Особливості реальної практики формування професійної позиції майбутнього вчителя у процесі фахової підготовки в педагогічному коледжі
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У статті обґрунтовується актуальність формування професійної позиції майбутнього вчителя у процесі фахової підготовки в педагогічному коледжі в умовах інтеграції України у Європейський освітній простір. Акцентується увага на особливостях особистісно-орієнтованої освітньої парадигми та на Болонському процесі, як на основних освітніх орієнтирах сьогодення. Характеризується вплив фахової підготовки педагогічного коледжу на позицію майбутнього фахівця. Аналі-зується зміст програм із головних профілюючих навчальних дисциплін і програм з різних видів педагогічної практики. Виокремлюється потенціал локальних тематичних блоків предметів психолого-педагогічного циклу, спрямований на розкриття різних підходів до змісту та значення професійної позиції у структурі професіоналізму майбутнього вчителя. Розглядаються результати діагностики рівнів сформованості когнітивного, мотиваційно-смислового й поведінкового критеріїв педагогічної позиції студентів.
The article touches upon the problem of forming the future teacher professional position in the professional courses in Pedagogical College in the context of integration of Ukraine into the European educational space. Attention is focused on the features of a student-centered educational paradigm and the Bologna process, as the main educational orientations at present. The impact of professional training Pedagogical College on the position of a future specialist is characterized. Studying the content of the programs profiling of the major academic disciplines and programs of various kinds of pedagogical practices in order to identify aspects that can positively influence on the formation of a professional position of future teachers is presented. The potential of local clusters of items of a psycho-pedagogical cycle aimed at disclosure of various approaches to the content and meaning of professional position in the structure of the future teacher professionalism is singled out. We consider the diagnostic results of the levels of cognitive, motivational and behavioral criteria semantic teaching of the students. We study the overall level of formation of a professional position of pedagogical college students based on a detailed analysis of the lesson plans and programs of major subjects, the programs with different types of teaching practice, the state of educational and methodical providing information and technical provision, basis practices, purposeful observation of the students in educational and professional environment. The results of the analysis of the actual practice of professional formation of the future teacher position let us come to the conclusions about the system of professional training in pedagogical colleges mostly based on traditional educational principles. The content of training programs in professional psychology and educational sciences and teaching practice does not involve deliberate action on the student to form in his professional position and requires rethinking quality. The students have superficial understanding of the professional and pedagogical stance, treating it as a way of behavior or individual style of the teacher. The respondents exhibit unsatisfactory level of professional motivation. Many students do not perceive the future teacher professional position as a necessary condition for pedagogical professionalism. The themed blocks subjects of a psycho-pedagogical cycle are devoted to educational activities, the teaching profession and individual personalities – the founders of education system, which to some extent contributes to the perceptions of students’ «self-concept» of the modern teachers and implementation it in their own professional position.
The article touches upon the problem of forming the future teacher professional position in the professional courses in Pedagogical College in the context of integration of Ukraine into the European educational space. Attention is focused on the features of a student-centered educational paradigm and the Bologna process, as the main educational orientations at present. The impact of professional training Pedagogical College on the position of a future specialist is characterized. Studying the content of the programs profiling of the major academic disciplines and programs of various kinds of pedagogical practices in order to identify aspects that can positively influence on the formation of a professional position of future teachers is presented. The potential of local clusters of items of a psycho-pedagogical cycle aimed at disclosure of various approaches to the content and meaning of professional position in the structure of the future teacher professionalism is singled out. We consider the diagnostic results of the levels of cognitive, motivational and behavioral criteria semantic teaching of the students. We study the overall level of formation of a professional position of pedagogical college students based on a detailed analysis of the lesson plans and programs of major subjects, the programs with different types of teaching practice, the state of educational and methodical providing information and technical provision, basis practices, purposeful observation of the students in educational and professional environment. The results of the analysis of the actual practice of professional formation of the future teacher position let us come to the conclusions about the system of professional training in pedagogical colleges mostly based on traditional educational principles. The content of training programs in professional psychology and educational sciences and teaching practice does not involve deliberate action on the student to form in his professional position and requires rethinking quality. The students have superficial understanding of the professional and pedagogical stance, treating it as a way of behavior or individual style of the teacher. The respondents exhibit unsatisfactory level of professional motivation. Many students do not perceive the future teacher professional position as a necessary condition for pedagogical professionalism. The themed blocks subjects of a psycho-pedagogical cycle are devoted to educational activities, the teaching profession and individual personalities – the founders of education system, which to some extent contributes to the perceptions of students’ «self-concept» of the modern teachers and implementation it in their own professional position.
Ключові слова
формування, професійна позиція фахівця, майбутній учитель, фахова підготовка, сучасні освітні тенденції, критерії професійної позиції майбутнього вчителя, фахові дисципліни, педагогічна практика, future teacher professional position, professional training, modern educational trends
Бібліографічний опис
Літовка, О. П. Особливості реальної практики формування професійної позиції майбутнього вчителя у процесі фахової підготовки в педагогічному коледжі [Текст] / О. П. Літовка // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 1 (45). – С. 313–321.