Ретроспективний аналіз становлення іншомовної освіти майбутніх працівників фіскальної служби у світовій практиці
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У статті проаналізовано виникнення й розвиток іншомовної підготовки майбутніх фахівців фіскальної сфери; схарактеризовано педагогічні аспекти використання іноземної мови у процесі формування іншомовної компетентності таких службовців, що є необхідним компонентом їх повноцінної професійної підготовки. Визначено, що її становлення відбувалось у межах шести історичних періодів, зумовлених взаємодією економічних, політичних і соціокультурних факторів. Зазначено, що на кожному етапі з’являлися структурні компоненти: поява програм навчання в коледжах гуманітарних наук з їх орієнтацією на широку загальну освіту у перший період; виникнення коледжів із прикладних наук у другий період; поява найбільших приватних і державних університетів у третій період; значне збільшення кількості вищих навчальних закладів з різноманітною фаховою підготовкою у четвертий, п’ятий і шостий періоди.
This paper examines the emergence and development of future fiscal officers’ foreign language training; the pedagogical aspects of using foreign language in the process of such employees’ foreign language competence formation, which is a necessary component of their complete professional training, are characterized. It is determined that its formation has being occurred within six historical periods, due to the interaction of economic, political and cultural factors. Historical and pedagogical analysis of special literature has revealed the peculiarities of the fiscal officers’ foreign language training establishment evolution. It is singled out six stages of its development due to the interaction of political, economic and cultural factors. The major turning events that took place during these periods include: establishment of the first colleges in colonial times with laying the foundations of language training, which was studied as an important part along with the economic and legal subjects (1636–1776); the development of professional education with further improvement of language training after the acquisition of ideas of Thomas Jefferson about the general public education introduction, the adoption of the Bill of Human Rights (1776–1862); the opening of land-grant universities after Morril Law initiative; the beginning of professional tax organizations activities as initiators and distributors of tax education ideas (1862–1913); the fiscal officer profession occurrence; the separation between the two directions of its activities – economic, legal and, as a result, the design of three accredited tax professionals – enrolled agent, independent certified accountant and attorney (1913–1950); the use of computer technology in the field of taxation; the development of fiscal education standards; the appearance of master programs in tax professional training (1950–1990); the beginning of integration processes in the global economy, causing rapid spread of high technology and information dissemination, the emergence of new competencies in the structure of the qualification requirements and changes in educational standards in the field of taxation (from 1990’s till nowadays). Taking into consideration the results of the study of this problem, it is appropriate to examine the model of formation of foreign language professional competence in higher education at the present stage.
This paper examines the emergence and development of future fiscal officers’ foreign language training; the pedagogical aspects of using foreign language in the process of such employees’ foreign language competence formation, which is a necessary component of their complete professional training, are characterized. It is determined that its formation has being occurred within six historical periods, due to the interaction of economic, political and cultural factors. Historical and pedagogical analysis of special literature has revealed the peculiarities of the fiscal officers’ foreign language training establishment evolution. It is singled out six stages of its development due to the interaction of political, economic and cultural factors. The major turning events that took place during these periods include: establishment of the first colleges in colonial times with laying the foundations of language training, which was studied as an important part along with the economic and legal subjects (1636–1776); the development of professional education with further improvement of language training after the acquisition of ideas of Thomas Jefferson about the general public education introduction, the adoption of the Bill of Human Rights (1776–1862); the opening of land-grant universities after Morril Law initiative; the beginning of professional tax organizations activities as initiators and distributors of tax education ideas (1862–1913); the fiscal officer profession occurrence; the separation between the two directions of its activities – economic, legal and, as a result, the design of three accredited tax professionals – enrolled agent, independent certified accountant and attorney (1913–1950); the use of computer technology in the field of taxation; the development of fiscal education standards; the appearance of master programs in tax professional training (1950–1990); the beginning of integration processes in the global economy, causing rapid spread of high technology and information dissemination, the emergence of new competencies in the structure of the qualification requirements and changes in educational standards in the field of taxation (from 1990’s till nowadays). Taking into consideration the results of the study of this problem, it is appropriate to examine the model of formation of foreign language professional competence in higher education at the present stage.
Ключові слова
іншомовна освіта, становлення, розвиток, професійна підготовка, фіскальний службовець, ретроспективний аналіз, період, foreign language education, formation, development, professional training, fiscal officer, retrospective analysis, period
Бібліографічний опис
Пілюгіна, Т. В. Ретроспективний аналіз становлення іншомовної освіти майбутніх працівників фіскальної служби у світовій практиці [Текст] / Т. В. Пілюгіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 2 (46). – С. 41–47.