Підвищення результативності діяльності відділу продажів на ринку будівельних матеріалів в умовах повоєнного відновлення
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Парадигма сучасних економічних перетворень формує необхідність інноваційного забезпечення функціонування будівельного сектору в цілому та створення інструментарію підвищення результативності діяльності відділу продажів на ринку будівельних матеріалів зокрема. Концептуальний негативний вплив аспектів повномасштабного воєнного вторгнення на територію України зумовлює необхідність адаптування відділів продажів на ринку будівельних матеріалів до нових умов ведення бізнесу, грунтуючись на засадах комплексності та інноватики управлінських рішень. У матеріалах наукового дослідження проведено аналіз теоретико-методологічного рівня забезпечення ефективності функціонування відділів продажів на ринку будівельних матеріалів в сучасних умовах хаотично структурованої економічної системи, досліджено стан розвитку ринку будівельних матеріалів, сформовано комплекс пріоритетних завдань забезпечення досягнення стратегічних цілей компанії у найкоротший термін.
The paradigm of modern economic transformations creates the need for innovative support for the functioning of the construction sector as a whole and the creation of tools for increasing the effectiveness of the sales department on the building materials market in particular. The conceptual negative impact of aspects of a full-scale military invasion on the territory of Ukraine necessitates the adaptation of sales departments in the building materials market to new business conditions, based on the principles of complexity and innovation of management solutions. In the materials of the scientific research, an analysis of the theoretical and methodological level of ensuring the effectiveness of the functioning of sales departments on the building materials market in the modern conditions of a chaotically structured economic system was carried out, the state of development of the building materials market was investigated, and a set of priority tasks was formed to ensure the achievement of the company's strategic goals in the shortest possible time. Active hostilities on the territory of the state negate potential opportunities for ensuring strategic development in the long term. Ensuring the efficient functioning of the construction materials market becomes a necessary emphasis of reproduction of gradual economic transformational transformations. Achieving a high degree of appropriate efficiency is possible due to increasing the effectiveness of the sales department in the building materials market. Therefore, the complex nature of innovative changes in the economic system of the state through the prism of the aspects of the negative impact of a full-scale military invasion on the territory of Ukraine force to focus on the need to find effective tools to ensure a high degree of efficiency of the sales department in the building materials market. Ensuring the effective operation of the sales department in the building materials market leads to potential opportunities for qualitative structural changes, forecasting strategic priorities for the development of companies in the construction sector of the national economic system in the long term. Globalization aspects of transformational economic shifts require an emphasis on ensuring effective planning of sales volumes in order to increase the performance of the company in the building materials market. Therefore, the presence of an effective toolkit for ensuring the effective level of planning of the company’s sales department in the building materials market emphasizes the need for innovative support of the company’s strategic policy in the medium and long term, forecasting sales volumes depending on consumer interest, adjusting the cost price and profitability of products, formation of motivational features of the company’s strategic development.
The paradigm of modern economic transformations creates the need for innovative support for the functioning of the construction sector as a whole and the creation of tools for increasing the effectiveness of the sales department on the building materials market in particular. The conceptual negative impact of aspects of a full-scale military invasion on the territory of Ukraine necessitates the adaptation of sales departments in the building materials market to new business conditions, based on the principles of complexity and innovation of management solutions. In the materials of the scientific research, an analysis of the theoretical and methodological level of ensuring the effectiveness of the functioning of sales departments on the building materials market in the modern conditions of a chaotically structured economic system was carried out, the state of development of the building materials market was investigated, and a set of priority tasks was formed to ensure the achievement of the company's strategic goals in the shortest possible time. Active hostilities on the territory of the state negate potential opportunities for ensuring strategic development in the long term. Ensuring the efficient functioning of the construction materials market becomes a necessary emphasis of reproduction of gradual economic transformational transformations. Achieving a high degree of appropriate efficiency is possible due to increasing the effectiveness of the sales department in the building materials market. Therefore, the complex nature of innovative changes in the economic system of the state through the prism of the aspects of the negative impact of a full-scale military invasion on the territory of Ukraine force to focus on the need to find effective tools to ensure a high degree of efficiency of the sales department in the building materials market. Ensuring the effective operation of the sales department in the building materials market leads to potential opportunities for qualitative structural changes, forecasting strategic priorities for the development of companies in the construction sector of the national economic system in the long term. Globalization aspects of transformational economic shifts require an emphasis on ensuring effective planning of sales volumes in order to increase the performance of the company in the building materials market. Therefore, the presence of an effective toolkit for ensuring the effective level of planning of the company’s sales department in the building materials market emphasizes the need for innovative support of the company’s strategic policy in the medium and long term, forecasting sales volumes depending on consumer interest, adjusting the cost price and profitability of products, formation of motivational features of the company’s strategic development.
Ключові слова
будівництво, будівельні матеріали, торгівля, результат, відділ продажів, стратегія, план, ефективність, функціонування, construction, building materials, trade, result, sales department, strategy, plan, efficiency, functioning
Бібліографічний опис
Фісуненко, П. Підвищення результативності діяльності відділу продажів на ринку будівельних матеріалів в умовах повоєнного відновлення [Текст] / П. Фісуненко // Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека : науково-практичний журнал / Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [гол. ред. О. Ю. Кудріна, редкол.: В. В. Божкова, В. І. Борщ, Н. М. Вдовенко та ін.]. – 2024. – №3 (12). – С. 81–84. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.12-14