Алгоритмічна схема інноваційно-дослідницької діяльності в освітянському колективі
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У статті окреслено проблему єдності інноваційної та дослідницької діяльності педагогічного колективу. Схарактеризовано ключове поняття «інноваційно-дослідницька діяльність педагога». Зауважується на важливості введення цього терміну в контексті колективної професійної діяльності педагогів. Запропоновано алгоритмічну схему інноваційно-дослідницької діяльності, у якій відображено ключові її етапи та взаємозв’язки, подано короткий опис кожного етапу. Окрема увага звертається на важливість контролю якості у процесі розробки та впровадження інновацій як одного із ключових етапів інноваційно-дослідницької діяльності. У висновку пропонуються подальші напрями досліджень з указаної тематики.
The author examines the problem of studying the combination of innovation and research activities of the teacher. This problem is of great importance in the teaching staff. In this context the author has analyzed the essence of the interpretation of such terms in scientific literature as «activity», «research», «research», «innovation». The author has proposed the definition of «innovation and research activities» as the purposeful, systematic, comprehensive, creative and experimental activities of the teacher. This activity is focused on the research of the objective laws of the educational process, to update and improve it, to ensure its development and attracting research results to practical implementation. It means the development, creation, approbation and distribution of educational innovation. The author has noted that the greatest progress is achieved by collective work of the teachers with innovative projects, indicating the peculiarities of innovation and research activities in the teaching staff. Also the author has presented the algorithmic scheme of innovation and research activities of the faculty members. The main stages of innovation and research activities such as initial conditions, the planning stage, the stage of theoretical research, the constructive stage, the stage of innovation and diffusion of innovation phase are described. The author has presented the description of key relationships between each of these stages. Special attention is paid to the planning phase, the phase of theoretical research and the positive step. The author has specifically examined the role of control when performing innovative research activities in the teaching staff. In particular, the author has identified these components of innovation and research activities as external and internal expert assessment results. The algorithmic scheme of innovation and research activities, stressed in determining the identity of the main stages of the life cycle of innovation is offered by the author. The author asserts that the proposed scheme satisfies the basic provisions of the synergetics and takes into account both internal and external influence. The directions for scientific research on the problem of innovation and research activities in the future are shown.
The author examines the problem of studying the combination of innovation and research activities of the teacher. This problem is of great importance in the teaching staff. In this context the author has analyzed the essence of the interpretation of such terms in scientific literature as «activity», «research», «research», «innovation». The author has proposed the definition of «innovation and research activities» as the purposeful, systematic, comprehensive, creative and experimental activities of the teacher. This activity is focused on the research of the objective laws of the educational process, to update and improve it, to ensure its development and attracting research results to practical implementation. It means the development, creation, approbation and distribution of educational innovation. The author has noted that the greatest progress is achieved by collective work of the teachers with innovative projects, indicating the peculiarities of innovation and research activities in the teaching staff. Also the author has presented the algorithmic scheme of innovation and research activities of the faculty members. The main stages of innovation and research activities such as initial conditions, the planning stage, the stage of theoretical research, the constructive stage, the stage of innovation and diffusion of innovation phase are described. The author has presented the description of key relationships between each of these stages. Special attention is paid to the planning phase, the phase of theoretical research and the positive step. The author has specifically examined the role of control when performing innovative research activities in the teaching staff. In particular, the author has identified these components of innovation and research activities as external and internal expert assessment results. The algorithmic scheme of innovation and research activities, stressed in determining the identity of the main stages of the life cycle of innovation is offered by the author. The author asserts that the proposed scheme satisfies the basic provisions of the synergetics and takes into account both internal and external influence. The directions for scientific research on the problem of innovation and research activities in the future are shown.
Ключові слова
діяльність, дослідження, дослідницька діяльність, інноваційна діяльність, інноваційно-дослідницька діяльність, педагогічний колектив, алгоритмічна схема, activity, research, research activities, innovation activities, innovation and research activities, teaching staff, algorithmic scheme
Бібліографічний опис
Мосіюк, О. О. Алгоритмічна схема інноваційно-дослідницької діяльності в освітянському колективі [Текст] / О. О. Мосіюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 1 (45). – С. 171–179.