Посібник як засіб організації й реалізації інтерактивного навчання майбутніх лікарів і провізорів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті схарактеризовано інтерактивні технології (технологія навчального діалогу, технології проблемно-діалогічного навчання, навчальна дискусія), які використовуються у процесі формування інформаційно-технологічної компетентності (ІТ-компетентності) майбутніх лікарів і провізорів під час навчання дисциплінам природничо-наукової підготовки (ДПНП).
З'ясовано роль посібників, створених для навчання ДПНП, під час реалізації інтерактивних технологій у процесі формування ІТ-компетентності майбутніх фахівців.
Отримано висновок, що використання посібників, розроблених з метою навчання ДПНП, під час формування ІТ-компетентності майбутніх лікарів та провізорів за допомогою інтерактивних технологій навчання забезпечує керування їх пізнавальною діяльністю і спрямоване на вироблення нового типу мислення суб'єктів освітнього процесу, основу якого складають знання, уміння й навички, а також сама сформована ІТ-компетентність.
In the article, attention has been focused on unilateral and multilateral forms of communication that are present during teaching future doctors and pharmacists the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation. The interactive technologies (technology of educational dialogue, problem-dialogical teaching, educational discussion), which are used in the process of formation of information technology competences (IT competence) of the future specialists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation using the created manuals, have been determined. The role of manuals, which are created for teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation, during the implementation of interactive technologies in the process of formation of the IT competence of the future specialists has been clarified. Attention has been focused on the fact that the thematic, heuristic, rhetorical, carnival dialogues have occurred in the process of formation of the IT competence of the future doctors and pharmacists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation using the created manuals. We have found out that in order to form the IT competence of the future specialists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation motivation, critical, conflict, self-representative, autonomous, reflexive, creative in content, spiritual dialogues and dialogue that realizes itself are used. We have concluded that training dialogue in the process of formation of the IT competence of the future doctors and pharmacists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation using the created manuals performs cognitive, communicative, value, revealing, creative and reflexive functions. We have found out the features of problem-dialogical technologies and their use with the aim of formation of the IT competence of the future specialists who study the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation. Attention has been focused on the use of academic discussion during the formation of the IT competence of the future doctors and pharmacists as a mandatory element of process of interactive teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation. We have concluded that the use of manuals, which have been created to study the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation, provides control of cognitive activities of the future specialists during the formation of the IT competence and aimed to develop a new type of thinking of subjects of the educational process, which is based on the knowledge, skills and formed IT competence.
In the article, attention has been focused on unilateral and multilateral forms of communication that are present during teaching future doctors and pharmacists the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation. The interactive technologies (technology of educational dialogue, problem-dialogical teaching, educational discussion), which are used in the process of formation of information technology competences (IT competence) of the future specialists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation using the created manuals, have been determined. The role of manuals, which are created for teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation, during the implementation of interactive technologies in the process of formation of the IT competence of the future specialists has been clarified. Attention has been focused on the fact that the thematic, heuristic, rhetorical, carnival dialogues have occurred in the process of formation of the IT competence of the future doctors and pharmacists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation using the created manuals. We have found out that in order to form the IT competence of the future specialists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation motivation, critical, conflict, self-representative, autonomous, reflexive, creative in content, spiritual dialogues and dialogue that realizes itself are used. We have concluded that training dialogue in the process of formation of the IT competence of the future doctors and pharmacists during teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation using the created manuals performs cognitive, communicative, value, revealing, creative and reflexive functions. We have found out the features of problem-dialogical technologies and their use with the aim of formation of the IT competence of the future specialists who study the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation. Attention has been focused on the use of academic discussion during the formation of the IT competence of the future doctors and pharmacists as a mandatory element of process of interactive teaching the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation. We have concluded that the use of manuals, which have been created to study the disciplines of naturally scientific preparation, provides control of cognitive activities of the future specialists during the formation of the IT competence and aimed to develop a new type of thinking of subjects of the educational process, which is based on the knowledge, skills and formed IT competence.
Ключові слова
діалог, дискусія, інтерактивне навчання, ІТ-компетентність, посібник, проблемно-діалогічне навчання, технологія, dialogue, discussion, interactive teaching, IT competence, manual, problem-dialogical teaching, technology
Бібліографічний опис
Добровольська, А. Посібник як засіб організації й реалізації інтерактивного навчання майбутніх лікарів і провізорів [Текст] / А. Добровольська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 5 (69). – С. 251–270.