Дослідження звʼязного мовлення в дошкільників із загальним недорозвиненням мовлення
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У статті охарактеризовано основні етапи експериментального дослідження стану зв’язного мовлення в дітей старшого дошкільного віку із загальним недорозвиненням мовлення. В основу констатувального експерименту покладена тестова методика діагностики зв’язного мовлення В. Глухова. Для оцінювання успішності виконання завдань за методикою було передбачено використання бально-рівневої системи. Аналіз результатів дослідження підтвердив наявність низки особливостей, що характеризують стан зв’язного мовлення дітей із загальним недорозвиненням мовлення, які обовʼязково слід враховувати під час проведення корекційної роботи.
At the present stage of the development of the correctional education the process of diagnosis of preschool children speech disorders with general underdevelopment of speech becomes of particular importance. The main stages of experimental studies of the condition of coherent speech in preschool age children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized in the article. A comprehensive survey included a series of successive experimental tasks, which were conducted with each child individually. There were examined 12 children of 5-6 years with general underdevelopment of speech at different levels, and 12 preschoolers of the same age with normal speech development. The basis of the ascertaining experiment was held on test methods for diagnostics of connected speech by V. Glukhov. To assess the success of the technique use the ball-tier system was included. The survey of connected speech in senior preschool children with speech disorders and normal speech development took place in accordance with the basic methodological requirements. The study was made in the pre-school educational establishment № 36 «The Scarlet flower» of the town Sumy. The analysis showed that children with general underdevelopment of speech are significantly lag behind children with normal development on the level of ownership of the means of coherent speech. Made by the children agrammatism has increased the number of errors in the use of prepositions and prepositional-case constructions, transmission, spatial and other relations. A significant number of errors were observed during the use of verbal forms. The majority of errors were identified during the construction of the sentence, especially manifested during the use widespread and compound sentences. The analysis of the results of the study confirmed the presence of several features characterizing the state of the connected speech of children with general underdevelopment of speech, which definitely should be taken into account when carrying out remedial work.
At the present stage of the development of the correctional education the process of diagnosis of preschool children speech disorders with general underdevelopment of speech becomes of particular importance. The main stages of experimental studies of the condition of coherent speech in preschool age children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized in the article. A comprehensive survey included a series of successive experimental tasks, which were conducted with each child individually. There were examined 12 children of 5-6 years with general underdevelopment of speech at different levels, and 12 preschoolers of the same age with normal speech development. The basis of the ascertaining experiment was held on test methods for diagnostics of connected speech by V. Glukhov. To assess the success of the technique use the ball-tier system was included. The survey of connected speech in senior preschool children with speech disorders and normal speech development took place in accordance with the basic methodological requirements. The study was made in the pre-school educational establishment № 36 «The Scarlet flower» of the town Sumy. The analysis showed that children with general underdevelopment of speech are significantly lag behind children with normal development on the level of ownership of the means of coherent speech. Made by the children agrammatism has increased the number of errors in the use of prepositions and prepositional-case constructions, transmission, spatial and other relations. A significant number of errors were observed during the use of verbal forms. The majority of errors were identified during the construction of the sentence, especially manifested during the use widespread and compound sentences. The analysis of the results of the study confirmed the presence of several features characterizing the state of the connected speech of children with general underdevelopment of speech, which definitely should be taken into account when carrying out remedial work.
Ключові слова
загальне недорозвинення мовлення, звʼязне мовлення, діти дошкільного віку, переказ, дослідження, general underdevelopment of speech, coherent speech, preschool children, translation, research
Бібліографічний опис
Кравченко, А. Дослідження звʼязного мовлення в дошкільників із загальним недорозвиненням мовлення [Текст] / А. Кравченко, Л. Ступак // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 498–503.