Ґенеза ідей вивчення іноземних мов у початковій школі Китаю (221 рік до н.е. – 1949 рік)
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Розглянуто історичний аспект розвитку вивчення іноземних мов у початковій школі Китаю. Висвітлено особливості вивчення іноземних мов (тибетська, монгольська, уйгурська, в’єтнамська, японська, англійська мови) у початковій школі Китаю. Для досягнення поставленої мети були використані такі методи дослідження: історичні: хронологічний, історико-типологічний, логіко-історичний, які допомогли висвітлити проблему дослідження в динаміці та хронологічній послідовності. Охарактеризовано перші школи з вивчення іноземних мов, засновані американськими та французькими місіонерами. Розкрито специфіку підготовки вчителів іноземної мови і перекладачів, а також навчально-методичне забезпечення навчання іноземним мовам (глосарії).
In this article we describe the peculiarities of learning foreign languages (Tibetan, Mongolian, Uyghur, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Burmese, English languages) in primary schools of China. These languages were the first foreign languages learning in China. The first foreign language that appeared in China was English. Only children from the rich families could learn this language. At first, there were no schools in China, that’s why children learnt foreign languages at home. In 1289 the first school of learning foreign languages was opened in China. The first teachers of foreign languages were Persian; moreover, only foreigners were the teachers in this school. The best students became the teachers of foreign languages later. Only boys had an opportunity to learn not only foreign languages, but enter the school. Chinese liked to learn different foreign languages. Most popular languages were Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian and English. At the end of the year students passed the exams. Nowadays, Chinese schools offer to learn foreign language from the first grade. Some kindergartens give lessons of learning foreign languages. English is the compulsory subject and is included into curriculum. At the end of each grade children pass the exam. The system of passing exams is the best system of verification of students’ knowledge in China. As we know, learning foreign languages in China has a long history. People want to know several foreign languages and they went to their aim. We found out that the first schools of learning foreign languages were founded by American and French missionaries. By the word, missionaries’ school revealed the specifics of training the foreign language teachers and translators; educational and methodological support of teaching foreign language (Glossary). English is the international language and every person in the world wants to know it. Chinese are not an exception. They began to learn English because their economy develops very quickly and they want to understand and communicate with foreigners.
In this article we describe the peculiarities of learning foreign languages (Tibetan, Mongolian, Uyghur, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Burmese, English languages) in primary schools of China. These languages were the first foreign languages learning in China. The first foreign language that appeared in China was English. Only children from the rich families could learn this language. At first, there were no schools in China, that’s why children learnt foreign languages at home. In 1289 the first school of learning foreign languages was opened in China. The first teachers of foreign languages were Persian; moreover, only foreigners were the teachers in this school. The best students became the teachers of foreign languages later. Only boys had an opportunity to learn not only foreign languages, but enter the school. Chinese liked to learn different foreign languages. Most popular languages were Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian and English. At the end of the year students passed the exams. Nowadays, Chinese schools offer to learn foreign language from the first grade. Some kindergartens give lessons of learning foreign languages. English is the compulsory subject and is included into curriculum. At the end of each grade children pass the exam. The system of passing exams is the best system of verification of students’ knowledge in China. As we know, learning foreign languages in China has a long history. People want to know several foreign languages and they went to their aim. We found out that the first schools of learning foreign languages were founded by American and French missionaries. By the word, missionaries’ school revealed the specifics of training the foreign language teachers and translators; educational and methodological support of teaching foreign language (Glossary). English is the international language and every person in the world wants to know it. Chinese are not an exception. They began to learn English because their economy develops very quickly and they want to understand and communicate with foreigners.
Ключові слова
іноземні мови, англійська мова, початкова школа, перші школи, глосарії, місіонери, перекладачі, Китай, foreign languages, English, primary school, first schools, glossary, missionaries, translators, China
Бібліографічний опис
Лахмотова, Ю. Ґенеза ідей вивчення іноземних мов у початковій школі Китаю (221 рік до н.е. – 1949 рік) [Текст] / Ю. Лахмотова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 7 (61). – С. 3–12.