Про ефективність упровадження моделі формування предметної компетентності з основ теорії здоров’я у студентів вищих училищ фізичної культури
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У статті розглянуто проблему формування предметної компетентності з навчальної дисципліни «Основи теорії здоров’я» у студентів вищих училищ фізичної культури. Дієвість моделі оцінювалася за показниками інтегрального (фізичного, психічного, духовного) здоров’я (авторська розробка) та анкетного опитування. Використання зазначеної моделі сприяло підвищенню рівня сформованості предметної компетентності у студентів за рахунок отримання знань, умінь та практичних навичок у проведенні здоров’язбережувальних процедур з метою використання їх у майбутній професійній діяльності.
The problem of forming of the subject competence on the scientific discipline “Foundations of the health theory” among the students of higher schools of physical training has been considered in the article. There were substantiated the methodological approaches to the development and implementation into educational process of student-athletes of the author’s model. Objective matter of work is to verify the effectiveness of the developed model in the educational process of students of higher schools of physical training. The study involved 56 persons (37 boys and 19 girls) among second-year students of Republican Higher School of Physical Education (experimental group) and 48 persons (26 boys and 22 girls) of Brovary Higher School of Physical Culture (control group). The effectiveness of the model was evaluated on indicators of integral (physical, mental, spiritual) health (author’s development) and a questionnaire survey, which included three structural components of competence: motivational, cognitive, active. There were shown integral dynamics of changes of parameters of health of the experimental and control groups. Also there were picked levels of development of the object competence of future specialists in physical education and sport. Conclusion is made that the use of this model contributed to increasing of the level of formation of the object competence in the experimental group of students at the expense of obtaining knowledge, order skills and practical skills in carrying out health keeping and improving procedures in order to use in their future career activity. The final result of formation of the object competence is the ascertaining aspect which is shown in changes in terms of the integral health of students. In subsequent studies it is planned to prove experimentally the feasibility of using the developed model in the educational process of students of institutions (faculties) of physical education of pedagogical universities in the process of study of other healthcare disciplines (for example, “Hygiene of physical exercises”, “Valeology”, etc.).
The problem of forming of the subject competence on the scientific discipline “Foundations of the health theory” among the students of higher schools of physical training has been considered in the article. There were substantiated the methodological approaches to the development and implementation into educational process of student-athletes of the author’s model. Objective matter of work is to verify the effectiveness of the developed model in the educational process of students of higher schools of physical training. The study involved 56 persons (37 boys and 19 girls) among second-year students of Republican Higher School of Physical Education (experimental group) and 48 persons (26 boys and 22 girls) of Brovary Higher School of Physical Culture (control group). The effectiveness of the model was evaluated on indicators of integral (physical, mental, spiritual) health (author’s development) and a questionnaire survey, which included three structural components of competence: motivational, cognitive, active. There were shown integral dynamics of changes of parameters of health of the experimental and control groups. Also there were picked levels of development of the object competence of future specialists in physical education and sport. Conclusion is made that the use of this model contributed to increasing of the level of formation of the object competence in the experimental group of students at the expense of obtaining knowledge, order skills and practical skills in carrying out health keeping and improving procedures in order to use in their future career activity. The final result of formation of the object competence is the ascertaining aspect which is shown in changes in terms of the integral health of students. In subsequent studies it is planned to prove experimentally the feasibility of using the developed model in the educational process of students of institutions (faculties) of physical education of pedagogical universities in the process of study of other healthcare disciplines (for example, “Hygiene of physical exercises”, “Valeology”, etc.).
Ключові слова
модель, інтегральне здоров’я, компетентність, навчальна дисципліна «Основи теорії здоров’я», вищі училища фізичної культури, студенти, model, integral (physical, mental, spiritual) health, competence, scientific discipline «Foundations of the health theory», higher schools of physical training, students
Бібліографічний опис
Хорошуха, М. Ф. Про ефективність упровадження моделі формування предметної компетентності з основ теорії здоров’я у студентів вищих училищ фізичної культури [Текст] / М. Ф. Хорошуха // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 10 (54). – С. 188–195.