Нематеріальна культурно-історична спадщина регіону як ефективний засіб формування художньо-естетичного смаку дітей молодшого шкільного віку
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Естетичне виховання та формування художньо-естетичного смаку має велике значення як для особистісного розвитку, так і для зміцнення ролі естетичних цінностей носіїв культурної спадщини. Нематеріальна культурно-історична спадщина регіону є важливим засобом формування художньо-естетичного смаку дітей молодшого шкільного віку. До нематеріальної спадщини відносимо мову, фольклор, музичний фольклор, народне хореографічне мистецтво. Тільки збагатившись духовністю, пізнавши мову, фольклор, мистецтво та цінності культурно-історичних традицій свого народу, дитина зможе оцінити загальнолюдські цінності та духовні досягнення інших народів.
Aesthetic education and formation of artistic and aesthetic taste is important for personal development and for strengthening the role of the aesthetic values of the cultural heritage of carriers. The acquisition by the younger generation of social experience of human existence with the development of the spiritual, highly moral, aesthetic values of culture involves the mastery of the world and folk art, and the development of a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the work of art is regarded as one of the objectives of the national educational system. Approaches to aesthetic education and formation of artistic and aesthetic taste need such forms and methods that are the most actively attracted to sources of regional culture. The most effective basis, in our opinion, is a study of the intangible cultural heritage, because it combines artistic heritage, folk art, family and the whole people traditions, folklore, folk treasure, poetic creativity, choreographic art, etc. Cultural and historical heritage of the region that accumulates a huge historical, spiritual, aesthetic experience, is extremely important for the development of artistic and aesthetic culture, education of the senses, formation of the artistic and aesthetic taste, culture, life, work, human relationships. Thus the values inherent in it, is a unique, proven age-old wisdom. Intangible cultural and historical heritage of the region is an effective form of artistic and aesthetic taste of children of primary school age. For intangible heritage include the language, folklore, folk music, folk choreographic art. Only enriching spirituality, learning language, folklore, art and values of cultural and historical traditions of his people, the child can appreciate human values and spiritual achievements of other nations. Therefore, in the school system in the educational process there should be implemented a series of effective forms and methods of the study of the regional cultural heritage for the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste of pupils at folk traditions, art, cultural and historical achievements of the region as the most valuable thing for centuries formed wisdom and culture of the people, should be part of the system of upbringing and education of the modern school.
Aesthetic education and formation of artistic and aesthetic taste is important for personal development and for strengthening the role of the aesthetic values of the cultural heritage of carriers. The acquisition by the younger generation of social experience of human existence with the development of the spiritual, highly moral, aesthetic values of culture involves the mastery of the world and folk art, and the development of a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the work of art is regarded as one of the objectives of the national educational system. Approaches to aesthetic education and formation of artistic and aesthetic taste need such forms and methods that are the most actively attracted to sources of regional culture. The most effective basis, in our opinion, is a study of the intangible cultural heritage, because it combines artistic heritage, folk art, family and the whole people traditions, folklore, folk treasure, poetic creativity, choreographic art, etc. Cultural and historical heritage of the region that accumulates a huge historical, spiritual, aesthetic experience, is extremely important for the development of artistic and aesthetic culture, education of the senses, formation of the artistic and aesthetic taste, culture, life, work, human relationships. Thus the values inherent in it, is a unique, proven age-old wisdom. Intangible cultural and historical heritage of the region is an effective form of artistic and aesthetic taste of children of primary school age. For intangible heritage include the language, folklore, folk music, folk choreographic art. Only enriching spirituality, learning language, folklore, art and values of cultural and historical traditions of his people, the child can appreciate human values and spiritual achievements of other nations. Therefore, in the school system in the educational process there should be implemented a series of effective forms and methods of the study of the regional cultural heritage for the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste of pupils at folk traditions, art, cultural and historical achievements of the region as the most valuable thing for centuries formed wisdom and culture of the people, should be part of the system of upbringing and education of the modern school.
Ключові слова
художньо-естетичний смак, artistic and aesthetic taste, нематеріальна культурно-історична спадщина, intangible cultural and historical heritage, молодший шкільний вік, primary school age, мова, language, фольклор, folklore, музичний фольклор, folk music, народне хореографічне мистецтво, folk choreographic art
Бібліографічний опис
Блудова, Ю. О. Нематеріальна культурно-історична спадщина регіону як ефективний засіб формування художньо-естетичного смаку дітей молодшого шкільного віку [Текст] / Ю. О. Блудова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 2 (56). – С. 115–123.