Оцінка зони професійного комфорту вчителів як засобу прогнозування динаміки їх індивідуального здоров’я
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкриваються можливості прогнозування динаміки індивідуального здоров’я вчителів за змінами зони професійного комфорту. Досліджувалися зона професійного комфорту, рівень професійного вигоряння, стан індивідуального здоров’я вчителів загальноосвітніх шкіл. Результати дослідження показали, що звуження зони комфорту підвищує вірогідність збільшення рівня професійного вигоряння. У респонденттів із низьким і високим рівнями вигоряння захворюваність збільшується при звуженні зони комфорту. Учителі з вкрай високим рівнем вигоряння при розширенні зони комфорту хворіють більше. Дані, отримані для вчителів із середнім рівнем вигоряння, не є достовірними. Рекомендовано враховувати виявлені особливості при використанні показників зони професійного комфорту для прогнозування стану індивідуального здоров’я вчителів та оцінки сформованості в них компетентності індивідуального здоров’язбереження.
The article deals with the possibility of predicting the dynamics of teachers’ individual health by the indicators of professional comfort zone changes. The area of professional comfort zone, the level of occupational burnout, the individual health status of teachers in secondary schools was investigated. 19.67 % of the respondents have low level of professional burnout, 34.43 % – average level, 27.05 % – high level, 18,85 % – very high level. Skin diseases, diseases of musculoskeletal system and sensory organs (22.84 %); diseases of cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems (20,45 %); diseases of respiratory system (19.50 %) are the most common nosologies that teachers have. The results showed that the narrowing of the teachers’ professional comfort zone increases the probability of increasing the level of occupational burnout. Morbidity of the respondents with low and high levels of burnout increases with the narrowing of professional comfort zone. Teachers with extremely high levels of burnout while expanding comfort zone are sick more. Data obtained for teachers with an average level of occupational burnout are not statistically significant. Teachers, whose professional comfort zone had expanded during the period of professional training, have low levels of occupational burnout regardless of age and experience. Teachers, whose professional comfort zone had been narrowed during the period of professional training, are prone to burnout proportionally with negative dynamics of professional comfort zone. Professional comfort zone of teachers with middle, high and very high levels of occupational burnout at the time of the survey was significantly lower than in the pre-professional stage. Instead, teachers with low level of burnout have the area of comfort zone located within a little more than on pre-professional stage. It is recommended to take into account the detected peculiarities in using indicators of professional comfort zone for predicting the state of teachers’ individual health and the evaluation in their individual health preservation competence. As the prospects for further research in this direction we consider the development and implementation of valeological and educational technologies of formation and development of individual health preservation competence of the future teachers and teachers-practitioners in order to expand their comfort zones, to prevent the premature professional burnout, prevention of diseases, especially those that have a psychosomatic nature.
The article deals with the possibility of predicting the dynamics of teachers’ individual health by the indicators of professional comfort zone changes. The area of professional comfort zone, the level of occupational burnout, the individual health status of teachers in secondary schools was investigated. 19.67 % of the respondents have low level of professional burnout, 34.43 % – average level, 27.05 % – high level, 18,85 % – very high level. Skin diseases, diseases of musculoskeletal system and sensory organs (22.84 %); diseases of cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems (20,45 %); diseases of respiratory system (19.50 %) are the most common nosologies that teachers have. The results showed that the narrowing of the teachers’ professional comfort zone increases the probability of increasing the level of occupational burnout. Morbidity of the respondents with low and high levels of burnout increases with the narrowing of professional comfort zone. Teachers with extremely high levels of burnout while expanding comfort zone are sick more. Data obtained for teachers with an average level of occupational burnout are not statistically significant. Teachers, whose professional comfort zone had expanded during the period of professional training, have low levels of occupational burnout regardless of age and experience. Teachers, whose professional comfort zone had been narrowed during the period of professional training, are prone to burnout proportionally with negative dynamics of professional comfort zone. Professional comfort zone of teachers with middle, high and very high levels of occupational burnout at the time of the survey was significantly lower than in the pre-professional stage. Instead, teachers with low level of burnout have the area of comfort zone located within a little more than on pre-professional stage. It is recommended to take into account the detected peculiarities in using indicators of professional comfort zone for predicting the state of teachers’ individual health and the evaluation in their individual health preservation competence. As the prospects for further research in this direction we consider the development and implementation of valeological and educational technologies of formation and development of individual health preservation competence of the future teachers and teachers-practitioners in order to expand their comfort zones, to prevent the premature professional burnout, prevention of diseases, especially those that have a psychosomatic nature.
Ключові слова
учителі, індивідуальне здоров’я, захворюваність, зона професійного комфорту, компетентність індивідуального здоров’язбереження, професійний розвиток, професійне вигоряння, teachers, individual health, morbidity, professional comfort zone, individual health preservation competence, professional development, occupational burnout
Бібліографічний опис
Жара, Г. Оцінка зони професійного комфорту вчителів як засобу прогнозування динаміки їх індивідуального здоров’я [Текст] / Г. Жара // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 4 (68). – С. 90–99.