Північноамериканський досвід визнання результатів неформальної та інформальної освіти дорослих
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета статті: дослідити особливості визнання формальної та інформальної освіти дорослих. Методи дослідження: для досягнення поставленої мети використовувалася низка теоретичних методів, а саме дедукція, індукція, аналіз, синтез, аналогія; соціологічних - систематизація й аналіз вихідних даних джерел та фактів; таких історичних методів, як порівняльно-історичний, проблемно- хронологічний. Виявлено, що в канадській та американській педагогічній науці найбільш уживаним є термін «валідація результатів попередньої освіти». З'ясовано, що факторами доцільності валідації результатів попередньої освіти є старіння населення, яке характеризується збільшенням чисельності населення третього віку і зменшенням народжуваності; процеси міграції й інтернаціоналізації; низький відсоток кваліфікованих фахівців; зростання відсотку корінного населення.
Aim of the article: research of peculiarities of informal and non-formal adult education results recognition. Research methods: for achievement of the goal the theoretical methods have been used, in particular, deduction, induction, synthesis, analysis, analogy; sociological methods - systematization and analysis of initial data in sources; such historical methods as comparative-historical and problem-chronological. It has been found out that the most widely spread term in Canadian and American pedagogics is "validation of previous education results". It is stressed that factors of validation of previous education results are the following: aging of population that is characterized by increase of citizens of the third age and decrease of birth level; processes of migration and internationalization; increase of percent of native population; low percent of qualified specialists. Validation of previous education results is viewed by most scientists as proof by efficient structure that educational results, which were obtained in formal, informal and spontaneous contexts, were evaluated according to standard criteria and coincide with validation standards, which lead to certification. This term stresses final result of evaluation process, giving certificates or educational credits. Recognition of previously obtained knowledge is greatly important for such categories of population as people with low level of literacy; people without qualifications; people with qualifications that were obtained in system of formal education; women which come back to job market; specialists that need professional certification; youth that cannot find job; graduates of universities that work at low-qualified jobs; specialists that were fired. Advantages of validation of previously obtained education are decrease of money, which should be spend on education obtaining; validation of previously obtained education is the basis of economic development; increase of localization of human capital at job market; transition from conception of final education to conception of continuous education.
Aim of the article: research of peculiarities of informal and non-formal adult education results recognition. Research methods: for achievement of the goal the theoretical methods have been used, in particular, deduction, induction, synthesis, analysis, analogy; sociological methods - systematization and analysis of initial data in sources; such historical methods as comparative-historical and problem-chronological. It has been found out that the most widely spread term in Canadian and American pedagogics is "validation of previous education results". It is stressed that factors of validation of previous education results are the following: aging of population that is characterized by increase of citizens of the third age and decrease of birth level; processes of migration and internationalization; increase of percent of native population; low percent of qualified specialists. Validation of previous education results is viewed by most scientists as proof by efficient structure that educational results, which were obtained in formal, informal and spontaneous contexts, were evaluated according to standard criteria and coincide with validation standards, which lead to certification. This term stresses final result of evaluation process, giving certificates or educational credits. Recognition of previously obtained knowledge is greatly important for such categories of population as people with low level of literacy; people without qualifications; people with qualifications that were obtained in system of formal education; women which come back to job market; specialists that need professional certification; youth that cannot find job; graduates of universities that work at low-qualified jobs; specialists that were fired. Advantages of validation of previously obtained education are decrease of money, which should be spend on education obtaining; validation of previously obtained education is the basis of economic development; increase of localization of human capital at job market; transition from conception of final education to conception of continuous education.
Ключові слова
неформальна освіта дорослих, інформальна освіта дорослих, валідація результатів попередньої освіти, Канада, США, портфоліо, фактор, метод, non-formal adult education, informal adult education, validation of results of previously obtained education, Canada, USA, portfolio, factor, method
Бібліографічний опис
Теренко, О. Північноамериканський досвід визнання результатів неформальної та інформальної освіти дорослих [Текст] / О. Теренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 9 (83). – С. 48–58.