Сучасні підходи до формування в майбутніх учителів умінь аналізувати образи-персонажі художніх творів історичної тематики
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Статтю присвячено висвітленню питання сучасних підходів до формування в майбутніх учителів-словесників умінь аналізувати образи-персонажів літературних творів історичної тематики. Акцентується увага на сучасних підходах до вивчення літературних творів історичної тематики, ролі самостійних творчих завдань та робіт під час формування вмінь аналізу історичних художніх образів-персонажів у навчальному процесі ВНПЗ. Автором подаються зразки проблемно-творчих завдань до роботи над формуванням умінь аналізу історичних художніх образів-персонажів, виконання яких вимагає від студентів знань особливостей відповідної епохи, текстів творів, умінь здійснювати пошук, накопичувати, систематизувати й аналізувати матеріал.
The article is devoted to the problem of the contemporary approaches to formation of the skills to analyze the characters of historical pieces of literature of the future philologist-teachers. The author notes that the deepening of professional training teachers in modern conditions of society related activities aimed at improving theeducational process, finding new methods of training focused on the formation of the creative personality of the future teacher of his own abilities and skills to acquire knowledge for their personal professional, intellectual and cultural growth. Art canvas Ukrainian writers of historical subjects, which provide significant scientific and educational opportunities, take one of the leading places in this paper. The study of current practices shows that most teachers of Ukrainian literature have insufficient examination of the content and the method of analysis of images of historical characters work. This is manifested in an incomplete account of the general pedagogical principles and methods, specific approaches to the analysis. In particular, the teachers of literature do not always understand the originality of the work on image-historical character, not sufficiently aware of the results available, even small, scientific studies of that problem. This unresolved problems raised in the curriculum of higher educational institutions, literary, manuals, insufficient teacher training methodology to analyze images and characters of literature with historical themes determine the relevance of this article. Attention is focused on the current approaches to the study of literature of historical subjects, as independent creative tasks and work in the formation of skills of historical analysis of the images, the characters in the educational process. The author has proposed the samples of the problem-creative tasks to work on the formation of skills of historical analysis of the images, the characters of U.Karmalyuk and I. Mazepa in the M. Starytsky’s novels «Razboynyk Karmelyuk» and «Youth of Mazepa» and «Desolation», the implementation of which requires the students knowledge features of the era, texts, abilities to search, collect, organize and analyze the material in accordance with the directions of the structure and taking into account the historical, human, national and historical-functional aspects.
The article is devoted to the problem of the contemporary approaches to formation of the skills to analyze the characters of historical pieces of literature of the future philologist-teachers. The author notes that the deepening of professional training teachers in modern conditions of society related activities aimed at improving theeducational process, finding new methods of training focused on the formation of the creative personality of the future teacher of his own abilities and skills to acquire knowledge for their personal professional, intellectual and cultural growth. Art canvas Ukrainian writers of historical subjects, which provide significant scientific and educational opportunities, take one of the leading places in this paper. The study of current practices shows that most teachers of Ukrainian literature have insufficient examination of the content and the method of analysis of images of historical characters work. This is manifested in an incomplete account of the general pedagogical principles and methods, specific approaches to the analysis. In particular, the teachers of literature do not always understand the originality of the work on image-historical character, not sufficiently aware of the results available, even small, scientific studies of that problem. This unresolved problems raised in the curriculum of higher educational institutions, literary, manuals, insufficient teacher training methodology to analyze images and characters of literature with historical themes determine the relevance of this article. Attention is focused on the current approaches to the study of literature of historical subjects, as independent creative tasks and work in the formation of skills of historical analysis of the images, the characters in the educational process. The author has proposed the samples of the problem-creative tasks to work on the formation of skills of historical analysis of the images, the characters of U.Karmalyuk and I. Mazepa in the M. Starytsky’s novels «Razboynyk Karmelyuk» and «Youth of Mazepa» and «Desolation», the implementation of which requires the students knowledge features of the era, texts, abilities to search, collect, organize and analyze the material in accordance with the directions of the structure and taking into account the historical, human, national and historical-functional aspects.
Ключові слова
формування вмінь аналізувати, професійна підготовка, історичний художній образ-персонаж, історичний роман, принцип історизму, історична епоха, самостійна робота, творчі завдання, історичний, загальнолюдський, національний, історико-функіональний аспекти, formation of the skills to analyze, professional training, fiction historical character, historical novel, principle of Historicism, historical epoch, self-study work, cretive tasks, historical, general humanic, national, historical- functional aspects
Бібліографічний опис
Гриневич, В. Й. Сучасні підходи до формування в майбутніх учителів умінь аналізувати образи-персонажі художніх творів історичної тематики [Текст] / В. Й. Гриневич // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 1 (45). – С. 229–238.