Міжетнічна толерантність у площині канонічного національного українського наративу
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Актуальність представленої статті визначається багатонаціональністю нашої держави та потребою у підготовці майбутніх істориків на засадах толерантності. У статті досліджено значення, місце та роль канонічного національного укранського наративу у формуванні міжетнічної толерантності майбутніх викладачів історії. На матеріалах анкетування виокремлено конфліктні питання трактування історії України в контексті загальноєвропейської історії. Простежено динаміку формування в студентів-магістрантів етнічних стереотипів на основі канонічного історичного українського наративу. Доведено тезу про те, що сучасний національний історичний наратив потребує видозмін і доопрацювань.
Globalization of European area in the past decade has spawned discussions in matters of presentation of history. Because on the one hand the challenge for countries like Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro becomes a revival of national culture and historical memory, and on the other – in the view of the multi-ethnicity of these countries, a significant effect takes the idea of tolerance and cooperation between different people in the development of the state. The relevance of the presented paper is determined by our multinational state, and the need to prepare future historians on the basis of tolerance. The value of the place and role of the canonical Ukrainian national narrative in the formation of interethnic tolerance of future history teachers is investigated. In materials of the survey of the conflicting interpretations of the history of Ukraine issues in the context of European history are singled out. The dynamics of the formation of students’, undergraduates’ ethnic stereotypes based on canonical Ukrainian historical narrative are examined. The conducted survey of graduate students of leading universities of Ukraine allows to state that the youth’s stereotypes about other ethnic groups partly determine the attitude of the youth and the desire / unwillingness to cooperate with people of different cultures in our country. The thesis that the modern national historical narrative requires modifications and completions is proved. The formation of interethnic tolerance of future history teachers must: include the history and culture of ethnic minorities in the general history of the Ukrainian people, realize that the nation’s history is not only a work of the ethnos, use a regional approach in the study of historical facts as well as different regions of Ukraine have different ethnic composition population. It is also appropriate to introduce elective courses that would reflect modern etnomigration, intercultural processes both in Ukraine and in neighboring countries, which is aimed at targeting the formation of future teachers of tolerance. Therefore, it is necessary to form a relationship to the history of Ukraine, not as a history of competition between different ethnic groups and cultures, as well as a space for interaction between all the people of modern Ukraine, tolerance for each other.
Globalization of European area in the past decade has spawned discussions in matters of presentation of history. Because on the one hand the challenge for countries like Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro becomes a revival of national culture and historical memory, and on the other – in the view of the multi-ethnicity of these countries, a significant effect takes the idea of tolerance and cooperation between different people in the development of the state. The relevance of the presented paper is determined by our multinational state, and the need to prepare future historians on the basis of tolerance. The value of the place and role of the canonical Ukrainian national narrative in the formation of interethnic tolerance of future history teachers is investigated. In materials of the survey of the conflicting interpretations of the history of Ukraine issues in the context of European history are singled out. The dynamics of the formation of students’, undergraduates’ ethnic stereotypes based on canonical Ukrainian historical narrative are examined. The conducted survey of graduate students of leading universities of Ukraine allows to state that the youth’s stereotypes about other ethnic groups partly determine the attitude of the youth and the desire / unwillingness to cooperate with people of different cultures in our country. The thesis that the modern national historical narrative requires modifications and completions is proved. The formation of interethnic tolerance of future history teachers must: include the history and culture of ethnic minorities in the general history of the Ukrainian people, realize that the nation’s history is not only a work of the ethnos, use a regional approach in the study of historical facts as well as different regions of Ukraine have different ethnic composition population. It is also appropriate to introduce elective courses that would reflect modern etnomigration, intercultural processes both in Ukraine and in neighboring countries, which is aimed at targeting the formation of future teachers of tolerance. Therefore, it is necessary to form a relationship to the history of Ukraine, not as a history of competition between different ethnic groups and cultures, as well as a space for interaction between all the people of modern Ukraine, tolerance for each other.
Ключові слова
міжетнічна толерантність майбутнього викладача історії, етнічний стереотип, канонічний національний укранський історичний наратив, толерантний викладач історії, ethnic tolerance, future teacher of history, ethnic stereotypes, canonical Ukrainian national historical narrative
Бібліографічний опис
Тишик, І. С. Міжетнічна толерантність у площині канонічного національного українського наративу [Текст] / І. С. Тишик // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 102–110.