Своєрідність педагогічно-просвітницької діяльності Никанора Онацького
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У статті розглядається своєрідність педагогічно-просвітницької діяльності Никанора Онацького в змісті краєзнавчої педагогіки. Основна увага приділена автором умовам формування світоглядної позиції педагога-художника; розглянуті основні віхи його життєвого шляху для визначення соціально-політичних умов, особливостей родинного виховання, навчання у визначних художників, спілкування з видатними особистостями, що дали змогу реалізуватися як діячеві освіти і культури Слобожанщини і крізь призму сформованої цілісної системи поглядів, нести культуру та національні освітні ідеї до народу через такі види діяльності, як: педагогічну; художньо-творчу; громадську; публіцистичну; краєзнавчу.
The article deals with the originality educational and outreach of Nicanor Onatsky in the sense of local history pedagogy. The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions of the formation of a teacher-artist’s outlook asan educator, carrier and propagandist of educational national ideas of Ukrainian people. The research is conducted by the analysis of the scientific sources and archival documents. The result of the study is to determine the basic conditions for the formation of an artist’s ideology: the radical social and political changes in Sumy region. Practical significance of the study is to explore the life path of the artist who made a great contribution to the development of Ukrainian pedagogy. So, pedagogical and educational activity of N. Onatsky took place in the struggle for Ukrainian lumen, national revival for improving Ukrainian culture and education in the difficult social and political changes. As it is shown in our study, such a personality as Nicanor Onatsky could not stand aside Slobozhanshchyna turbulent life, but in spite of all-time social activist, he did not abandon a year teaching at the school. Nicanor Onatsky is engaged in teaching persistently and seriously considered this work to their patriotic duty. At a time when many teachers saw the path to a happy future only through the changes in external conditions, Nicanor Onatsky believed that, above all, it should be perfected, filled with national ideas and carry it through life. We’ve come to the conclusion that therefore, pedagogical and educational activity of Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky held in the struggle for Ukrainian lumen, for national revival for improving Ukrainian culture and education in the difficult social and political change. Thus, the conditions of the system of own worldview of Nicanor Onatsky allowed realizing him the ideas in a creative plan. And as a result, an integrated system of beliefs in order to carry culture and national ideas to people through activity such as educational, artistic, creative, social, journalistic, local history has been formed. The prospect of further research we see in the further study of the creative heritage and educational and outreach of Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky’s activity, because our study does not cover all aspects of the described problems.
The article deals with the originality educational and outreach of Nicanor Onatsky in the sense of local history pedagogy. The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions of the formation of a teacher-artist’s outlook asan educator, carrier and propagandist of educational national ideas of Ukrainian people. The research is conducted by the analysis of the scientific sources and archival documents. The result of the study is to determine the basic conditions for the formation of an artist’s ideology: the radical social and political changes in Sumy region. Practical significance of the study is to explore the life path of the artist who made a great contribution to the development of Ukrainian pedagogy. So, pedagogical and educational activity of N. Onatsky took place in the struggle for Ukrainian lumen, national revival for improving Ukrainian culture and education in the difficult social and political changes. As it is shown in our study, such a personality as Nicanor Onatsky could not stand aside Slobozhanshchyna turbulent life, but in spite of all-time social activist, he did not abandon a year teaching at the school. Nicanor Onatsky is engaged in teaching persistently and seriously considered this work to their patriotic duty. At a time when many teachers saw the path to a happy future only through the changes in external conditions, Nicanor Onatsky believed that, above all, it should be perfected, filled with national ideas and carry it through life. We’ve come to the conclusion that therefore, pedagogical and educational activity of Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky held in the struggle for Ukrainian lumen, for national revival for improving Ukrainian culture and education in the difficult social and political change. Thus, the conditions of the system of own worldview of Nicanor Onatsky allowed realizing him the ideas in a creative plan. And as a result, an integrated system of beliefs in order to carry culture and national ideas to people through activity such as educational, artistic, creative, social, journalistic, local history has been formed. The prospect of further research we see in the further study of the creative heritage and educational and outreach of Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky’s activity, because our study does not cover all aspects of the described problems.
Ключові слова
Никанор Онацький, педагогічно-просвітницька діяльність, художник-педагог, громадський діяч, краєзнавець, Nicanor Onatsky, pedagogical and enlightenment activity, local specialist, public figure
Бібліографічний опис
Никифоров, А. М. Своєрідність педагогічно-просвітницької діяльності Никанора Онацького [Текст] / А. М. Никифоров // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 3 (47). – С. 211–218.