational process, unity diagnosis and correction of close cooperation between the parents and the professionals, the parents and children, taking into account the interests and leadership activities. An important aspect of collaboration with families raising children with disabilities is to create associations of their parents. One of the most effective ways to assist families raising a child with disabilities is the “parent club”. It is stressed that the parents, the teachers and other professionals need to select the most optimal conditions and forms of training, education, physical development, to ensure the normal life of children in the society. Only by addressing the parents can provide a complete socialization of their children. The effectiveness of rehabilitation of disorders in child development is due to the degree of integration into society all the family as a whole. Defining the task depends on understanding the ultimate goal of the joint efforts of the teachers-defectologists, the parents, the entire educational community.
The article defines the modern forms and methods of the teachers-defectologists with the families raising children with special needs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the parents, the family types, the interpersonal relationships and parenting style. The main tasks of correctional education work in the family, the principles of a correctional educator with such families, the methods and instructional techniques that need to teach the parents for application in the upbringing of their child are presented in the article. The main methods and instructional techniques have proposed a method of modelling different household situations, a gaming method, a change of scenery, a method of creative tasks available to the child, a method of close cooperation of the specialists and a family, theatre. The necessary condition for remedial training process is the desire to nurture the child’s independence, confidence and mobility. The basis of the remedial teacher and his family where a child with special needs should be based on the principles of an integrated approach to correctional and educational process, unity diagnosis and correction of close cooperation between the parents and the professionals, the parents and children, taking into account the interests and leadership activities. An important aspect of collaboration with families raising children with disabilities is to create associations of their parents. One of the most effective ways to assist families raising a child with disabilities is the “parent club”. It is stressed that the parents, the teachers and other professionals need to select the most optimal conditions and forms of training, education, physical development, to ensure the normal life of children in the society. Only by addressing the parents can provide a complete socialization of their children. The effectiveness of rehabilitation of disorders in child development is due to the degree of integration into society all the family as a whole. Defining the task depends on understanding the ultimate goal of the joint efforts of the teachers-defectologists, the parents, the entire educational community.
Ключові слова
учитель-дефектолог, професійна діяльність, педагогічні аспекти, сім’я, діти з особливими потребами, корекційна освіта, батьківський клуб, корекційно-розвивальна робота, teachers-defectologists, professional activities, pedagogical aspects, family, children with special needs, correctional education, parent club, correctional and developmental work
Бібліографічний опис
Колишкін, О. В. Педагогічні аспекти діяльності вчителя-дефектолога в роботі із сім’ями, які виховують дітей з особливими потребами [Текст] / О. В. Колишкін // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 3 (47). – С. 10–20.