Модель змісту навчання освітньо-професійної програми методологічної компетентної моделі підготовки аспірантів, ад’юнктів
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У статті науковому суспільству запропоновано обговорити основний результат дисертаційного дослідження, новий зміст навчання й екзаменаційно-залікової сесії аспірантів у новій методологічній компетентній моделі. Зміст навчання відповідає розробленій уперше освітньо-професійній програмі підготовки аспірантів у контексті компетентного підходу. З метою підвищення якості підготовки аспірантів рекомендовано ввести атестацію у формі кандидатських іспитів із дисциплін: методологічні основи наукових досліджень і основи педагогіки та психології вищої школи.
The paper proposed the scientific community to discuss the main results of the research, new learning content and exam-record session, graduate students in the new methodological competent model. The curriculum is developed first meets the educational and vocational training program for graduate students in the context of competent approach. In order to improve the quality of post-graduate qualification recommended to put in the form of candidate tests in the disciplines: philosophy (in the direction of philosophy of science directly according to their training by specialty passport), foreign language (optional graduate), speciality (according to their training passport of speciality), pedagogy and psychology of high school and methodological bases of research. Thus we raise responsible applicant to prepare for the exam, Examination Commission objectively assess the knowledge level, skills and competencies as a result of evaluation will be reflected in the annex to the diploma of graduation (adjunction). Practical formation of interdisciplinary research and teaching competencies provided during the planned research and educational practice. The author of the work put forward the idea of the need for a thesis in a separate section to describe the current research and teaching their own system of new knowledge in the classroom. Further studies reliably confirmed its necessity, which is a fragment of a dynamic scientific world of scientific knowledge and teaching staff. Methodological competent model of training graduate students, adjunct, competitors with new educational and professional program it raises the cultural level of people, the advancement of labor experts from different educational levels, improve education specialists from different educational levels, solving the problem of variability. Methodological competent model with new content typical training program for graduate students, adjunct, not inconsistent with the legislation of Ukraine, existing laws and regulations and the obvious logic of educational phenomena. Competitor degree who has successfully mastered the content of a typical training program and successfully passed certification (making tests and candidate tests) has full rights of scientists, further regular employment and in accordance with the employment agreement (contract) is professionally engaged in scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity. Scientific novelty is the first time an adequate positive decision to improve the socio-economic efficiency of training candidates Degrees in Ukraine in the new methodological competent model.
The paper proposed the scientific community to discuss the main results of the research, new learning content and exam-record session, graduate students in the new methodological competent model. The curriculum is developed first meets the educational and vocational training program for graduate students in the context of competent approach. In order to improve the quality of post-graduate qualification recommended to put in the form of candidate tests in the disciplines: philosophy (in the direction of philosophy of science directly according to their training by specialty passport), foreign language (optional graduate), speciality (according to their training passport of speciality), pedagogy and psychology of high school and methodological bases of research. Thus we raise responsible applicant to prepare for the exam, Examination Commission objectively assess the knowledge level, skills and competencies as a result of evaluation will be reflected in the annex to the diploma of graduation (adjunction). Practical formation of interdisciplinary research and teaching competencies provided during the planned research and educational practice. The author of the work put forward the idea of the need for a thesis in a separate section to describe the current research and teaching their own system of new knowledge in the classroom. Further studies reliably confirmed its necessity, which is a fragment of a dynamic scientific world of scientific knowledge and teaching staff. Methodological competent model of training graduate students, adjunct, competitors with new educational and professional program it raises the cultural level of people, the advancement of labor experts from different educational levels, improve education specialists from different educational levels, solving the problem of variability. Methodological competent model with new content typical training program for graduate students, adjunct, not inconsistent with the legislation of Ukraine, existing laws and regulations and the obvious logic of educational phenomena. Competitor degree who has successfully mastered the content of a typical training program and successfully passed certification (making tests and candidate tests) has full rights of scientists, further regular employment and in accordance with the employment agreement (contract) is professionally engaged in scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity. Scientific novelty is the first time an adequate positive decision to improve the socio-economic efficiency of training candidates Degrees in Ukraine in the new methodological competent model.
Ключові слова
освітньо-професійна програма, зміст навчання, аспірантура, система, модель, компетентна модель підготовки аспірантів, формування, міждисциплінарна науково-педагогічна компетенція, Educationally professional program, maintenance of studies, aspirantura, system, model, competent model of preparation of graduate students, forming, interdisciplinary scientifically-pedagogical jurisdiction
Бібліографічний опис
Козубцов, І. М. Модель змісту навчання освітньо-професійної програми методологічної компетентної моделі підготовки аспірантів, ад’юнктів [Текст] / І. М. Козубцов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 272–280.