Здоров’ятворча компетентність підлітків та соціально-педагогічні умови її формування в діяльності загальноосвітнього навчального закладу
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У статті теоретично та змістовно обґрунтовано основні соціально-педагогічні умови формування здоров’ятворчої компетентності підлітків у діяльності загальноосвітнього навчального закладу; розкрито соціально-педагогічні механізми та деякі інтерактивні технології їхнього впровадження в навчально-виховний процес загальноосвітнього навчального закладу. Результати соціально-педагогічного дослідження свідчать про те, що подальшого наукового вивчення потребують проблеми проективної розробки виховних технологій формування в учнівської молоді здоров’ятворчої мотивації, потреб, духовності, їх ціннісного ставлення до соціального та духовного здоров’я, особистісної культури здоров’я людини.
In the article according to the authors three major socio-pedagogical conditions of formation of health and creative competence of the teenagers in the activity of the general educational institution are theoretically and meaningful justified. The first socio-pedagogical condition of formation of the health and creative competence of the teenagers of general educational institution has been formulated as an objective necessity of the formation of positive motivation towards keeping and strengthening their own health and a healthy lifestyle. The second socio-pedagogical condition of formation of the health and creative competence of the pupils is identified as creating educational and health-improving, interactive environment (society) of general educational institutions. The third socio-pedagogical condition is determined by the system of interactive technologies of socio-pedagogical support of system health and creative activity and its subjects. Under the socio-pedagogical support we understand the kind of socio-pedagogical work aimed at social care, care and support of children and young people to overcome life’s difficulties, to preserve and increase their social status. It is disclosed socio-pedagogical mechanisms and some author’s interactive technologies, their introduction into the educational process in secondary schools. The article deals with the problem of social-pedagogical foundations of upbringing health-creative competence of secondary school pupils. The authors have proved that the health and creative competence of the pupils of secondary educational institution forms under the optimal effects of social, cognitive, axiological, moral, physical, motivational, emotional factors, structured in educational and health environment of named establishments with properties of sustainable socio-directed psychological and moral-somatic support of health and creative activity of the pupils. The article considers the methods of socially-pedagogical accompaniment of their health creative activity at the competent level. The results of socio-pedagogical research offers that the problems of projective design of educational technologies, forming health and creative motivation, needs, morality, their conscious value attitude to the social and moral health, personal culture of human health require further scientific study.
In the article according to the authors three major socio-pedagogical conditions of formation of health and creative competence of the teenagers in the activity of the general educational institution are theoretically and meaningful justified. The first socio-pedagogical condition of formation of the health and creative competence of the teenagers of general educational institution has been formulated as an objective necessity of the formation of positive motivation towards keeping and strengthening their own health and a healthy lifestyle. The second socio-pedagogical condition of formation of the health and creative competence of the pupils is identified as creating educational and health-improving, interactive environment (society) of general educational institutions. The third socio-pedagogical condition is determined by the system of interactive technologies of socio-pedagogical support of system health and creative activity and its subjects. Under the socio-pedagogical support we understand the kind of socio-pedagogical work aimed at social care, care and support of children and young people to overcome life’s difficulties, to preserve and increase their social status. It is disclosed socio-pedagogical mechanisms and some author’s interactive technologies, their introduction into the educational process in secondary schools. The article deals with the problem of social-pedagogical foundations of upbringing health-creative competence of secondary school pupils. The authors have proved that the health and creative competence of the pupils of secondary educational institution forms under the optimal effects of social, cognitive, axiological, moral, physical, motivational, emotional factors, structured in educational and health environment of named establishments with properties of sustainable socio-directed psychological and moral-somatic support of health and creative activity of the pupils. The article considers the methods of socially-pedagogical accompaniment of their health creative activity at the competent level. The results of socio-pedagogical research offers that the problems of projective design of educational technologies, forming health and creative motivation, needs, morality, their conscious value attitude to the social and moral health, personal culture of human health require further scientific study.
Ключові слова
духовне та соціальне здоров’я, здоров’ятворча компетентність, інтерактивні технології, мотивація, освітнє середовище, соціально-педагогічні умови, соціум, соціальний супровід, moral and social health, health and creative competence, interactive technology, motivation, educational environment, socio-pedagogical conditions, society, social support
Бібліографічний опис
Григоренко, Г. В. Здоров’ятворча компетентність підлітків та соціально-педагогічні умови її формування в діяльності загальноосвітнього навчального закладу [Текст] / Г. В. Григоренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 4 (48). – С. 215–222.